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How was the Wizardchan of old? Like how was the Wizardchan back in the first years around? Some oldfags say that the quality was excellent and it's was truly a heaven for the outsiders of society, but… how much of it is true or just nostalgia?


You can look on archive.org if you like and
get a feel


It was better cause you could talk about invcel feels and it was a lot more laid back before the current clique wrapped its dirty little hands over it.


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Old Wizardchan was fast. Being a fork of /r9k/ (4chan's second fastest board at the time), the overlap in userbase and 4chan-esque nature of Wizardchan 1.0's posting guidelines created an environment of short threads made to express sad feels. There may have been 50 threads made in a day, but half of them would be some variation of >tfw no gf or >Succubus laughed at me penis again.

When the owner drove his mobility scooter in to an inactive volcano and starved to death over the course of 6 horrible weeks, Wizardchan 404'd. It was brought back by the mod staff, who decided that if Wizardchan were to endure, changes to the rules prohibiting certain subjects must be made. Mainly, posts expressing "involuntary celibate" sentiment were banned. This was done because:

- To distance from /r9k/, which at this point was a hotspot for raiders and "ironic shitposting"
imagine pepe shitting on wojak's face, being posted 400 times every day
- Elliot Roger had just released his manifesto, in which he makes repeated claims of being a crab
- Gamergate was deemed partially a "crab movement", with Wizardchan being blamed as an aggressor
- Several other forums and imageboards were created to cater to crabs and crabs only
- There was no online community for voluntary celibate men only, so this was a chance to make history
- TFW NO GF gets really old after the 90,000th time

So what was done was done and now crab sentiment is banned. So why is Wizchan so slow? The simple answer is that after 11 years, we've already talked about all there is to talk about from the viewpoint of a virgin man content with his solitude. Like how lifelong prisoners will lose their voice after going years without talking, having nothing left to talk about after seeing the same cell walls every day for decades. No new developments have happened that would excite interest in Wizardchan. Furthermore, the imageboard format is dated. Young men these days, celibate or otherwise, just aren't used to the concept of posting something and then coming back later for a reply. They're much more inclined to use services such as Discord or Twitter, often forming interpersonal relationships and seeing no value in anonymous discussion. Wizchan's slowness is a condition the nature of men who enjoy their own company, and the internet changing as a whole.

>Some oldfags say that the quality was excellent and it's was truly a heaven for the outsiders of society

Look at this guy
This is the guy saying it was a heaven for outsiders. A guy who just wants to mope about not having a GF, who's now upset that Wizchan isn't one of the many places he can safely express that issue of his. When he says it was more "laid back" it means he could post KYM_smug_pepe_kek_magahat.jpg as a reply to anything and have that not be considered spam. When he says "The clique wrapped its dirty little hands over it.", he means the original mods brought the site back from the dead. His idea of an "outsider" is someone who wants so much to be an insider that his exclusion from their inner circles drives him mad with despair. he doesn't understand that to be an outsider is to walk outside of the inside by choice. He's a crab.


If someone states the objective fact that crab subject matter was deemed prohibited content at some point, that doesn't open the door to complaints about that decision, you admitting to being a crab, denying that voluntary celibates exist, or your complaints about the current moderation team. If you disagree so hard with the 2 core rules of Wizchan, then it's probably not the site for you. The 5 posts that were deleted so far were all from IPs with long ban histories, and like clockwork, these longtime offenders ban evaded to complain about being "censored".


I did not ban evade you fucking clown.


This is why it was way worse. It was essentially just a club for angry crabs who wanted to blame succubi for not liking them. It was basically Elliot Rodgers in website form.


I was one of the post that got deleted. Honestly I didn't post anything forward after I saw it, I just raised a eyebrow and let it slide to greater apathy I have towards imageboards these days.

Apparently you went on a spree to delete other post after this, though I didn't see any of them.

My post said that >>306299 was coping, nowhere I made mention of crabs or anything related. The reason I said this was coping is for the following line:
>to talk about from the viewpoint of a virgin man content with his solitude
Because is tragicomical that this poster says that the state of someone (the board) content with his solitude is dead, like the site is right now. For what you said this was interpreted like an opinion on virginhood or something like that. Maybe the moderation team should spend less time in the cesspool they have created with /meta/, in which only the worst schizos post now, so they can stop thinking on unrelated terms that probably 99 percent of people here outside of schizos don't care.

I know that moderation on imageboards is very unrewarding but giving rent-free to schizos is not the way out.




my favorite era of wizchan was from when wizardchan died on Christmas 2014 and was resurrected at Wizardchan.org up until mid 2016, when it got taken over by politics, and never really ended after the election, as it became a permanent campaign.

that was the true golden age of wizchan, when we had our own native wizchan, that broke free from r9k, but had not yet been absorbed into pol.

there had been plenty of crab communities before, but this was the 1st volcel community ever, and we were making up the rules as we went along.


It was good before the fap thread, wageslave general, crawl general, and politics general became the most popular threads on the site.
Kicking out crabs was cool back then but we didn't know it was normalfag larpers who wanted them gone in the first place and not the real wizards.
Crabs are necessary to keep normalfags, gays, redditors, and liberals out of volcel spaces.
Otherwise you have normalfags joining in on the crab hate while pretending to be wizard volcels.


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I miss the art-guy threads. This dude would dive deep into beautiful paintings and give context and talk about the emotion and theory behind a piece of art.
I started using this site sometime around 2015 or so and it was so comfy.


did anybody archive my guide for wizkids on how to manipulate your parents into letting you be a NEET? it made some redditors mad and they made multiple threads about me on reddit. i forgot i wrote that til just now.


shouldve saved it yourself


I started browsing this place in 2012/2013. I remember it being very comfy back in 2015, but overall, I don't remember why it was comfy exactly. I remember browsing while in my bed, reading all of the posts, and commenting occasionally. Maybe it was faster? Maybe there were less trolls around? I don't really know. I just remember how much I liked posting and lurking. I have other imageboards that are like that for me, but I don't really go to them as much as here. Honestly, I don't remember wizardchan as much as I should. Nowadays, I barely post or really look at wizchan. I don't look at the lounge thread, or /hob/, or anything on /dep/. I just come here for a few minutes, look if there are any new threads, check /b/ for funzies, then go off to another imageboard. There's probably nothing wrong with the place. It's probably because it's slower, I guess.


No but it sounds like it was a Gem


There were probably WAY, WAY more wizards on wizardchan and old /r9k/ than there were in the last 5 years of wizchan combined.

The funny and depressing thing is though, even if the rules were lifted it wouldn't improve anything because nerds and wizards of old kind are no longer being made. Gamergate ruined everything.

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