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I'm starting a thread about something that's good for the orbs, and that's old fashioned man-on-man violence. Big guns, robots, fast cars, and flying machines also welcome. Anti-masculine opinions NOTwelcome. In this thread, testosterone is good and depression only exists to be overcome.

Anime about nice school succubi being saved from tentacles by the isekai'd NEET wiz are cool and wizardly [fact], and such fantasies are good for testosterone production, but we need something else to discuss while the pressure of a thousand shoujos weighs too heavily on our shoulders.

Using streaming services is low-t too.


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The Hokuto No Ken anime (Fist Of The North Star) is great. If you enjoyed the Mad Max films you'll find a lot to love in this. Ancient all-powerful marshal artists fighting for dominance in a nuclear wasteland as normie (small people) settlements struggle with gangs of irradiated punks on wheels. The violence is non-stop and the unique death blows of the different arts is fun to watch. A total disregard for human life. Much of the main cast both good and bad are overwhelmingly stoic, though capable of emotion when its needed (loli needs saving) Aside from teh loli (Lynne), all succubi are either strong enough to hold their own, or eventually die. Good animation. The music is good too.

The anime is 150 episodes. If you watch one episode a day, that's barely more than 149 days to watch the whole series, a blink if an eye in the face of a wizard. There are fan cuts that knock anywhere from 30 to 70 episodes off of the total watch time, but not at the expense of fresh blood. I wouldn't recommend the film to start, as it tries to compress the 150 episode series in to 90 minutes, but it's still a good watch to get a sense of what the gore is supposed to look like after budget and censor have been disregarded. If you're an avid watcher of anime in general, you'll see a lot in this adventure that other anime have referenced.


I read the manga and liked it, is the anime worth watching after that?


Hokuto no Ken Is One of the few anime to have a real character development and a good animation.


the anime series is so good it makes the manga look like shit in comparison.


Yea the manga is great but scoots along quite quickly. The anime is much like other adaptions from that time period where it has everything the manga does, and then adds more in between.


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Hell yeah, it's about time for a 'manime' thread. I loved Hokuto no Ken when I first watched as a teen 15 years ago. Of course I saw the blatant Mad Max ripoff from Ken's outfit, but I'm glad I overlooked it. The music is awesome, the story is over the top and has a lot of 80s cheese, but in the best way possible.

Another favorite manime of my is the 1988 anime Sakigake!! Otokojuku. It's about a bunch of delinquents that get sent to a correctional school where they face a bunch of challenges from rival cliques to a variety of other things. I absolutely love the intro theme but the outro's visuals and music are my all time favorite, I love listening to it on a warm summer night.

Intro theme

Outro theme

Another lesser known one that I can think of is Salaryman Kintaro which is about just that. A really manly single dad who has a young son but it used to fighting tries to make it in the white collar world.


>Another favorite manime of my is the 1988 anime Sakigake!! Otokojuku. It's about a bunch of delinquents that get sent to a correctional school where they face a bunch of challenges from rival cliques to a variety of other things
sounds awesome. ima start watching it tonight

does anyone have recs for stuff similar to great teacher onizuka? it's not hypermasculine but only guys are probably interested in it as a result of the theme and the type of humor


man, i appreciate the show but this answers the question of how guys who fap to big burly men originate. the amount of muscled bare ass getting slapped and shown in the first three episodes is bizarre. so yeah i guess those guys who fap to that stuff gre up wathcing this, and if not, boy were they missing out


Let us know how it goes.
>Does anyone have recs for stuff similar to great teacher onizuka?

The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Hinamatsuri, I think that's what it's called. It's about a member of the Yakuza who randomly finds some little succubus in his apartment that he's forced to take care of.

It has some funny moments but it's otherwise a serious anime.


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Another good one is Space Adventure Cobra, which is more or less a manlier version of Lupin III in space.


>testosterone is good and depression only exists to be overcome.


When I feel down I watch Conan the Barbarian. There is something fascinating about the analogy of a man overcoming overwhelming odds and forged steel. Hell, Conan inspired me to hit the gym 5 days a week for 6 months now…


it's funny, i enjoy the humor and the gags and all the bits. the comedy style rides the line between homoerotic versus juvenile fun. has gym/self improvement/stoicism/masculinity/honor themes. one episode early on is wiz as fuck where momo rejects the succubus and leaves with his bros. they dont make stuff like this tbh


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Can't let this be posted without recommending Cromartie High. It's the same in concept but a much more sarcastic take on things that ends up getting pretty meaningful in some chapters. There's some feels that can resonate with guys who are either fired up or fed up. The anime adaption is great and even the dub has been hailed by the doritoist of neckbeards.


Oh man this is a good one. I didn't discover this one until a couple years ago. Criminally underrated show.


How much AoT fans worship Erwin amazes me

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