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File (hide): 1564877759319.png (274.5 KB, 891x598, 891:598, 1561425058974.png) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.31035[View All]>>40285>>40288>>40327[Watch Thread]

What was the most disappointing anime you have ever watched? For me personally, it was Sailor Moon Crystal. I'm a big Sailor Moon fan and I was pumped for the new series to come out, even though it kept getting delayed I didn't care, I just wanted to feel the magic I felt watching the series for the first time again. But when the show aired in the summer of 2014 i was met with a show with extremely sloppy animation, poor writing and really just an underwhelming vibe to it. It was just such a gut punch to see my favorite show get treated with such a mishandled and mediocre retelling.
247 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click to expand.

[–]  No.38188

Cowboy Bebop is a classic. Here's your (You)

[–]  No.38194

I agree. The show suffers from being in an era where everything was mostly episodic and serialization was more of an afterthought. It has a few really good episodes but overall taken as a whole the show is shit because the overall story it tells is shit.

[–]  No.38206>>38367

every anime I try to watch is dissapointing and I can never finish anything. I think the problem may be me.

[–]  No.38367

one mental exercise to help could be to see if you could design something that is better than what there is.

[–]  No.38438>>38483

Sailor Moon season 5 was pretty underwhelming, the budget cut is noticeable with the sloppy animation and off model characters, and overall, it totally jumped the shark.

[–]  No.38483

Still better than Crystal tbh fam

[–]  No.40258

File (hide): 1679186324623.jpg (658.52 KB, 1550x2206, 775:1103, 67bc138d079b4169d171d05c0b….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Luminous Witches (2d)

It's the latest in the World Witches Series which was spearheaded by Strike Witches, an action-packed, dramatic, dangerous, near hentai that encapsulated the spirit of pre-2010s "for otaku" anime. LW was the second installment in the anime series to not focus on the 501st. While this would have given the same opportunity to expand upon characters established in the written works in the same way Brave Witches did, LW rather includes just a few de-powered side characters responsible for coordinating some new but bland characters. While SW had an episode centered around each member's unique abilities, experiences, and how they've been effected by the war… LW just has one unique character who's only different because she is brown and stupid.

It's an Idol Anime. This entire unique world, with crazy witch powers, war, divided people, aliens, mecha, wizard(?!?)… And instead we get a pop-up Akihabara idol group that can fly. There's no action, drama, lorebuilding, parallels to reality, or even a single up-skirt shot or cleavage bath scene. The only thing we learn about Witches from this anime is that they can change the colour of their magic shield, and now their familiars are retconned to being these ethereal beings intangible to anyone besides Witches.

This anime was funded by the Japanese Military, which is why there were no boobies. Now, if the series directors wanted to have an installment that didn't have any real action, sexyness, or drama, then they could have done something still relevant to the universe and in line with the previous series' goal of recreating real wartime events but adjusted to relate to the unique world. They could have been field medic witches saving soldiers and people, deriving from accounts of reality. They could have been research witches responsible for learning more about the enemy.. They could have been test pilots challenged by the rapidly developing technology of the 1940s.. But no, Akihabara pop-up idol group.

I do not recommend this series. If you like the World Witches series, you can skip it. If you like Idol anime, you will just be let down by the scraps of WW that do manage to interfere with the singing.

[–]  No.40259

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Mysterious Girlfriend X, I really wanted to like it. I was hoping for a mystery adventure or horror anime between a goth succubus and aloof everyman or beta dope but it was just a drool fetish romcom that progresses nowhere. The male lead is an obnoxious wimp and the female lead's personality is that she's mysterious and shrouded in mystery. Goth is a dead genre, on another note.

[–]  No.40260

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[–]  No.40276>>40277


[–]  No.40277>>40278

I liked it. The German dub was very good

[–]  No.40278>>40288

there's no way you liked this poece of pain in the ass anime with that ending

[–]  No.40280>>40318

Claymore. Dissapointing overhyped ending that achieved nothing. Whiny bitch ass side character (raki).

Wierd incestual mother and son emulating relationship. Drawn out and obnoxious and still an OVA basically

[–]  No.40285>>40287>>40288>>40290

>>31035 (OP)
Serial Experiments Lain

I feel like I watched a shit anime that tried to be 2deep4u, but I have to pretend that I like it, because if I don't, weebs will jump to say that I got filtered because I'm too stupid to get it. But honestly it sucked, I had to force myself to watch it. The only good thing it had was the opening.

[–]  No.40287>>40288

I wonder if the reason why I liked/still like Lain so much is because it was one of the most silent things I've ever watched. I can't find the scene now, but one of the episodes you come to just appreciate this calming, powerline hum in the background. In a world of laugh tracks, loud OSTs, and vulgar presentations, Lain felt like a welcome reprieve.

[–]  No.40288

Texhnolyze is just my kind of anime. Storywise I am really into the agonizing and slowly paced first half and, as things get going, the increasing body horror to the end. Visually it's impressive as well, through the backgrounds the underground city really comes to life with all it's facets: Dark, grey, dirty, rusty, drab and mysterious, but never in itself lifeless. The music is good too, especially the opening always gets me hyped and the ending theme leaves me thoughtful. And, as I said, the German dub did it for me, but I guess most are not concerned with that.

