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One thing that completely captivates my interest and imagination is reading about genocides. Some might perceive it as an immature morbid fascination, but for me I think genocide connects aspects of history, politics and human psychology I find interesting.

I collect certain things related to genocide. I have a ‘srbosjek’ - a Serb cutter. The hand knife was used to cut the throats of Serbs during the genocide by the Croatian Ustasze.

I have always thought that beneath the veneer of human civility and empathy, most humans are under certain conditions capable of psychopathic acts of cruelty. Humans bend to social pressure with ease and our empathy is not as strong as it is performed. Lord of the Flies is an understatement.

I visited Cambodia and was really blown away by the history there. The ideology of the Khmer Rouge was fascinating. The number of people that took part in the genocide and only 3 were prosecuted.


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There are four interesting genocides of the 20th century that I like to read about/listen to podcasts about.
The Armenian Genocide (1915)
The German Nazi Holocaust (1941-1945)
The Cambodian Genocide (1975-1979)
The Rwandan Genocide (1994)

Obviously there were many others and ones ongoing today like in Myanmar, but these four are the ones I know most about.

Interesting thing is despite taking place in radically different cultures with radically different ideologies they share some weird common themes. All four saw the ideal citizen as the pure blooded rural peasantry as the racial bedrock of nation against a more urban pen pushing middle or upper middle class.


>The German Nazi Holocaust (1941-1945)
Never happened. If your idea of "studying" involves slurping down commercialized blood libel propaganda from people who hate you, then you're wasting your (and everyone's) time.


I am happy to consume a diverse range of historical views and I have read some of the work on David Irving (arrested for Holocaust denial) who argues that the killings were not mass orchestrated and came from the peripheries/mostly died of starvation.

Some of his arguments are interesting.

However if your only argument is ‘not real because Jews bad’ then this is just shit you have picked up and regurgitated from /Pol/.

If you are interested in serious history revisionism about the Holocaust then sure present some evidence and ideas.

Anyway the holocaust isn’t the most interesting atrocity - Rwanda and Cambodia internet me more.


>Anyone who doesn't believe what I believe is a /pol/ tourist
10 years of this shit


There is a thread for history, for politcs, and crime.

I don't think "Genocide Studies" is a hobby seperated enough from existing threads to justify a thread on it's own, and doubt it will support enough discussion on it's own to thrive.
Hell, the history and crime threads only get a average of a couple of post a month.


Wrong. Thinking something like that does not make you a Pol tourist. Thinking something like that and not giving reasons/making arguments makes you a person parroting ideas without thought.


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Alright then, you are regurgitating /leftypol/ talking points on account of the fact that you didn't provide and evidence, reasoning, or arguments for "The German Nazi Holocaust of 1941-1945" actually happening.


leftypol largely doesn't exist anymore.
Your attempt at a
>but you are
argument is transparent and sad.

If you want to claim one of the most well documented events in modern history didn't happen at all then you are going to need more than just regurgitated talking points.
The burden of proof is on you dude.


be honest, you were asking for holocaust denial shit when you made this thread

>>68486 is right


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>I have always thought that beneath the veneer of human civility and empathy, most humans are under certain conditions capable of psychopathic acts of cruelty.
Glad to see someone with similar views on this topic as I do. I find it very interesting that genocide isn't something "that just happens after society completes 10 stages of genocide". Rather it happens naturally during interethnic conflicts, and we usually see similar patterns of behaviour emerge every time. I would even argue it is somewhat evolutionary conserved.

Viewing genocide as a natural social phenomenon rather than "this one time when my political boogeyman of choice killed a lot of people" would greatly improve public conciousness. That's because thinking it is tied to any particullar group of people, or that it is "barbaric practice" that can be eradicated by adding "Schindler's List" into school curriculums or having weaker national identity, make one think he would never act like this and that it can't happen here.

Unfortunately talking about things like these with normies and expecting them to be neutral is impossible.

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