I'm a 34-old permanent virgin and my future looks bleak. Strangely enough I'm not really bothered by all that.
I fully realized one truth today however, and it hit me like a sledgehammer: Succubi, surely not all of them but the vast vast majority, are boring and predictable as some cutout cartoon character. I don't dislike them, I masturbate to pictures and fantasies including them on the daily, I've got really nothing against them. But I don't appreciate their prolonged company, as most of them are shallow, overly fixated on looks and trends and are really touchy … If I were gay (and this thought keeps echoing in my mind for some while now), things would be so much easier.
They're like a pet. They're cute, cuddly, fun to play with, but you wouldn't discuss philosophy with them or care about their opinion (if they had one). You wouldn't blame a cat for meowing all day and scratching your furniture and chasing mouses around the house, or call it boring because that's what all cats do.
Good comparison. They're like a talking pet you occasionally could fuck (if the stars align, she's in the mood, her favorite TV show isn't on etc.), which has the potential to financially ruin you, endlessly waste your time with some trite bs, distract you from your true hobbies and ambitions, constantly saps your attention from things which are much more important than aforementioned sporadic sex, and never ceases to demand more from you. But they look nice. Until they don't.
>>305080 OP here. How is it pathetic? Or … or … maybe it is! Yeah, why should I argue you?
My string of letters against your string of letters? I was motivated to share my thoughts with a wider crowd, so let it be pathetic. You and some others will read my personal thoughts, that's good enough.
succubi lose their significance once you cut out sex, romance and affection because that's the only reason why everybody flocks around them.
succubi are basically just turbo-normies, they lack critical thinking and they are superficial and shallow. Their decision making is always based on emotions and lacks any objective thinking. All their struggles are equally based on superficial stuff and they constantly crave validation and attention. succubi also never experience hardships like men and psychological documentations keep showing that succubi experience feelings of loneliness despite never actually being lonely etc. and its the same phenomenon with mental issues such as autism and even down syndrome, they are never completely fucked like a man would be despite having the same retardations because their requirement is basically just having a pussy while autistic men etc. are damned to die alone usually.
succubi are also unable to be passionate or dedicated about things and there's also the type of succubus who chooses certain male dominated niches to roleplay in order to get special attention, you can observe this phenomenon in autistic environments such as imageboards or fringe political environments such as the alt right or other political spheres outside of retarded progressivism. These succubi are not actually dedicated to anything but just choose these niches in order to appear more special and to get the attention from the men in those spaces. Those succubi might appear based but they keep slipping up once their female impulses kick in and when they stop copying men. They never have anything valuable to offer when you think about it.
For the same reason you won't be able to have an autistic conversation with a succubus. Even normie men can go full autist on topics even if it's just sports or cars but with succubi it's way different because they are hardly able to be part of a conversation when the topic doesn't involve themselves somehow. succubi are basically only able to have small talk or to flirt most of the time, that's why normies learn how to 'chat up' succubi because they are wired differently. If you talk to succubi about specific topics you will always look like an autistic dork. They are only wired towards small talk, flirting, basic emotional chit chat or turbo normie topics like tik toks and tv shows.
>>305149 well the very insult "midwit" is like yeah most people with my opinions are literal retards, but there is an occasional genius crackpot who agrees with the retards
succubi are actually the biggest LDARmaxxers… 99% of the time they are just on their phones rotting on social media or zoning out to shitflix. most of them are NEETs doing this under the excuse of "taking care of the kids", while the career succubi don't actually do anything and just get some stupid betas to do their work. it's kind of retarded because when I want to LDARmax and NEET i get told to "man up", but for succs its normal and accepted. it's my firm belief that we truly live in a matriarchy. succubi's privileged position makes them the modern day aristocracy.
