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File: 1695160370847.jpg (50.32 KB, 700x469, 100:67, win.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Thumbnails on /lounge/ all got deleted. It's anyone's guess how, but I don't know of a script to reprocess images so I'll be manually rebuilding (most of) them (soon).






It looks fine to me.
Did you already fix it?
Also…How did they all get deleted?


This is how the empire falls.


>it was not the spammer fucking up the site
>plot twist: it's always been the admin and mods


you can ask chatgpt to write this bash or python script for you


Images are fixed. Video thumbnails will come when I feel like it.

>How did they all get deleted?
I deleted the active thumbnails folder instead of the temp/redundant thumbnails folder when freeing up space through an FTP client. >>307494's guess was right.

No wizard should allow himself to be bested by a robot. I used a GUI batch editor for Gimp


>I deleted the active thumbnails folder instead of the temp/redundant thumbnails folder when freeing up space through an FTP client.
>I deleted the active thumbnails folder instead of the temp/redundant thumbnails folder when freeing up space through an FTP client.
I see, simple enough mistake to make.
Glad it was able to be more or less fixed.
Hell, I didn't even notice the problem because you were so on top of it.


did you just have to resize the full size images, and then rename them, and then put in the thumbnail folder


Yeah, just download the whole /src/ folder, run it through the batch resizer and compressor, saving as the same filenames and format, then reimport in to the /thumb/ folder. No renaming necessary because thumbs and images share the same timestamp filename.

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