>>63776Myanonymouse is a private torrent site, they have interviews a few days a week where they check you have read the rules. They have a lot of audiobooks if you want.
>>63776I personally have a library card at my local library and then get audiobooks via the Libby app. Not ideal as I don't get to keep them, but it gets the job done.
>>63776 You began this, but since I'm so sharing and caring, I'll share my scripts for dealing with audiobook, be it searching and downloading, or creating.
For files and plaintext from stdin, I use this script[1]. It's mostly commented. It expected voices [2,3] or the built-in kal16 in certain places (since the files are newer than what comes in my distribution's repository).
For searching audiobookbay I used [4] and for adding torrent therefrom [5].
Afterwards listen from whatever media player at whatever speed. Reading alongside from a pager or ebook reader, physical or digital, facilitates comprehension. I just like low voices.
I give y'all permission to use and or edit these. Save, shit expires in 30 days.
[1] [2][3][4][5] No.66370
Listened to a rather long one (3 parts) over the past 3 days.
Wizards First Rule (The Sword of Truth series) by Terry Goodkind
The naration of the version on youtube is pretty good, and it being up for years means it's unlikely to be randomly taken down. That said as a mini review of the book…I am conflict.
It's very derivative, to the point of near plagiarism at parts, has a lot of conveniences and the magic system is honestly pretty shit in it just does whatever it needs to for the plot to happen.
As for the good, I did mildly enjoy the writing style/prose and characterization. The plot beats, while predictable, were intresting, and the attention to detail made it easy to visualize exactly what was happening at any given time thus allowing me to lose myself in certain scenes.
All that said the book committed the cardinal sin of springing weird fetish shit out of nowhere for a solid 5th of the book once I was already too invested to leave.
Like ultra hardcore bdsm bullshit involving a "beautiful" succubi in a full tight leather outfit in the fantasy equivalent to a dominatrix cult spend pages and pages, chapters and chapters, sexually suggestively torturing the MC for like a month straight, breaking them in to falling in love with the torturer
Then because of him accidenting into magic bullshit he just nopes out of all that trauma and suffers literally no lasting effect of that torture besides a few bad dreams and dramatically increased pain tolerance. Whole part just made me feel dirty, as I wasn't expecting it and it doesn't tonally fit with the rest of the book.
Really, all the romance in the book felt weird and I didn't appreciate it, and I am not just saying that because I am a aromantic wizard. I can appreciate well written romance in fantasy stories, and even tolerate mediocre poorly developed love interest type plots if it raises the stakes, but in this book shit just made me uncomfortable. Not like physiological horror book uncomfortable, but more like I felt like the author has issues that they probably should see someone about rather than work through them in published book form.
Anyway, I don't think I will keep going in the series, as I heard this was the peak of the Sword of Truth books, and if this one is the peak then I remain unimpressed. I might consider going on if the books weren't obnoxiously long for no good reason.
Anyway, links if you want them.
part 1 2 3 No.66371
>>51296Anyone ever read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand? I found a copy of it in a box by the side of the road along with A Clockwork Orange.
>>66371It's on my to read/listen to list, but no I haven't yet gotten around to it.
>>66371I listened to Ayn's Anthem on cassette tape and We the Living on mp3. While I don't agree with her ideas, I'm so desperate for any kind of utopian escapism from our current society, that even the darkest dystopias relax me as something different.
i'll take the devil i dont know, over the 1 i do.
>>66415If I ever wrote a novel, I imagine it would be in her style, of just having characters as stand-ins for philosophical ideals, and their monologues being prose essays shoved into their mouths
>>66416The funny thing is I really don't mind the monologs.
I mean I am sure they are much for fustrating when reading, but in audiobook form they are probably my favorate parts of her books.
It's just that Rand's writing of basically everything else is fan fic level, only with a better editor so less grammar mistakes and typos.
Basically she is a better esayist than a story teller, but she tries anyway with no respect for the craft.
She cares more about getting the point across than crafting a well made story and it shows in all of her fictional work that I have seen so far.
That said I still haven't gotten around to The Fountainhead, which many claim is her best fictional work.
>>66421That reminds me even the great Plato, his early dialogues are heated debates of the historic Socrates with a lot of back and forth. By the time you get to the Laws and Timeous, it's just a long essay with the interlocuter saying I agree.
I tried to get through The Witching Hour (first book of the Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy) by Anne Rice.
While I liked most of her vampire books I couldn't even make it past the 3rd chapter of The Witching Hour. It is frustratingly boring, meandering, and felt the need to give the birth to death life story of basically every plot relevant character even though it has very little to do with the current plot and just drags everything to a painfully dull crawl where nothing of consequence happens for hours.
Hated it.
Do not recommend. Boring to the extreme.
An audiobook biography of Hotwheels and the history of Wizardchan is coming out soon!
a female from cnn who is obsessed with in cels, white supremacists and its links to chan culture. She looks like a disabled subhuman so your typical cnn journalist.
>>66629I ain't paying money to listen to propaganda.
Audible can suck a dill pickle and choke on it.
Some of Cioran's books are now on Audible, although strangely not Heights of Despair
>>67288I was hopeful when some stuff started coming out with AI voice but the reality of it has set in.
99.9% of it is lazy low quality junk that the uploaded didn't bother to do even basic audio editing of.
Pretty clear VA and other such people still will have job security for the foreseeable future.
Sort of like how AI art is hyped to the moon but without skillful editing 99.9% of it is garbage.
