Porn has irreversibly damaged wizards mentally due to it’s easy accessibility and widespread advertising (Sex scenes in films,, porn on imageboards, rule 34 everywhere you go to, fotm porn, Porn ads seeping through youtube on purpose etc.)
It’s as addictive as a drug, but more accessible as anyone can go on their phone, computer, tablet, etc, and it has horrible side effects such as: 1.Leading to Gayness (I can’t find a exact reason as to why this happens, but I can make observations about it and assume what the cause is and It’s likely due to the abundance of dicks in Porn) A big example of porn leading to gay shit is this very site, you have people posting traps, femboys, futa, etc. on a site for celibate virgins (let's not even mention /b/) Now, have in mind that gays are a minority less than 1 percent and yet you will come here and see gay shit. 2. It causes Depression in high amounts and fries your brain. 3. By watching it you’re supporting lgtb degeneracy 4. By watching it you’re supporting gender confusion bullshit 5. By watching it you’re supporting cuck shit, and like with gay shit, cuck shit is also a side effect of watching porn too.
And the sixth and final reason, It’s a way to keep wizards down and stop them from questioning why they are wizards. It’s a major reason why tons of people stay depressed and broken.
If things continue going foward in this way not only will wizards degenerate into deviants who fap to trannies but most of them will be addicted to porn NEVER questioning shit about their situation and even going as far as to defend it.
>>309243 It took me less than 20 seconds to read all of it. It was something worthwhile to have read. How do you even learn without the willingness to commit 20-30 seconds of attention to about 10 lines of text?
>>309242 >1.Leading to Gayness (I can’t find a exact reason as to why this happens, It's because your brain calculates the pleasure through the female's reaction. Essentially, you experience the pleasure vicariously through the female. That's gay as shit.
>>309242 Your thread tastes like stale bait to me OP, but part of your thread is kind of interesting. >Leading to Gayness (I can’t find a exact reason as to why this happens
The more you expose yourself to pornography the more you become desensitized to it. as the quantity of your consumption grows, the effect it has on you diminishes; eventually you aren't getting that hit of dopamine you want or an erection. So then you escalate to more graphic and explicit pornography. But you can become desensitized to this the same way. Then again you escalate, by moving into more exotic content. At this state you see people generating interest in things they would normally not be interested in. In this kind of environment, you could for example see a straight guy watching porn with succubi who have dicks. In a thread years ago, I read a user comment stating that this is how he got into dick succubus porn even though he said he was straight. An example that falls in line with your logic.
But that is one potential outcome to over exposure amongst thousands. You see other people fall into different bizarre stuff: fart porn, edge play, succubi exchanging vomit, etc. The issues is that people might then make the leap to try and connect this unhealthy behavior to other people who naturally have more niche taste, for example, a preference for bondage. Some exotic preferences are the result of unhealthy over-exposure, but others are just a matter of personal taste and identity. Exploring the difference between personal taste and conditioning can be pretty interesting. What is more interesting though is discussing the rationality of intentionally steering your taste away from the mainstream.
Anyway, the whole "porn is bad" thing is shut down by the simple statement "anything without moderation can be bad for you" whether that be porn, junk food, or alcohol. But underneath this "discussion" are some interesting things.
I'd also be curious to know how much of the user base believes in the OP and how much of this style of posting is just trolling.
I want to highlight that porn is more damaging to us wizards because we've never had sex, been in relationships, and are on general more socially isolated than your average joe, so we can easily succumb to it and the end result doesn't paint a good picture.
Wizards who watch porn basically allow pornography to be their primary and sole exposure to sex, whether they like it or not, and the consequence of this is they also adopt a sick posture towards sexuality and life, and sexuality if left uncontrolled is harmful for both the mind and spirit. This really isn't anything new. Consuming sexual imagery from varying degrees disrupts your mind and leads you to a life of debauchery and immorality and evil thoughts. It scares me a bit that we have to even discuss something so elemental and the reason for why celibacy is a thing.
Wizards should reject porn sincerely and try at least to do their best to be celibate in both mind and actions. I know many of us are cynical because we are depressed and things don't go our way, but that's no reason to indulge in harmful vices that corrupt the mind and body.
>>309254 I think you are confusing wizard with religious zealots. We are not monastic monks in a christian hermitage. Don't push your warped and retarded religious beliefs on me nor try to force others to conform to your asinine made up bullshit. Your faith is not a good enough reason to restrict my liberty. You personally make that choice for yourself. You don't get to make that choice for other people.
>>309263 I understand it better than you. celibate /sĕl′ə-bĭt/ adjective
Abstaining from sexual relations. Remaining unmarried, especially for religious reasons.
