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The only hobby I had for a long time was gaming. Recently I quit cold turkey and I need something else to fill the time. I've been reading instead and that's pretty fun but it isn't as comfy as gaming. I need to find something that makes me want to wake up in the morning but everything I try I get bored of. Sometimes it's a few months, sometimes a few years, sometimes a week, but I get bored. No hobbies really sound interesting to me, and even if they do there's always something shitty about them. Should I just go back to gaming?


Why quit gaming in the first place if you're just planning on time wasting all day with something else? I don't even see the point of sticking to one hobby, just switch when you get bored. Some hobbies you only feel like doing once a week. Keep a list of everything you've tried and revisit them occasionally. Figure out why you're abandoning them. Probably you get stuck and don't make progression in the hobby as easy as video games.


That's a good point. I stopped gaming because I stopped being able to enjoy games, but if I'm going to be depressed either way I might as well just play games


I've given up on people. But now I'm kind of aimless without passion or goals. I can't relate to those who find a meaning in snails and stamp collecting. I just need an asocial passion to be my calling, my purpose and meaning. The thing to put on my tombstone, even if normies don't get it.


I like this.


yeah learn from ADHD kings who get bored of games within like half an hour

you get 1 game you really like that you can play for hours and hours

and then you have a dozen other games you jump around between and add in new games as they come out t spcie things up as well as try older things


I guess I have something I can refer to as my "calling", it is not bestowed upon me so much as it is a practical concern I came across. It does have to do with the benefit of mankind, much as I dislike humanity.
I ain't telling you what, you wouldn't understand either; for me, crabs are as much "normie" as the rest of the normies.


Posting on Wizchan has nothing to do with the benefits of mankind, ESL


Bodybuilding, hiking, and meditation are the only depper approved hobbies until you feel better


touched a fiber. Crabs are indeed normies.


>Something to fill the time

Have you read the entire classical Chinese cannon and cleared your gaming backlog to have the time to waste on such purposeless pursuits?


No pursuit is without purpose, because a man makes his own purpose. The insignificant effect a creative or disciplined endeavor has on the greater powers of the cosmos is no measure for its capacity to have purpose.

A coin flipper has as much purpose to flip his coin as does a destroyer of worlds does does to drop his bomb on the masses. Both endeavors have valid purpose.




If I start to hate a hobby, should I get another one? I used to love playing piano but now I don't. I can't tell if it's because I'm depressed or because the hobby has just become boring to me


Personally I never had a hobby or interest that stuck with me for a very long time, except maybe reading but I don’t read that many books anymore. However, I started learning blender and 3D modeling because I wanted to make some weird visuals and custom avatars. It had a steep learning curve but I literally use it every day now. When I’m bored I’ll just open up a blank project and have at it. No idea why it got my attention so much but it makes me happy at least.


hobbies are for normalfags


fuck off crab


How do you spend your day then?


Giga based


I've come to the conclusion that it's not possible to get a hobby while depressed. You need to have interest in things and the ability to enjoy stuff. At least for me, depression robs me of that. How the fuck are you supposed to do a hobby when it just feels like a chore?


And yet lots of people use their hobbies precisely to distract themselves from their depression. I don't think it's as simple as you say. No hobby is inherently enjoyable, it depends on what it does for you and what purpose it serves for you. For example, take the hobby of reading books and compare the experience of reading for the sake of reading (because you heard that it's good thing from somewhere) and reading because you care about a specific question or problem or conundrum and the book in your hands has the potential to answer it. Obviously you'd feel more compelled to do it in the second scenario - same activity, different context around it. By making progress through the book you are also making progress towards a valued state in which you remove the tension in your mind (curiosity) or remove the consequences of the problem you are trying to solve - this is a basic psychological reward mechanism. Now, imagine you're stuck in the wilderness and I throw you a "how to survive guide", the book would immediately be compelling and feel like a priority to you and you would savor every page of it, simply because of the context.

In cases of anhedonia, I don't believe there is anything wrong with your sense of pleasure, it is not some deadening of nerves or anything biological, but rather, the context surrounding various activities simply changes in a way that makes them uncompelling. Why read books when everyone thinks you're an idiot, why take a shower when your body is disgusting and unattractive, why brush your teeth when you'll likely commit suicide soon… Whether you find a particular action compelling and even rewarding, emerges entirely from the environment and its relation to the person.

So finding a hobby is about two things, in my opinion:
(1) waiting for a purpose to become salient in your environment then matching it with an activity that promises to fulfil it i.e. you start reading books because that's the best way to inform yourself and gain some specific knowledge to solve a specific problem you have or settle your burning curiosity.
(2) discovering a concrete path from A to B that "works" (demonstrably through lived experience, not mere hearsay) i.e. just because you anticipate that you can use a pen and paper to potentially draw anime tiddies (highly desirable valued state), doesn't mean that you know HOW to do it, you have to discover it through trial and error. you brain rewards you every time you make them sort of come out right, because you bumped into the "right" way and it wants you remember it.


I don't think you will find a hobby as easily dopamine-inducing as gaming unless you find passion in it, gaming is design to give you easy dopamine hits, everything else requires more effort or is less rewarding (at least it is until your dopamine receptors return somewhat to normal levels again). Having said that, there are loads of hobbies out there, including cheap and easy ones, from cooking to model-building, gardening to world-building, you just need to explore until you find something that interests you.


The problem with video games is that they are designed to give you quick dopamine hits and feeling of acomplishment, which makes it hard to switch to a hobby that makes you feel acomplished after a longer time.
As a hobby I would reccomend either learning a languege (for example japanese) or something creative, writing, drawing or making a video game for example.
You will need to force yourself to commit to this type of hobby for a few weeks to stop your brain from craving the instant dopamine of video games or anime and to start really enjoying the hobby.


>I would reccomend either learning a languege (for example japanese)
>stop your brain from craving the instant dopamine of video games or anime
I learned Japanese through video games and anime though.


I think what makes video games so easily rewarding is the fact that they teach the player how to accomplish the virtual task, or they make it very obvious in some way so that the player can get there quickly with trial-and-error. Real world activities on the other hand are not at all obvious and they could take much more than a few weeks to really zero in on what you're supposed to be doing. They only become rewarding when you anticipate success and before that you're just wandering around in a dark forest, completely lost, which doesn't feel rewarding - whether you're addicted to "quick dopamine hits" or not. Some people are lucky and manage to sit down with a pen and paper and just immediately figure out a simple feedback loop that works. You don't necessarily need to be a world class artist to feel enjoyment, but something that makes you think "oh this is working!"

So in my opinion, it's much more of a question of HOW rather than WHEN or undoing bad habits or "dopamine detox" crap. If grandma sits down to play Dark Souls, she's not going to have a good time because there's such a big gap between A to B and she will never find it. An experienced player can pick up the game and enjoy it relatively quickly.

To take the example of language learning, it's not really enjoyable until you figure out the activities that lead to progress and you notice your comprehension increasing. Until then, it's very boring and tedious and many people quit.


how bout u become of service to a man that does have a purpose until you become infected


how does one even go about that? where can those men with purpose be found? it seems most modern men are devoted to sex and other mundane vanities
and even if i found someone with a passion, how do i approach him? "hey master, can i be your apprentice?"

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