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Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
It's good for the average jap. They will finally be able to buy a home at a good price. Same for us in the western world.
Why are the elite forcing that shitty propaganda? there's no such thing as infinite growth. All the ressources on earth are getting scarce, some will disappear this century.


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they want more immigrants coming to japan. I don't like it, I want japan to stay 100% pure from filthy foreigners (even whites). but alas, japan is going to open its border to more foreigners in following years. They need workforce, that's why japan wants foreigners to come. it will become a shithole like the western world, sad but true. I wish to got to japan before it happens



>Why are the elite forcing that shitty propaganda?
The aim is likely to rearm Japan against China, while depriving them of the ethnic basis for imperialism, so they remain a US vassal state. Both the economic and population arguments are just PR, as you no doubt know examples of depopulated towns and abandoned industries in your own country which the same people argued in favor of


The elite need fresh need cattle to keep the system going, new drone worker and consoomers to keep them rich and powerful, less people = less profit and cattle to control

Capitalism is to blame


>the ELITE
>Capitalism is to blame

Your UCLA professors must be very proud.


This is more from urbanization than population decline. I mean the population is declining but that doesn't cause a threat to towns, what does is when all the young people in small towns move to tokyo in addition to the population decline. After it gets to a critical point of too many old people it just drives off the young people even faster and the towns go into decline. There was some sort of vampire anime that was a metaphor for this phenmomenon but I can't remember what it is right now.


it's only a threat to the rich whose empires depend on stable consumer demand. Mass migration is a complete grift


wise words


normies are so utterly mind poisoned on the population issue



>Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
Nothing. Japan is overpopulated if anything and having the country shrink only worries people who know nothing of population trends and >>41954.


>there's no such thing as infinite growth

It's such an obvious truth that no one wants to acknowledge. Complete insanity. I think Japan could be fairly reasonable about it if not for the influence of the great satan.


>Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
It shrinks the base of productive class while dependents who rely on the excess production of the productive class to be supported.

If social services and the like weren't structured like a ponzi scheme then it might still be a issue but it would be a purely social issue rather than a state/governmental issue.

With a shrinking working population there are less and less young people that are required to provide for more and more old retired people.

There was a hope that Japan, of all places, would inovate there way out of the problem with technology to boost the productivity of the the productive class and provide for the dependent class such as robotic care workers and the the like.
But that didn't happen. Japan's long slow stagnation has significantly slowed it's ability to invoate it's self out of the problem. Now it appears they are using the same (imo stupid) tactic of importing outsiders hoping for them to be a new underclass to prop up the system. So far this tactic hasn't worked for anyone who has tried it. And I suspect it will be detrimental to Japan if they go forward with it.

Still, depopulation is a complicated and compounding issue. One that there are no easy solutions to. At least none that anyone is willing to actually implement.


I agree it would be bad if Japan went completely extinct, but maybe the population is just regulating itself to a proper amount for the environment?


It is. One of the reasons Japan invaded China was because the islands were getting overpopulated.


>Honestly, what's wrong with depopulation?
I'm pretty sure that depends on what kind of society it is. Like how much can it's society sustain it's particular way of life with a decreasing workforce.


Correct. Unfortunately they aren't set up to take care of the growing aging population nor provide a decent future for the young so that they are invested in society.

No easy answer though. I hope Japan figures it out though.


I think they would rather Japan disappear than be invaded by foreigners (but I would say the second option is the one that will happen)


Thing is it wouldn't disappear, but they would have to deal with basically a generation of hardship until the dependents die off and the inefficient parts of the government and economy collapse.
It would be bad, like really bad, but it wouldn't be the end of Japan.

That said, mass importation of foreigners just might. Or at least fundamentally change it for the worse and damage it in ways it will never be able to recover from.


I agree, japan will never recover from the billion foreigners coming in the country to work. western countries are used to nowdays, not japan


It's like that population is actively being raped. I do not want to see the headlines in 20 years, I hope mishima rises from the grave to tenno Heika banzai the invaders into oblivion


Japan is really a victim of it's own success. If they didn't have one of the highest life expentacy in the world, they wouldn't be in the situation they're in right now.

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