One who abstains from sexual relations.
Masturbation and watching porn isn't having sexual relations.
Do you understand what a red herring argument is?
Red herring
A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion.
More to the point, Don't push your religious morals and motivations on me and then pretend to be doing so for the sake of "wizards". Wizards don't have sex. That doesn't mean that wizards don't jerk off or enjoy porn.
>>309267 it's in the definition that celibacy has a religious origin and it's done for religious reasons.
masturbation and watching porn is against the core principles of the practice of sexual abstinence aka celibacy.
Are you this unintelligent you can't extrapolate something this basic?
Wizards are celibate by nature, a wizard cannot be a some porn addict because it beats the whole point of being one. It damages his spirit.
You are basically a normalfag if you are a porn addict, with every action of yours, you worship sex, and do what a society that is completely saturated with sex, tells you to do. To indulge in a sexual vice that detracts you from being a human and most importantly, a wizard.
Wizards are PROOF that sexual urges can be managed and channeled in a positive way.
You denigrate yourself and others by spreading your vice. Wizards reject sex, not indulge in it through porn usage.
>>309267 >>309269 But is it masturbation or doing acts to yourself? If you suck your own dick or stick your dick in your own ass, are you having sex? But then what if you get off in unusual ways such as rubbing your nipples or walking naked through wheat fields then will it be reduced to "any form of sexual stimulation", and that's what should be avoided?
>>309279 I've read quite some time ago about some Buddhist monks doing something like this to stimulate themselves because "technically" it might not violate their vows, and monasteries putting down some very specific rules to stop it from happening.
>>309284 Why are you pretending not to know the meaning of the word celibacy?
It means not having sexual relations. As in sex with someone else. It in no way shape or form includes masturbation within the definition of the word. You know that full well, it was even posted above so you can't claim ignorance.
You are attributing meanings to words that they don't have just to suit your shitty arguments. It's a dishonest tactic and makes me call your motives in to question. I am forced to attribute bad faith to your intent.
Why are you fooling yourself. You never even bothered to read what celibacy means or the context in which it's used.
A celibate wizard isn't definitely pushing for more porn or actively posting it and defending sexual vices.
Porn will never be wizardly no matter what you say. What's so different from you and a normalfag if you masturbate and watch more porn and more deviant trash than a normalfag? In the end, you are even worse because you actively get lost in lust and sexual pleasure like a filthy animal.
Yeah, I am going to kindly ask you to fuck off you dishonest cunt.
Literally every single definition I found in every dictionary available it defines celibacy as not having sex and/or not being married.
Zero of the definitions relate to masturbation or use of porn. Wikipeda is largely bullshit that can be editted by retards that aren't even allowed to use primary sources. So for all I know you could have edited it yourself just to suit your own argument.
>>309291 >for all I know you could have edited it yourself just to suit your own argument >Zero of the definitions relate to masturbation or use of porn Talk about being a schizo and low iq. For anyone with a triple digit iq celibacy is understood as abstention from sexual activity in the context of a religious practice that results from religious belief, it's been like this over millennia. This is the widespread meaning of the word because it's religiosity put into practice. All points still stand and you are acting like a dishonest prick.
You can't practice celibacy while watching porn and masturbation, kid. You act like a failed normie who still wants to fit in among us wizards because he only fucked 100 times but then had a dry spell.
there's no ethics nowhere, kids these days grow up to be consumers and hardcore addicts to whatever is available, you have social media, streaming sites, dating apps, and porn sites like onlyfans where one of your sisters might end up the moment she hits the legal age.
>>309300 >the ability to masturbate to porn enables people to reject sex and relationships >people >rejecting sex and relationships so they can masturbate to porn lol, lmao even. This is the most retarded thing I've read on wizchan. At least try thinking before you make a post.
>>309292 >insult, insult, insult >false assertions based on thoughs in your head >attempts at appeals to the crowd fallacy >more insults >even more baseless insults >baseless attempt at in group out group uga boga bullshit >more insults
I see no rational arguments from you. Just a whole lot of unhingged reeee-ing and baseless slander for not agreeing with your shit takes and assertions.
While you are probably just trolling there is a small possibility you are actually insane. Regardless this isn't even worth arguing with you as you are unwilling or unable to be reasonable.
I see Porn as a lifehack to combat the Demiurge. More addicts mean less sex = births. It's a necessary evil for the greater good. Antinatalists should encourage it. Wizards who don't care should do whatever the fuck they want.