Could be a game changer for the skillful few willing to put the work in to polish the stuff generated, thus saving time and money allowing solo and small team to metaphorically punch way above their weight. But ai mainly attracts the incompetent, the lazy, and the scammers/hustlers who just want a quick buck without providing any value to anyone.
I now don't even bother to deal with ai generated content. It sucks. Partly because the tech ain't ready for prime time yet and partially because most who use it suck.
What a fucking let down.
>>67295 listened ton an entire AI read audiobook by this Ukraine company without realizing it was fake, they even made a fake Linkedin for a narrator. on another book it was more obvious and i did more digging.
idk if AI readers can sometimes pass "the turing test" on me, we're getting there.
I've listened to lots of podcasts and audiobooks. Complete waste of time. You just don't retain that information very well when you're multitasking, and if you aren't then why not just read to begin with and use all of your brain?
>>67727>he multitasks while he "listens" to audiobooks>meaning he really doesn't listen because he isn't paying attention>he doesn't even take notes>he thinks it's a complete waste of time >he isn't learning his 4th language and then using audiobooks for input learninglol
>>67727>You just don't retain that information very wellPure projection.
I still remember audiobooks I listened too nearly a decade ago.
If it's good stuff then I will remember it regardless of format. If it's mediocre then it will fade from my mind rather quickly.
Don't blame the format, ether blame yourself for not paying attention or blame the content for not being memorable.
>>67729I admit, my memory retention is terrible. But despite having bits and pieces of the audiobooks I've heard over the years while driving, I wouldn't say I have strong mastery of any particular one. There is lots of evidence suggesting multitasking is very bad for information encoding
>>67730Then don't multi task.
That doesn't mean you should shit on audiobooks as a format because you personally have a problem of shitty retention and instability to pay attention. That is a problem with you and your behavor. Not a problem with audiobooks.
>>67731lol. Don't make a thread if you don't want to hear my thoughts on the subject. Books are better, you retain much more and are using more of your brain in the process of encoding
>>67732So you are basically admitting to just being a shit stir who has no actual interest in the subject and just here to troll.
Good to know, you can fuck off now.
>>67733Wouldn't by that logic mean that listening to the information in the form of oral recitation be the optimal method?
Which is why college puts a premium on lectures as the bedrock to their pedagogical method.
>>67740the optimal method is probably reading the books aloud yourself
>>67741You assert that but there isn't real world evidence of that, which is why learning institutions aren't structured around such a practice.
Instead from the lowest to the highest it's build around lectures or in other words listening to a instructor.
>>67742I'm not
>>67741 but I don't think he may answer to such idiocy. trolling enough about the cuckery of sheeple compulsory "education"
>learning institutions taken seriously as referenceThis is the type of mental failure when you people disregard conspirationist as "theorists" instead of giving them a serious look.
>>67744>bad faith and non-argumentsWhat was even the point of this post other then to make yourself look bad?

>>68181Book two really is trying my nerves. Somehow the AI voice has gotten significantly worse or the editing of it has gotten lazy. Ether way it's now a drag to listen through.
The story meanders. The themes trite and preditable. The borderline retarded social comentary and virtue signaling is lazy and clumbsy, and I dislike all of the new charcters. Also India sucks as the new setting but it seems that the bulk of the last 3 books of the series are taking place in it. It doesn't have the same gothic horror vibes at all. Instead the whole thing feels more genearic modern fantasy trying to follow trends in mainstream publishing. Which is to say, follow the DEI agenda rather than craft a decent story or stick to the more interesting setting.
Worst yet, basically all of the charicture progress of the people from the last book has been frozen because too much time was spent fleshing out 2 of the new characters. Mind you not all of the new characters, just two of them. Both being kinda shit and I am a bit disappointed nether died. I mean one was wounded but this being now a basic bitch fantasy book, that means basically nothing.
Worst yet, I can already pretty much predict where the story is going and I don't like it.
So disappointing.

Since I found a litrpg book that didn't suck I decided to give a web novel litrpg a chance since I written off that whole genera too.
In looking through plot descriptions that conseptually could be intresting I found one that seemed to be a good fit for my taste.
One with a monster/inhuman protagonist. One that followed villain characters. One where the MC doesn't have romance story lines dragging the plot down.
What I found was a web novel series called Devourer. used AI to turn it into a rather lazy audiobook, but it's mostly tolerable (though could have used some editing and fine tuning. It's clear they didn't listen to the output of some chapters before posting)
My thoughts on the book.
It's shit…But its so unrelentingly edgy in a way I personally find highly amusing.
Like the prose are not good, there are awkward exposition dumps everywhere, the dialog is basic but functional, there are basic continuity errors that should have been caught with a proof read, like people's hair and eye color description changing for a paragraph, and it's clear that the author occationally (though not always) uses chatgpt to bulk out his work.
It really is dreadfully bad from a story craft and writing point of view.
All that said I end up with a goofy smile on my face when listing due to the raw power fantasy aspect of the MC being a ultra powerful monster ripping most thing's in it's path apart with the main goal of becoming stronger, all because of some poorly thought out remarks made during reincarnation.
Athough I will say the author seems to mention people pissing themselves a lot, quite a bit of rape, and the author seems oddly bias towards lesbianism when it comes to relationship involving the side character. AKA the author has some fetishes/kinks and isn't even trying to hide them.
Thankfully these aspects are never focused on. Instead the carnage the MC gets up to and tons of clunky world building is the focus, which is what I am interested in.
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