Serial Experiments Lain is a similar experience to me. I guess if you want to you can think really hard about all the dialogue and themes, and that's a nice thing, but you don't have to to enjoy the anime. It also builds a somber and chill atmosphere with enough weirdness that it's intriguing and that just really speaks to me.

>>31035 (OP)
The most disappointing anime I have watched was Tokyo ghoul. One of the biggest problems for me is that the change of character of the main character at the end was way too abrupt.

[–]  No.40290

SEL was pain in the ass to watch too

[–]  No.40318>>40460

Are you talking just about the claymore anime, or the manga as well? Because while I am a fan of both I do, objectively, think that the manga has many advantages that the anime does not have.

[–]  No.40327

>>31035 (OP)
I enjoy my anime like savouring wine, no bad experiences at all

[–]  No.40361>>40362

this might not really count but when i tried to watch neon genesis evangelion i only made it like 2 episodes in because shinji is such an insufferable pussy faggot. maybe the show really is the masterpiece people always say it is but im not willing to endure such a cringe inducing main character in order to find out.

[–]  No.40362

Hideaki Anno is the Terry Gilliam of Japan..

[–]  No.40460

Hope your still around. Anime

[–]  No.42487

I just finished it, it was kinda funny and shocking to begin with, but it got old fast. Mid all around.

[–]  No.42629>>42630

traditional animation is better than analogue computer animation is better than digital computer animation. analogue radio/television/audio/video is better than digital radio/television/audio/video.

t. geriatric senior old wizard

[–]  No.42630

Cel animation is so much nicer and way cozier.

[–]  No.42931>>42932>>42946

Aku no Hana.
The rotoscoping is SO UGGY!!!!!!!!

[–]  No.42932

it is ugly but it is iconic to me

[–]  No.42946

Cool idea but they nether had the money nor time to execute the idea. Tried anyway and…
Well you seen the results.
At least it was a interesting failure though. Due to over ambition rather than creative bankruptcy or being a cheap cash grab.

[–]  No.42992

So sad…….

[–]  No.43008

The last time I posted on wizchan was around late 2019 and I posted in this thread. I'm surprised it's still alive. My posts are here too wtf

[–]  No.43038>>43040

Why so many anime can't stick the landing?!?

[–]  No.43040>>43041>>43099

I swear the anime was just a really expensive ad for the manga.
Because it didn't even try to have a complete story arc at all.

[–]  No.43041>>43042

Most anime are.

[–]  No.43042

Most anime aim to be adaptations.
A complete story in a new medium.
Claymore was not a complete story.
It was just a introduction of the world and characters.

[–]  No.43088>>43094

Is SOLO LEVELLING allowed here? It's technically a south korean source but the anime is made by jap studios.

[–]  No.43094

> the anime is made by jap studios.
The source material doesn't matter.
What matters is that the animation was primarily made by a Japanese studio.
There have been anime adaptations of all kinds of things not of Japanise origin.
Ann of Green Gables comes to mind.
Or the anime version of The Borrowers, Arrietty.

[–]  No.43095>>43096>>43097>>43104

Steins Gate, total piece of shit but it's ranked 3 on MAL

[–]  No.43096>>43104

Haven't seen it but I actively avoid most time travel plots as most are pretty shit.

[–]  No.43097>>43104

steins;gate is iconic because of the references to internet and chan culture

[–]  No.43099>>43100

at least they didn’t niggerfy anyone like the netflix adaptation is certainly going to

[–]  No.43100

File (hide): 1743242916723.png (401.2 KB, 790x449, 790:449, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

What happened to western media lmao

[–]  No.43101>>43103>>43107

File (hide): 1743248045063.jpg (133.12 KB, 797x1000, 797:1000, frieren.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

it's so boring…

[–]  No.43102

File (hide): 1743250998888.jpeg (14.42 KB, 210x240, 7:8, index.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Contrived and very underwhelming compared to the hype, its just generic tropes taken a step farther + some religious BS or whatever
I understood its gay meaning at the time during that shitty ending, it was just a boring show that blew the minds of Gen X troons in 96' and has been coasting off of that rep since

[–]  No.43103

It's relaxing you fucking Google image user

[–]  No.43104>>43105

Why do you say that?
I really liked watching it, though that was some 13 years ago, and I enjoyed a lot more back then. I'll have to rewatch it and see how it aged.

Yeah I remember the main plot of Steins Gate was unremarkable. But there was something very comfy about the first half of the series. A group of eccentric, socially awkward friends meeting up, each doing their thing - Steins Gate is worth watching just for that.

The visual novel has a lot more of those, and overall is's a better experience imo. So I recommend playing it, though it might be a bit of a challenge with everyone having the attention span of a mosquito.

[–]  No.43105>>43106

>Why do you say that?
obnoxious characters, badly aged 00s otaku references, harem nonsense, plot holes in the time travel plot, doesn't go anywhere until towards the end of the end

[–]  No.43106

[–]  No.43107>>43108

It gets more interesting further on

[–]  No.43108

File (hide): 1743339526207.jpg (142.25 KB, 800x711, 800:711, lwa.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

The only good episodes were the demons in the middle section. I'm currently watching Little Witch Academia and it's a much better anime

[–]  No.43110

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