>>309304 Antinatalism will never come to fruition, and any positive outcome that might result from porn in society from your pov in a hypothetical you will never get to experience it. You will never get to see anything positive from it during your lifetime so you will never gain something from it. You know that some people are going to reproduce no matter what even if they watch porn or masturbate, it's delusional to say otherwise.
You're not combating the demiurge by indulging in porn, you're only becoming a salve to sexual gratification and debasing yourself more and more.
The wizard ethos is primarily about being opposed to sex, romantic relationships, and this entails celibacy, isolation from society and culture, and includes being against pornography and masturbation in theory and its practice should be encouraged. Anything else is a lie.
>>309305 Well i'm not saying porn is good but it is something to satifsy your needs. Sex is one of the building blocks of life, you cannot deny this. Sex is the goal behind every decision. Nature wants you to have sex and the world is build around this. Evolution cannot be denied. So yes, porn is a useful tool because it mimics sex. Sure there are negatives but it beats having sex.
As for antinatalism, the war will never be won but even if one person is addicted and never goes after real sex, that's a win. There are tons of young men who are onlyfans addicted and become simps/cucks.whatever. Yes the soul suffers but there is no procreation. As i've said greater Good. The Demiurge is us, me and you. To kill the Demiurge is to end mankind. It will eventually happen.
As for the rulebook of Wizards, it only says romantic/sexual relationships and no friends whatever. That's what a Wiz is, a virgin. We have working wizards,neets,an wizards, procreation wizards (as in want kids). We are many and only united in being virgin.
Goodluck though, if it works for you go for it. As for me, i love reaching Heaven.
>>309242 >It’s a way to keep wizards down and stop them from questioning why they are wizards. Wizards are wizards because they are not normalfags, this has nothing do with porn.
>>309307 >>309309 >>309327 >wanting to raise humans who aren't even your own for this sick society and do it for free Not sure if absolutely braindead and retarded or simply wizchan 2023.
>>309376 Just offering trouble shooting advice for hypothetical.
I doubt anyone here realistically has their shit together enough to properly raise a kid in real life. Doesn't mean one can't speculate on the subject.
>>309413 Too much shitchan has turned your brain to shit.
It isn't in any way shape or form cuckoldry to take care of some poor unfortunate orphan out of the goodness of your heart. It is a entirely good thing. Your morals are inverted. You are satanic.
>>309417 mr normalnigger, in what scenario do you see a wizard from this site adopting a kid and raising it all through adulthood and for what fucking benefit or reason would wizard go through all that work to raise a normalnigger kid. Saying you want to adopt kids is the same as saying you want to give yourself a job the job of raising filthy normalnigger sexhaver' offspring for the benefit of society and that's unwizardly as it gets. It should be a bannable offense and you should kill yourself.
>.Leading to Gayness (I can’t find a exact reason as to why this happen the gays from imageboards, discord, social media like instagram, twitter, etc. are the most mentally ill in all human history, 500 years ago a gay might actually kept to himself, his fetishes and perversion hidden, and be even a respectable person to a certain degree… A faggot from now due to the internet being commonplace and the push for homosexuality in society(every brand and media promotes it) is more sick, insane, arrogant, and petulant than ever because he finds reassurance about his sick degenerate behavior that manifests everywhere, from the way he conducts himself with others to the way he approaches life and how he sees himself. He is no longer ashamed if he acts like a female or like some gossipy bitch, he is not ashamed to adopt the worst imaginable traits that a nigger or female whore would have, because he has now a circlejerk group, a hugbox, a space to act like the worst without being punished, just the same as niggers who are protected and worshiped in current day society, and are even allowed to riot and destroy establishments and city structures because they are mad at an imaginary oppressing system.
>>309462 How would you know? It didn't explicitly say he didn't. Just like it didn't explicitly say he took dumps, yet if he actually existed then he most certainly did.
>>309464 Jesus was a true ultimate wizard. he didn't have sex. he didn't have a girlfriend. He didn't want sex or girlfriends. He never watched porn. He never masturbated. He just wanted humans to live peacefully and do what is right.
Porn is the only thing keeping my biological need for sexual contact in check, and as it would be completely impossible to fulfill it, it is in my best interest to keep it in check
If you told me I could completely kill my libido with chemicals, safely, I would do so, but science is not there yet
>>309253 There is no such thing as "porn moderation." Porn is a drug addiction. It is or it isn't. A small peek here and there turns into life long slavery and misery.
>>309490 Disturbing to see comments like this. They reveal to me that people like you have a completely different brain than me. Such dangerous, psychotic, sex obsession.
