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I want to discuss something that has been bothering me about anime. There is a certain subset of anime that is essentially a way for losers to fantasize about being popular and powerful normalfags who get all the succubi. The typical format is a fantasy harem show where the MC is some loser with a typical self-sacrificing nice guy routine. He saves some succubus from X danger and kills himself so he gets isekaied as a noble with overpowered magic powers and his memories intact. In the show he keeps up his usual nice guy act, often being quite milquetoast and useless, but he gets plot armored into all the succubi liking him and other positive things so his nice guy routine is rewarded to the max. The other thing is that the succubi are usually underage for some reason.

I think there is something vaguely fucked up about this whole situation. First off, these corporations are targeting people who are clearly mentally unwell and lack confidence in life and they are catering to their fantasies in ways that are pretty fucked up. I mean if you have no confidence and are attracted to little succubi, that should not be encouraged or normalized because it's fucked up. Men who lack confidence seem to view little succubi as less threatening because they share their ignorance about social customs and the world, even to a greater extent than the man in question, depending upon how low he goes in age. The more fucked up they are mentally, the younger they seem to want. It betrays a desire to be able to control the situations and perceptions of the succubus and not be humiliated.

But let's set aside the pedo aspect for a second, even without that, this shit is fucked up. The whole point of the show is for weak and broken people to self insert as the MC so they can fantasize about a situation that compensates for all their inherent weaknesses (which the MC is shown to share in spades) and delivers to them the perfect normalfag life where they are at the top of the social pyramid. They are the most powerful, most popular, with the harem of the most attractive succubi. Is this really something that wizards should be watching and fantasizing about? Isn't is just kind of, pathetic? Real life will never plot armor you into any of that shit, if your fantasies revolve around things that you will never have in real life (but which do exist in real life, ie power, wealth, hot succubi etc), won't you just end up wanting to fucking kill yourself?


>Isn't is just kind of, pathetic?
Depends on your POV.
>Real life will never plot armor you into any of that shit
>won't you just end up wanting to fucking kill yourself?


>The whole point of the show is for weak and broken people to self insert as the MC so they can fantasize about a situation that compensates for all their inherent weaknesses
Welcome to fiction.
>Isn't is just kind of, pathetic?
Welcome to fiction.
>Real life will never plot armor you
Welcome to fiction.
>won't you just end up wanting to fucking kill yourself


Look man, I'm not against all fiction/fantasy, the problem is these stories do not even try to achieve verisimilitude. If you are being transported to a believable fantasy world and enjoying the adventures of the character, that's one thing, but these are blatantly unrealistic worlds with unrealistic storylines. I don't even mind that the MC is over powered, what bothers me is that no one acts human, everything is set up for the optimal "pay-off" with no regards to making a believable story. They've sacrificed fantasy for fan-service and the fan-service is basically designed to appeal to increasingly pathetic people.


That's an assumption I see a lot of people making. There's no law in fiction stating it must mimic reality in any way. None whatsoever. Fiction is not a constant of nature. This is a discussion you see back to Plato when he tries to define art as a copy of a copy of a copy (art being an imperfect copy of the sensible and sensible being an imperfect copy of the intelligible, or Forms). Well, it's not. In fact fiction is not trying to be a copy, it can bend any aspect of reality it wants, being physical aspects, biological, whatever. Its law is imagination alone.

That being the case, the act of determining what should and shouldn't be bent and distorted in fiction in order to be entertaining falls completely in arbitrary terms. It has absolutely nothing to do with verisimilitude or how realistic or unrealistic it is. There's no sacrifice of fantasy in having a man that happens to be irresistible to the opposite sex, not any more than having said man being able to fly and hover in place without any means of force to impart motion.

What you're doing is picking the unrealistic parts you like and giving it a pass because you like it and shunning the unrealistic parts you don't like because you don't like it. That's it. That's the same thing most people do by the way. Most people don't understand what fiction even is.

>They've sacrificed fantasy for fan-service and the fan-service is basically designed to appeal to increasingly pathetic people.

I disagree there's any sacrifice involved, fiction is fundamentally for pathetic people anyway, doesn't matter what aspect of reality it is toying with. There's a surprising amount of discussion on this in literary theory. No reason anime is any different, it is fiction after all.

If you really want verisimilitude, maybe you should try to find hard science media or fiction dealing in naturalism. Maybe you should be reading Émile Zola instead of watching harem shows. There's nothing wrong with harem, in fact those series are very honest and upfront about what is going to offer. If there's a problem here is you believing to be the target audience that type of media should appeal to. You obviously have a problem with loli and you obviously have a problem with the very premise of what a harem show is. Seems to me you're the problem. You know who else present the same types of complaints you just did? succubi about video games. Lately I've seen this behavior in gaming communities a lot, where succubi feel like something should completely change to appeal to them, pretending fiction can be "wrong". Little those people know, fiction cannot be wrong, ever.

