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File: 1663681351825.png (603.94 KB, 712x948, 178:237, 3ef3k8fhh.png) ImgOps iqdb


Do you think it will be good or a ruin like 3?

The setting will most likely be 1920s - 1930s, and the story will follow Sallieri's life. I really hope that will be the setting, mafia 3 was set too far in the future.


is this artwork official? it looks bad


File: 1663691829739.jpg (105.88 KB, 500x750, 2:3, litta yots.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>she was the kinda broad with legs all the way to the floor
>she was the kinda broad with hair the length of her hair
>she was the kinda broad who was bad news looking for trouble, and not the good kind
this city is rotten to the core


i don't think there is anything official yet, except that they are making a new game


Is 3 that bad? I remember liking 2, and everyone hated that game


I wish they would make a game set in this setting, but instead play as bootleggers in the boonies driving souped up stock cars to outrun the feds.


I like the first two games. Is Mafia 3 really that bad?


Never played 3 but I was one of those who hated 2. One of these games where the open world felt forced and empty, it had no reason to exist. I felt it was a nuisance that fucked with the pacing of an otherwise very linear game, already a quite slow cover based shooter.

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