but wizard succubi dont have to be interesting or intelligent. if it weren't for sex and the fact they're necessary to have families normie men wouldn't pursue them. that's blackpill 101
>>305171 >it's common sense I wish that were true normies will never admit to it they think there's more to succubi and relationship they are the first to romanticize the opposite sex normies are bluepilled on females and life in general >Fuck all that blackpill stuff, we don't need terms for everything it's common internet imageboard jargon and you're on an imageboard where the usage of terms as in cels khhv and wizard succubi are used
>>305084 >These succubi are not actually dedicated to anything but just choose these niches in order to appear more special and to get the attention from the men in those spaces. Those succubi might appear based but they keep slipping up once their female impulses kick in and when they stop copying men. A good example for this is 'shoe0nhead' who moves inside the based politics sphere and even corresponds with the crabs.is admin on twitter. She larps as based and catholic but frequently she posts some dumb shit that contradicts her position and when people call her out on it she just deletes her tweets lol. Most of these succubi just larp to get attention and for market gap monetary gains because the typical succubus spaces besides porn are over-saturated. Its always disappointing when their facade breaks down.
>>305172 >normies will never admit to it they think there's more to succubi and relationship >they are the first to romanticize the opposite sex >normies are bluepilled on females and life in general This mainly applies to a certain type of normie, usually thats the beta redditor types. I have seen plenty chads who are well aware of a womans bullshit but they don't have to care about it because succubi kiss their feet either way and so they just let them talk their shit and fuck them and in relationships they often manage to make a succubus develop a different superficial opinion on stuff because they can take the lead. Its always the beta types who submit to womens dumb opinions and shit tests and they are also the ones who tend to argue with succubi in a very effeminate way while the chads are just not invested in a womans opinions because they know it doesnt matter.
>>305174 Shes a typical 'goth gf' looking succubus who became well known inside the imageboard sphere for taking stances against shitty woke politics and defending crabs and stuff. She has over 1.5 million subs on youtube so shes def not a small fish. Shes just a good example of how autists will jump on any womans train if she doesnt display typical retarded opinions on the surface. Shes definitely smarter than most succubi who are known on the internet but her succubus retardation still keeps slipping through frequently but I guess its a lesser evil since she actually displays some good opinions on things (even if it might be just for attention and money).
>>305178 >>305175 Yeah shes a typical larper taking anti-woke stances to gain popularity. She had her big break during gamergate and before that she was just your usual attention whore who sent nudes etc. I don't even know how all these so called based guys can't see through this fakery.
>>305179 > I don't even know how all these so called based guys can't see through this fakery succubi can control men and the men on imageboards who think they're based for sharing uncommon opinions that are actually common within their own circle are actual beta males and simps who wish they had a gf
>>305181 Men on imageboards especially autists are usually very sincere about their opinions and not doing it to be cool unlike succubi who just larp. Its beta behavior to simp over succubi who larp however.
>>305182 autists and weird guys are a minority on imageboards now that forums and internet spaces are popularized and the majority of men will always simp. imageboards are not some bunker or secret club for outcasts anymore they're now full of normalfags so expect them to simp
>>305183 I agree with you for the most part. My point is that theres a few autists who tend to be naive when it comes to their social intelligence and those certain types tend to make the mistake of thinking that those larping succubi are actually using their brains for once.
>>305188 succubi don't know what to do with their freetime because they usually have a hard time to find purpose in doing things that are not entirely centered around them. If they can't get shallow validation from it they usually won't do it so it's hard for them to do anything if it doesn't involve other people giving them attention for it.
>>305313 It's not a crab thing to not enjoy the presence of succubi but a non-normie thing because succubi only benefit normies who are bound to status games and social rituals. Normies and failed normies flock around succubi for validation, status, sex and affection and if you remove these things then you have no business putting up with a womans simple mind, the whole reason to be around them just disappears.
There is no purpose in hating succubi however just like it wouldn't make sense to hate someones dog for shitting on your lawn because the dog wouldn't know better even if this can be irritating and frustrating for you because there is shit on your lawn.
succubi keep proving that they use their freedom to pursue shallow things only and they further solidify this by adapting obnoxious political views or cringe new age beliefs that further "justify" their self-centered and depraved decision making. They never use their freedom to write or think about coherent philosophies etc. it's always self-centered bullshit about pursuing shallow things.
