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File: 1674324658983-1.pdf (1.68 MB, Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta.pdf)


I wouldn’t make this thread unless I had put effort into something useful I could offer to go along with it. Attached is the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta aka The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness. I choose this one particular sutta because of its importance, perhaps the most important sutta in the whole Pali Canon. The knowledge in the suttas pertain to insight. Insight is where everything begins really, as far as Buddhism goes and naturally achieving insight should be the primary concern, it’s not far-fetched so say it should be your only concern, once you decide to take on this path.

The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness is a detailed narration on the progression of insight. It shows every step to guide your practice. That’s why it’s considered so important. It’s a map of the successive chains of insight. I’ve put this together after seeing there’s no freely available version of this text that is well edited and cleaned up. So I made a composite of two translations, Nyanasatta Thera’s translation of Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta and Bhikkhu Sujato’s translation of the missing parts to complete the sutta, with slight alterations following Maurice Walshe’s translation of the work, which is very well regarded. The result is a clear and straightforward rendering of the text, edited and organized to be easy to use. I brought back some of the formulaic repetitions that appears in the original which is usually omitted for the sake of expediency when dealing with texts that are suppose to be printed, but here that is not a concern; regardless, this sutta is not a long one, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to go through it, though it might take a lifetime to master it.

I’ve included a diagram of the four noble truths and the eightfold noble path for easy memorization, so you can look at it periodically and eventually commit to memory. I hope this will be useful. I’ve never tried my hand at editing text files before and it was challenging at first to get everything together, but between Sigil and Calibre somehow it came out a decent epub file, so I hope.This is legal to share, copy and alter btw, so if you want to do any of those feel free to do it, in fact it would be nice if this text could see more readers.

The reason I ended up working on this text file for distribution is because I promised on the reading thread >>63883 >>63884 to make a review on the Dīgha Nikāya once I finished reading it, but once I did finish it, it occurred to me it would be pointless to go on about writing my ignorant impressions of such important piece of work for human culture. Instead, I decided to make something useful that people could have and use for their own benefit. And why should you read it? Remember this, at the core of Buddhism, you’ll find a practice, not a promise. Buddhism cannot be a lie, no more than a hammer can be a lie. It’s a tool and tools we judge by use: It’s either useful or not useful. It’s pointless to try to criticize a hammer before you have put it to use. The Great Discourse is a manual of practice and in it you’ll find everything you need to get into the path. It’s even short enough for you to mostly memorize the entire thing. In fact I do advise you to memorize it. Then you’ll have in your heart the path on which no effort is a waste, all effort is progress, every step you take on it gets you closer to liberation, to nibbāna.

Be as it may, I hope you can appreciate it at any level, even if it’s just as a curious piece of literature. There are many beautiful passages in there. If nothing else, read The Nine Charnel-Ground Contemplations located on the Contemplation of the Body session. It takes like 4 minutes to go through it.
I would like to hear your impressions of the work and, if you decided to take on the path, your experience thus far. Also, for anyone downloading and reading the book, please let me know of any typos or errors you find. I did run it through spelling and grammar correctors many times and read it more than a dozen times looking for any mistakes, but you never know. Your help is appreciated.

I've made 3 files. A PDF I'll upload here, an epub book you can download at (wizchan don't allow epubs to be uploaded):

And finally, I've made an html file of it, it's hosted at: https://mahasatipatthana.neocities.org/


File: 1674410086239.swf (1.94 MB, Mahasatipatthana Sutta - T….swf)

For those too paranoid to get files outside wizchan, a clever wiz on meta gave me a nice workaround to upload epubs to the site.
Anexed to this post you'll find the ebook format of The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness. All you have to do is download it, remove the .swf from the file name and you're good to go!


What is this used for? What can we found in this grimoire?


I don't like the attempts to carry along Buddhist baggage into meditation practice. Whenever I look into mindfulness I come away with the impression that it's just slow deliberate thinking and there is no special technique. You don't need to read a 200 page book on samsara and whatnot to develop this skillset


you ever been on a vipassana retreat op? like the other poster i meditate but don't bring any of the spiritual stuff into it
i was considering going on a 10 day vipassana retreat some time this year, not for any true buddhist purpose, but it's the only way I'm going to be able to make myself stick to that kind of meditation schedule.
the most I've managed is 8 hours with a bathroom break. i think i could do it as long as theres the social pressure keeping me there. apparently they try really hard to not let you leave.

10 days in total silence seems pretty testing, and it'll be an experience if nothing else. plus its free/funded by optional donations on the last day.

i've read part of what you've posted and its very repetitive. if someone spoke like this to me i'd think he was trying to lull me into an exploitative/suggestible state. ill finish it later


i want to do that but i read they talk to you and youre meant to discuss your experience at the end. That would fill me with anxiety the entire time


have you never lived as a criminal? simply say you have nothing to say. or lie.


and if you havent lived as a criminal i highly suggest it for your retreat. if you can do your practice as a layperson, can you do it in austere conditions?


Enlightenment is the problem, get rid of enlightenment and regain the way.


This topic was brought up in some book I was reading what are some of the best books on applying mindfulness preferable not to be mostly filler ?


Thanks for posting this, OP. There are some pretty good passages in there. Did you write the Afterword?

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