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Sometimes buddhism tells me that I will live the same life for over and over again, other times it tells me ill live a different life. Which one is it?


Straight to hell.


Who cares, you wont remember them anyway


I think it is the first option. I've had thought about it long and hard during my acid fueled ruminations and realized you can only be what you are. You play a particular part in existence. Had you had another role - you would play it already, since there is no time. Everything happens at once, at this very moment. There are no past lives and no future lives, time itself is but an illusion.
Reincarnation as afterlife seems very dumb.


>Who cares
Obviously OP does if he's gone and opened a thread about it


Never heard of any buddhist source saying the first part.


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>Which one is it?
no idea!


It's both. That's the nature of infinity.


One day a man was sitting on a cliffside when all of a sudden a dragon appeared out of the chasm! Startled, the man plummeted to his death off the cliff face. But what happened to the dragon?

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