A few sentences: I live together with my ma. She's very very 'sick', half of what she expresses has to do with her sufferings. Every little thing is too bothersome for her, except eating. Bitch is fat like a sow. But when I'm outside of the living room and she assumes there's no one watching her (I've set up a hidden camera, because I wanted to see if she steals my money), she transforms into a totally different person , no coughing, no 'ow-ow-owing', no constant attention-grabbing bs anymore. My mother is a stupid piece of human garbage.
If egalitarianism was based on reality and men and succubi were moving on the same 'frequencies' then autists wouldn't struggle with succubi and succubi would be behaving differently (like men). Men on onlyfans wouldn't have 99% gay guys as subscribers and male hookers wouldn't get booked by 99% men as well. succubi would have the same consumer patterns as men and they wouldn't just fake an interest in niche stuff. There would be female philosophers who have some intelligent stuff to write. succubi would use their brains for once and come to conclusions that aren't retarded. Female game developers would do actual cool things instead of ruining everything with weird statement and dumb shit. There would be succubi who are actually funny without shock value or copying men. succubi would be forced to do actual cool stuff without using the benefits of sexuality. It would all be so different if the egalitarian perspective was realistic.
Sometimes I wonder how an alternate universe would be in which men and succubi are wired exactly the same.
>>305326 You're correct, if you're not trying to improve your image, you have little reason to worship interacting with succubi as much as normals do. I don't know what you base them having simple mind on, they definitely have different interests than men though so there's little point to speaking with them usually anyways.
>>305335 I too would love to be able to observe people as they are when they drop the tiresome performative aspect of communication. Honesty and non-exaggeration is incredibly rare.
They're fun until they aren't. Just the novelty of someone naturally someone cute and likely fuckable around, until that dies out. Which is likely what they think about us too but would never admit.
>>305610 Female attention? Yes, via online communication. The entire exchange lasts usually less than a month of boring conversation. It's more of the idea of what could happen with the person and not the person. In themselves they're very boring.
I’m >>305633 and I can say with certainty that the idea of succubi will always be much better than the actual “product”. Novelty and idealism. Goes for a lot of things, which I won’t mention cause nothing immediate comes to mind. Ideas will often beat realities
>>305646 Plenty of us here have irl experience with succubi unlike you apparently which deosn't imply sex or romance. Some of us were forced to be around succubi or other social settings with plenty succubi and can therefore come to certain conclusions based on observing them. You can take your 'touch grass' argument back to reddit.
It's funny how fags like you complain about topics like these being r9k stuff even though you're the one who comes up saying shit that no one here would have said just a couple years ago. You fags will never manage to turn this place into some gay retard community that can't be distinguished from reddit.
>>305657 There is no difference other than one's own motivation to be around them so the observations are the same. It's foolish to imply those observations are invalid especially since men who choose to be around succubi voluntarily usually come to the same conclusions except maybe some gay guys who think they are obligated to support succubi because of progressivism and white knight retards. There are of course succubi who don't act in this way but for most of them it's just that otherwise a lot of things would work way different in general.
I'm also highly suspicious of the motivation behind the guys on here who come rushing to protect succubi everytime someone brings them up. Those guys keep bringing the up the point of this being r9k or crab type posting but that's a rather hollow argument and I think their real motivation is a rather feministic one. On another thread one of those white knight types even put succubi in quotes so the word filter won't replace it which further hints at a feminist/progressive motivation and this also goes directly against the principles of wizchan as well.
There's definitely feminist types on here as a lot of posts over the last year have shown and it seems like there is especially one retard who keeps standing out everywhere. I don't trust these guys and I think they just lurk until they can jump in with their feministic and progressive bullshit.
>>305769 Speaking of project pat, he had that real oldschool pimp mindset, calling succubi dick eating dogs and stuff lolol. The blatant "slut shaming" in his tracks always made me smile. That era of southern rap was crazy when it came to these things. They really put the whores in their place back then but now these whores are objectifying themselves so he really was right all along.
