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I'm jealous of people who can read japanese, they can read so many untranslated manga and LN.
and the manga and LN available is HUGE, like manga about hikikomori for example: https://www.mangare.net/ranking?tag[]=%E5%BC%95%E3%81%8D%E3%81%93%E3%82%82%E3%82%8A
look at all these manga about hikikomori, I wish I could read japanese to enjoy them! this remind me that wizard whos asking for manga/anime like welcome to NHK, well if he could read japanese, he could have enjoy a lot of thing because aren't translated.


just wait until A.I gets good enough, forever is so long, anything is possible.


I'm not so sure about the superiority of the language, but I think it's still an absolute must for every otaku. As OP says you are missing out on a lot of otaku media and culture if you only consume translations. I talk about like this like I would know, but I'm struggling with learning my Higaragana in Anki for weeks already without much progress.


I struggled with learning spanish due to poor short term memory and laziness to learn properly, so japanese is out my reach.


is there scan websites of japanese manga/ln like we have on our internet?

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