Now go read Dostoevsky and get the fuck out of /jp/, you are obviously not refined enough the good stuff. ;)


anime is made mostly for teenagers, so if you are an adult it makes sense that stuff like you mentioned would seem retarded from your point of view, you're not the target audience. The only reason adults are into some of this sort of teenage shit is probably because they watched it as a teen and have nostalgia for it, you'd have to have some sort of regressive disability in order to enjoy this kind of thing for the first time as an adult man


succubi succubi succubus tranny FAGGOT


>That being the case, the act of determining what should and shouldn't be bent and distorted in fiction in order to be entertaining falls completely in arbitrary terms. It has absolutely nothing to do with verisimilitude or how realistic or unrealistic it is. There's no sacrifice of fantasy in having a man that happens to be irresistible to the opposite sex, not any more than having said man being able to fly and hover in place without any means of force to impart motion.

But it's not arbitrary though, otherwise how would anime makers be able to make an entertaining anime rather than one that is not entertaining? It's part of human nature, and the creators are targeting certain aspects of that human nature, specifically the desire to be an ultranormie. They do it so blatantly that it becomes hard to ignore with the show becoming blatantly designed to cater to people's flaws and desires to give them the most pleasure possible without any regards to believability. Animes don't take themselves seriously.

>What you're doing is picking the unrealistic parts you like and giving it a pass because you like it and shunning the unrealistic parts you don't like because you don't like it. That's it.

I can give something that doesn't exist at all a pass because it's literally made up and it doesn't have to follow any rules for me to recognize it as being realistic, but then they start doing things that are clearly not realistic based on things that do exist like human nature or probability, and then you get dragged out of the fantasy and you can see why the author did what they did and it basically just starts seeming weird and off to me because it is so obvious why they are doing what they are doing. It's to appeal to people who have certain flaws, so then I end up thinking about that instead of the fantasy. My objections aren't arbitrary, I hope you can see the distinction I am trying to make. It's just shitty fantasy.


>how would anime makers be able to make an entertaining anime rather than one that is not entertaining?
They try to figure out what is pleasing to most people. But saying that makes it less arbritary is a fallacy known as argumentum ad populum. Also, since this is an arbitrary matter, the industry often produce unpopular shows. If it were an objective science, no studio would ever make anything unpopular ever again. The fact we can observe unpopular shows are often produced makes it evident what I said.

>I hope you can see the distinction I am trying to make.

I can see you tried but failed. Let's see. You can accept a person traveling to another universe after death but not the fact all succubi there fall in love with said person. Well, there's no verisimilitude in any of those fantastical propositions for you to hold on to. If you can accept the fantasy another universe exists, the implication of "another universe" is that by not being this one, doesn't necessarily have the same physical constants. This implies the laws built upon the physical constants, like biology and animal behavior will also be different. The fact you consent to different gravitational effects, physical properties and so on, but not different biological behavior, is not only arbitrary, it's contradictory. You're deciding on the spot what is sufficiently made up without analysing the implications of what you did accept in the first place.

If you did take the time to realize the implications of what you accept in fantasy, you would be surprised how much else you have to axiomatically accept. The above case I just mentioned is just one such example. But then again, you do sound like a casual here so I'm not surprised you're not putting any intellectual curiosity into these shows.

>It's just shitty fantasy

You made your case and it doesn't have sense, rigor or solidity, so what you think of this genre doesn't really spark any interest. Sorry. But feel free to watch something else if you don't like it. That's what I would do, and in fact I do it quite often.


holy shit you are such a supercilious asshole. If you disagree with me, that's fine, but you keep trying to make it out like you're doing so because you're intellectually superior to me. Frankly from the way you're typing the opposite seems true to me. You're just not understanding my points whereas I understand yours perfectly I just think you're wrong.


>But let's set aside the pedo aspect for a second
Are you sure you aren't a tourist from Reddit or Twitter?


OP here, to further summarize what rubs me the wrong way about these shows, it is basically like they saying okay, here are all the things you desire to have, but currently lack, and we are going to give them all to you with the least amount of "effort" on your(the MC's) part. Maximum payoff for least amount of "effort". It's like junk food fantasy where they slam the food full of sugar and fat, so it "tastes good" but the overall show is kind of trash and you know it's trash and bad for you. The MCs are never actually challenged, never actually grow, there is just a path of smooth sailing laid out for them. In good shows the MC has weaknesses and flaws and fucks up from time to time and then he has to actually overcome these flaws and work hard and grow. To get the payoff, he needs to do things which require him to perform well and show the strength of his character. These "junk food" animes I am talking about just do blatant self-inserts for losers and give them power-trip ultranormie fantasies where they can self insert as still a broken and flawed person and be rewarded nonetheless. There is no challenge, no failure, no growth, just all "pay-off".

