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What is the largest spherical (or oblately spheroidal) open world map ever designed for a video game?

The other day I was thinking, "what if there was a Grand Theft Auto game set on a spheroid with fictionalized versions of at least one real major city from every continent?"

Has there ever been a map that could be fully explored on foot, maybe something along the lines of: GTAV's flat map, or maybe even more like on the scale of World War II Online's map, but with no invisible walls or any artificial method that prevents players from crossing a certain boundary that would reveal the flatness of the virtual world?

I was also thinking something like No Man's Sky but wasn't procedurally generated, had more than just one biome, was set in the present, had Earth fauna and flora, had thousands of NPCs, and cities based off of real-world cities.

The map would have to be a lot smaller than real Earth, of course. Perhaps a spheroidal map the size of Ceres? Or smaller. No wait. Not Ceres. Maybe the asteroid 8 Flora. Might be just perfect for the GTAV map.

Has there ever been a spherical open world game set inside a space station on the scale of something like the Death Star that could be fully explored inside and out?

Or an oblately spheroidal open world set inside of a hollowed-out asteroid?

Or for that matter: how hard would it be to just take the flat map from GTAV and paste it onto a globe?

I'd love to play a GTAV-like game in which the map isn't flat and has multiple biomes (e.g. jungles, tundras, taigas, steppes, dunes, permafrost locations like McMurdo station, etc.) and fictionalized versions of real major cities from all over the planet and not just Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Las Vegas.

Is there such an open world game?


it really only makes sense for procedurally generated empty nonsense space games to have spheres. in a game like grand theft auto, much liek real life, we are on flat ground and it doesn't really matter

>I'd love to play a GTAV-like game in which the map isn't flat and has multiple biomes (e.g. jungles, tundras, taigas, steppes, dunes, permafrost locations like McMurdo station, etc.) and fictionalized versions of real major cities from all over the planet and not just Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Las Vegas.

you dont seem to realize what this would involve… that is a world simulation at that point, not a videogame. eventually games will be large like that, using ai to fill in all the empty spaces, but not now or realitically any time within this decade


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>eventually games will be large like that, using ai to fill in all the empty spaces, but not now or realitically any time within this decade
Actually, I think that this can be done today. I mean–with present-day technology–it could take anywhere from about a year or two to as little as just a few hours. I've seen this guy on Youtube who is doing an awesome job at remastering Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and creating his own Grand Theft Auto VI before Rockstar finishes.

The easiest way to go about it today would be by taking Grand Theft Auto V's flat map and wrapping it around a recreation of a small, spheroidal celestial object like the asteroid 8 Flora. The GTAV map has a total area of 75.84 square kilometers. The asteroid 8 Flora is 147.5 kilometers in diameter.

The video game "The Crew" has a map that is 5,000 to 7,000 km² in size. It does a decent job at recreating the US, shrinking it, then recreating it again. Sort of. Maybe.


you can't just wrap the map around a sphere, the coordinate and positioning for everything would be all fucked up, everything instead of being universally oriented to xyz axis now must relatively orient around and on the surface of the sphere

the easiest thing you could do is just use a sphere shader to obtain the look of a spherical world without any of the ass pains. but this introduces errors in how the world is rendered such that space or hgih altitude things arent viable (things become huge the further away from the center of the sphere). you arent the one doing any of this though so you will dismiss anything i say, if it's possible surely someone will do it… is what you think

i dont see the reason for doing any of this. sure it would be cool to have an entire simulated planet with atoms and molecules, it would be cool to have millions of things. you have to convince people to build it though


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Not sure if this counts, but I also found this other guy on Youtube who created some sort of flight timed package delivery sim game by taking imagery from Google Earth and running it through Unreal Engine 5. Of course, he had to shrink the Earth to make one side of the globe reachable from the other over the course of a few minutes on a biplane and make all the planet's features cartoonishly semi-realistic, but it still looked pretty good. I was thinking of something like that but at ground-level. Obviously not fully-simulated Earth, but something possible with current technology.


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It also bothers me how Civilization maps still seem to be flat or cylindrical and don't allow players to cross the poles from one hemisphere to another.

Would be neat to be able to fly over a shrunk-down version of Antarctica from not-Brazil or not-Argentina, maybe land on a fictional recreation of McMurdo station, and then take off and travel to not-Australia in a GTA clone.


it would take too much processing power and ram to run such a thing, it is basically impossible, if it was done right now then the environments would have to be low quality and empty, probaby also massively scaled down


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Someone could probably steal the source code of No Man's Sky and manipulate it into procedurally-generating at least one planet that uses the Hollow Earth model which would allow one being able to walk along the edges of the holes/tunnels at the poles leading back and forth both the inner and outer shells of the world. The game could effectively have two fully-explorable open worlds in a high fantasy/science fantasy type of setting.

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