It's always funny how these so called mysoginists always have loads of succubi who sleep with them while the beta cucks who get upset about their views on succubi have girlfriends who would immediately hop on a black rappers dick if they had a chance.
>>305771 Yeah I said that wrong its not about race but we were talking about rappers. What I mean is that these whores would immediately go for a "misogynist" (of any race) if he has money or power and leave their progressive cuck bf behind.
>>305773 Any succubus who does onlyfans or something similiar doesn't have an issue with getting treated like that as long as attention or money is involved. They get fucked in they ass and throat for clout and some pennies and shit nigga or they twerk that bbw pawg on tiktok for the whole world to see, it is what it is. good googly moogly that thang be juicy tho.
>>305773 Baby mommas of famous rappers living off child support is a widespread phenomenon. Not only hoodrats, but elite models too. They even participate in beefs, often on the side of their opps who I suppose pay them.
>>305776 Rappers are just dumb idiots who can't keep their dick in their pants, they also always have shitloads of children with all kinds of different broads. The succubi they impregnate are also always extremely stupid and end up doing porn or some cringe social media bullshit.
You'd think these rapper types are cautious around succubi but for some reason they always end up getting completely fucked over by the most obvious whores.
Drake is the only smart one. He put hot sauce in a used condom last year after fucking some Instagram whore and she tried to impregnate herself secretly but ended up burning her cunt and she still wanted to sue him after that but failed.
>>305780 But at least he was taking precautions, you cant expect a guy like drake to know this stuff on a scientific base. And on top of that he delivered lulz.
>>305778 You need an rude awakening about. I dont know your experience with succubi but mine is the opposite. Hang an AWALT poster above your bed and your bathroom.
>>306867 succubi are succubi at the end of the day. You can put a cultural overlay on them or change the environment, but the fundamental base is the same.
It's more of a good thing imo though, because once you understand a bit of that fundamental nature you can navigate and avoid the vast majority of their bullshit regardless of how superficially different they are or where they are. I find what works best is sort succubi by age and treat them accordingly when forced into interactions with them. Little little succubi(toddlers), little succubi (grade schoolers), tweens (middle schoolers), Teens (highschoolers), young adult (late teens and 20s), grown (30-~55), grandlady (60+).
Developmental level/age is more of a predictor of behavor then culture in my experience. At least on a very general level. But general works well enough unless they are a family member or something where you are expected to have more then superficial interactions with.
Then again I am probably overthinking it. I am just a autist who tries to navigate the world of normies without making people mad at me unintentionally. This shit would be easier if it was like video games where there is just button promps and pre-scripted lines you can select.
succubi one on one are actually fine to interact with. It's group dynamics that brings out the worst in them. One in a workplace is a decent worker and all good, two is okay, but the second you stack on three you get a black hole of inefficiency, gossip and backstabbing. The problem with succubi is a logarithmic one, and the more you stack in a place, the worse that place becomes.
>>307110 Having working in both "male dominated" and "succubi dominated" workplaces, I feel like I can make some input on this.
Working in succubus dominated spaces you do surely get more "drama" and the like, but from my experience (spending many years in that industry) it's usuay petty or benign. Of course I have memories of select succubus making a mess of shit and being dumb bitches, but most succubus are fine and just seemed to get too invested in what others think about them which can cause problems. It's usually surface level drama that leads nowhere.
Male dominant spaces are completely different. I worked construction and it was exclusively men. In these spaces, being "alpha" and "dominant" is highly valued it seems, and this leads to conflict in a more aggressive way. There's more direct confrontation; I've seen shirts removed because of pride and men having their heads so far up their own ass. Nothing but a giant dick waving contest it seems.
And believe me, men are just as moody and passive aggressive as succubus. The difference I've noticed is that succubi are more likely to ruminate (thus leading to this surface level drama) whereas men are more likely to lash out and solve it right then and there.
Both of these spaces have their pros and cons. Working with succubi I was able to feel more at an emotional ease because I didn't feel like I had to put up a "front" and "be a man" because most succubi are chill and really don't expect that. Working with men on the other hand allowed me to relax and be a dirtbag who spit on the ground and made lots of noise in porta John's and not feel like I was being judged for it.