Obviously I understand why there is a market for this, but I find it to be so immersion-breaking that I end up focusing more on this shit than on the actual fantasy. The shows have to cover how unrealistic they are with a layer of comedic irony a lot of times where it's almost like the show-writers are mocking themselves and their use of dumb tropes. I'm disappointed by the number of anime I go into thinking it will be a fun fantasy but then it's just one of these ultranormie simulators for losers. Am I really the only one who has noticed this or sees any of this as objectionable?


Yup, obviously just a casual and a tourist. Just ignore it.


you sound like a failed simp trying to shill harem anime as having good taste and for intelluctuals which is pathetic and laughable

>Am I really the only one who has noticed this or sees any of this as objectionable?
i understand your point as I have reached it as well, it's one of the reasons I don't even bother with anime anymore because it's filled with fake fans who think this is what they should be enjoying since this is what is being made

the only people who actually enjoy haremshit, isekai, or moefag crap are all brainfried zoomers who don't know any better, they think this is the peak of anime and go silent when you mention titles from before 2010


you've painted the creators of an unapologetic extreme form of escapism to be unethical profiteers and the indulgents of escapism to be "mentally unwell" thoroughly damaged people, you've also referred to succubus characters who are not real as underage
it's easy to deduce your source of origin, and the intent of your critiques, the root of your opinion regarding the "self-insert loser protagonist towards whom all the succubi are attracted without him putting in any effort" is caused by your frustration with the possibility that it might create unrealistic expectations and potentially damage the ability of already unsuccesful men as you put it to attract succubi in real life, you keep tip toeing around the subject by not being explicit and frontal using phrases such as "it's just wrong" but not really specifying why, to avoid getting banned, i am certain that you are an anti-porn nofap fag as well
you are a clear outsider and that ranges from your opinions to the way in which you express yourself, your asinine paragraphs are fueled by social media faggotry through your incessant usage of "but like but like but like" and incorrect frequent usage of the word literally, learn how to express properly you mongoloid, not only is this not your blog but it's also not twitter, which is where you should fuck off back to


it's strange just how deranged you are


>>40414 is right though. OP is not an anime enjoyer and has nothing but criminal accusations about the people who are.


I am OP and I can confirm every assumption he made about me is false. I quite like anime and watch a lot of it. I am not indicting every anime, just a particular type. I am pretty much out of good anime to watch leaving only crap shows so now I have been dealing with finding more of these crap shows and just came to talk about it. I didn't expect it to ruffle so many feathers. This guy is clearly attacking the messenger as a psychological defense mechanism to avoid having to address any of the things I said. Why should such a thing be necessary when it comes to talking about fucking cartoons? It's just weird, all of you are weird.


File: 1681993547008.jpg (139.31 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, FktgzcUXkAEKYfm.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>attacking the messenger as a psychological defense mechanism
I think he's "attacking the messenger" because the message the messenger was carrying was one that conflated 2D kids with real kids, and moe enjoyers with peadophiles. I think the messenger is a deranged college-aged limpwrist with a permanently hurting butt. I think that is clear from the messenger's typing style alone. I think the messenger should spend more time celebrating the anime he (claims to have) enjoyed, and less time crying about the abundance of stuff he doesn't enjoy. I think then the messenger wouldn't come off as terminally fanny flustered about Cardcaptor Doremi being more popular than Gundum XDD: Fug-Corps.


it's japslop for trannies who enjoy self insert as the succubus


quit smoking weed


pretty much all anime has a youth obsession. I suppose it has to do something with Japan being dominated by old people. Occasionally you have some old guy warrior or some knowledgeable old lady, but they are always background characters.


I don't consume anything besides wish fulfillment content anymore. At least they make me feel good like a drug unlike whatever mature slop that I just can't care about.
>muh deep and realistic characters
I don't care
>muh well thought out and executed plot
I don't care
>muh deep commentary on philosophy and society
I don't care
>hordes of anime succubi going uguu kawaii
Ok now that's good shit


File: 1682492130130.jpg (2.23 MB, 2064x1310, 1032:655, 866385b1273e5b718db46edee7….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Have you watched any of World Masterpiece Theatre's adaptions? There's a lot of relaxing, simple, endearing adventure to be had there with no substantial action or plot. Any commentary just acts as context for the historical environments in which the series take place.

Daily reminder that the mods = Gods.


Never heard of it. When I say anime succubi I am more thinking around the line of trashy harem isekai and such. I am afraid more tasteful works would be too uninteresting for my plebian brain.


well no shit those shows suck. I don't know how any self respecting individual could be into that. If i found myself liking those isekai anime's where its just some dumb niceguy who goes and gets fucked or whatever by the anime succubi i'd slit my wrists. Shonens are for boys isekai's are for the kinds of people you see who just look sickly, pale, malformed. they are either extremely overweight or extremely underweight. You know then when you see them because they look like they were never fully formed in the womb. I thought this was all self evident.

>First off, these corporations are targeting people who are clearly mentally unwell and lack confidence in life and they are catering to their fantasies in ways that are pretty fucked up

it's clearly stooping to a low to make money.

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