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He was 81. He was correct though, look at this AI world..it stinks now..technology has ruined everything


Also Wasn't there some fake news about this earlier in the year or did I imagine it?


I'll miss you :(
Either this year or last, yes.


Can't really say I feel bad for a terrorist who died in prison.


Wasn't Ted a lifelong reclusive virgin?


>He left his cabin in Montana in the late 1970s to work at a foam rubber products manufacturer outside Chicago with his father and brother. But when a female supervisor dumped him after two dates, he began posting insulting limericks about her and wouldn’t stop.

Every time I bother to look this guy up something pathetic about him comes up. Last time I bother.


Rest in peace Theodore



That just makes him a crab. He still died a virgin.


Legit delusional schizo.

Anti-technology dumb ass pipe dream that isn't even coherent.

Yeah bro, we're just going to throw away all technology and live happily ever after



Yeah it really doesn't make any sense. How would it even be feasible to get rid of technology? Ted was a smart guy but his philosophy sounds like he was detached from reality.


He also crybabied about the forests being chopped down while also working for cash at a sawmill. The guy was a hypocrite.

It's because his philosophy was just the manifestation of a mid-life crisis. The manifesto starts with a giant ad hominem attack against leftists, then transitions to basically a retelling of Marxian Historical Materialism in that society and culture is determined by the level of technological development/material conditions. And then finally he branches off into the call to end technology, despite the earlier deterministic elements of his manifesto contradicting that. He sort of has weirdly cultish aspirations, saying that anti-techers need to get together and have many children.


At the same time, he's not wrong with his general thrust. The population far exceeds what is sustainable longterm. However, it was probably a foregone conclusion long before he wrote about the problems with infinitely scaling industry.


Remember when Mitchell Heisman was popular on here?


Being a crab is what the medias says about anyone who they don't like, including this site itself.

>ad hominem attack against leftists
You clearly haven't read the manifesto. There's any ad hominem in it. He goes out of his way to say that, while he talks there mostly about lefties, what he says there can perfectly apply to right-wing people as well, the only difference is that the people with the traits he describes there are mostly lefties. He also criticized right-wing people because they were idiots that complained about the moving of society from cultural norms, yet they keep supporting the unmeasured advancing of technology that undermines cultural norms in the first place. Time as proven that's a correct affirmation since culturally speaking the world is more progressive every year that passes. The manifiesto is completely apolitical because it points out that there's not a political solution to the problem he is talking about.


his crimes and cries for attention make him a pathetic figure, not to mention he was deeply mentally unhinged.
there is value to what he had to say but his are hardly original thoughts. his edgy fans love the radical fringe terrorist, the cause is an afterthought


>including this site itself.
Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with this site? Even on the main chans there are, what I can only describe as "anti-anons".

>You clearly haven't read the manifesto.

Of course he hasn't.


Despite his crimes and shortcomings he was still the greatest American hero of recent memory. Rest In Peace Theodore.


Yes I do fellow old-timer


Literally seething in cell.


Statism has. Don't fall for the anprim scam, he just missed an even bigger approach of the picture


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Ted Kaczysnki was very smart, but also very incorrect. Human bodies are prisons and the universe is unworthy of our presence. If industrial society continues there is a chance that this will change. If society reverts to its pre-industrial form this will not change.


>If society reverts to its pre-industrial form this will not change.
If we genetically modify people for high compassion then this will not be.


>that quote
such deep insight……


High compassion is a trait of a large frontal lobe. Through inbreeding and racial intermixing does this part of the brain shrink and be restricted further by a prominent sloping of the crown. Modification isn't necessary, just eugenic elimination of the genetically retarded.
>Le Sarcastic Sage
Violence being the only solution to a force that's grown too powerful is a pretty universally recognized idea.

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