>>307157 >>307163 One perk of being a autist is I am forever out of the loop and don't get involved nor usually even notice workplace drama.
The only place I worked where it was really a issue that got to the level I noticed it was in farm work, because people were unofficially allowed to be drunk and high while on the job, so there were fights and foolish behavor more because of being intoxicated and impulsive then anything else.
Every place where intoxication wasn't allowed was relatively tolerable as far as interpersonal dynamics as far as I was aware or cared. Maybe some people talked behind my back or something, or gossiped or whatever, but it never effected my paycheck or made my work more difficult.
That said, the shit men majority groups chat about when working and succubi majority groups chat about couldn't be more different in my experience.
Even rough and tough men seem to love to talk about pop culture, random intellectual curiosities, and abstract socioeconomic stuff. Basically when succubi aren't around men in my experience feel free to nerd out about whatever thing interest them without fearing being judged for it. At least when they aren't just working in silence, which is the vast majority of time.
Meanwhile succubi tend to just get raunchy when grouped together. Ironically talking about the stuff they stereotype guys as talking about when they are not around. Sex stuff, stuff about appearances, jokes that would be mild insults if said to a stranger but fine when they both are on good terms, and lots and lots of toilet humor for reasons I will probably never understand.
Then again it might be because I mostly worked in "working class" or below jobs. I would expect white collar spaces to be way more uptight and instead have the kind of succubi who are on the look out to be offended by someone or something (had teachers like that). Jobs that involve actual physical work tend to filter bitches like that super hard.
>>305078 i strongly object to statements made in this thread… to compare a woetoman to an animal is an insult to the animal… my cat is clean quiet housebroken doesn'tt damage anything, sharpens her claws on the neighbors filthy rat dogs, appreciates what i do for her; never bitches or complains etcetcetc… i wouldn't trade her for any woetoman i ever met…
>>308640 if that's what females are, then what in the case of males who don't have to wagie as hard as other males and instead everything is handed to them? What would females be in that example?
>>308690 they their either focus on some personal goal (wizards) or they become hedonists like Leonardo DiCaprio, taking advantage of the coomer rewards without becoming a family man
>>305077 If they are so boring and predictable then why are you still a virgin? Why are you here if you can predict their behavior so much? You clearly want to have sex with them if you masturbate and fantasize about them. If they are so simple then you must be able to figure out a way to make your fantasies a reality.
>>305077 I remember years ago discussing with a neurotypical friend our 'ideal' partners. Some stuff I said were shared niche interests, being able to discuss things deeply, reserved and loyal etc. He just looked at me and said "Dude you're not looking for a girlfriend, you're looking for a bro you can fuck". Whenever I had forced interactions with succubi (mostly through work) I find a strange hostility in their fake smiles and feigned interest. I used to feel bad when they ignored me in social settings but by now I prefer it.
>>305078 They're like a pet that can ruin your life and has the whole legal system on their side. On top of that they're chronic liars and cheaters. I don't understand why normalfags chase after them. The only difference between a female and a demon is that demons are much nicer.
>>305077 A coomer's future always looks bleak. You could at least try edging or SR but like no damn way, so there is your life force going literally down the drain.
>>312287 >I remember years ago discussing with a neurotypical friend our 'ideal' partners. Some stuff I said were shared niche interests, being able to discuss things deeply, reserved and loyal etc. He just looked at me and said "Dude you're not looking for a girlfriend, you're looking for a bro you can fuck". He was spot on when he said that. What you described is definitely not something a succubus can offer and it sounds more like a buddy or roommate. succubi and relationships like that only exist in anime.
You came to the right conclusion as you chose to not be a nice guy weirdo and instead disregard females as any self-respecting man would. If you can notice a hostility in their expressions and remarks you are most likely right about that as well because that's how they act.
>>305077 > If I were gay (and this thought keeps echoing in my mind for some while now), things would be so much easier you will most likely be on some medication, have mental disorders, and be a sexhaver with a high body count, if you were gay.