The reason for which abstinence in porn ought to be promoted owes little to the physiological consequences resultant from it but more because it, in general, strengthens attraction to the opposite sex, further consolidating in you, one way or another, an inherently permanently agreeable mindset in the presence of succubi. I believe we're all intimately familiar with the Enkidu gambit but not so in the magnitude of its implication nor the integration of its effectuality in relation to the drudgery of 'copin'. Most men, with the exception of those whose brains are ostensibly naturally malformed, are all designed in such a way as to be becharmed by even the least austere qualities in a succubus and are consequently their natural slaves however, there's a catch. They're 'designed' that way. I do not associate this 'design' through any biological measure -it is, on the contrary, as far away from anything natural as can be. The 'design', whose stage is during adolescence, starts and ends exactly with it- with adolescence. See, the period 11-16 for any man is of utmost criticality primarily because it is, likewise, the period wherein his neuroplasticity is highest and when I say highest, I really sincerely mean this in such a way that what you implant in his mind or what a boy in question does then, irrevocably shapes his entire lifestyle. Forever.
If he was playing and enjoying games in isolation then, he'll play and enjoy them in isolation forever. If he was out talking with friends and dancing, however much he tries to repress that into maturity, he will like and long to do it forever if he was pre-occupied with a fantasy in his mind, he will be pre-occupied with that fantasy forever.
11-16: here we have the brain presented directives to associate the journey of its lifestyle forever. And wouldn't you know it, near everyone is subject to an environment, during that period, which initiates, reinforces and solidifies exactly this 'something' That environment could be school. Could be your neighborhood. Could be your club. It could be anything. Commonly, it's school and that's where everything starts and ends. Because in school, what 'is not' suddenly 'is' and here, I'm talking about sexual attraction. A boy, prior to his adolescence, is infatuated with nothing in the entire world besides two things: Games and adventure. Whatever lay beyond this, is merely a tool used to accelerate the depth of said Games or adventure. This infatuation is natural and what actually, by measure of a tangential relation begotten from longing, pioneers technology and life as we know it. It is the ordinary state for a man to be without any sex, without any interest of it, without any involvement of it and to know nothing of it. That is normal.
What goes on in school, however, is not, for in this environ, we have a recreation of an encounter with the prostitute Shamhat whereupon Enkidu lost his soul and became 'civilized'. I don't think it's necessary to repeat on the obvious connotation of being civilized but for certainty's sake, to be civilized means to be interested in sex, plain and simple. At any rate, it is in school where a boy is instructed, in the most subtle of ways, that, hierarchically, succubi are the start and end of the world and that, upon fulfilling a relation with them, eventually managing to have sex, he, too, is elevated to a platform of greatness. A nonsensical instruction it is but one, because of the aforementioned adolescence, is suddenly an infinitely recurrent reminder. The boy is molded to it. He cannot escape sex and is now what we call 'sexually attracted' to succubi. Sex and relation has been instructed to him at a time of extreme susceptibility and at a time where said brokers of susceptibility embed themselves into the construction of essence.
Someone who was never once interested in succubi is now living his entire life to please them, hoping to have sex from which, subsequent to it, he will hope and hope ever more to just have sex at the cost of every single thing in his life. Really, Enkidu's little escapade sheds a lot of light on the absurdity of today.
On why 'Have sex crab!' is so common. Of course they'd encourage a trap from which no recovery is possible. You have sex once and you're a slave killing yourself for it everyday. You have a relationship once and before you know it, you're looking for another. You watch porn once and before you know it, you've been watching it for 30 years. You're just walking down the street and you see someone in skimpy clothing and before you know it, you're suddenly keenly observant of them. You tell yourself repeatedly, 'I'll become a holy man, I'll castrate myself, I'll rip off my balls and dick' but lo and behold, this done, you're still salivating in the mouth at seeing an ass right before you. You take LSD or shrooms or whatever fucking else to 'escape the nature of man' and before you know it, you're right back down at the simple presence of a succubus smiling at you, burningly erect just because you had your penis touched. You're a devout monk, closely adherent to the Noble Eightfold Path but when a succubus approaches you, suddenly you're oozing precum. You bath with liquid nitrogen everyday but suddenly, some literal retarded roastie smiles at you and you find yourself blushing. You tell yourself you've given up on succubi but at the smallest chance, you're ready to rip out your testicles for them.
And why is this? Because you've fallen for the trap of Shamhat. Life ends when school begins.
>>309510 But, even given all of this, there's salvation. A literal biblical type of salvation in the form of anime. Nothing greater exists in this age because what anime has done is taken the negative constituents of the Enkidu Gambit and limited its effects to a realm of non-existence. It has done the impossible: You can have sex but still retain your magical primacy. You can have sex but still be a wizard. -The paradoxes once inconceivable are now so thanks to anime. So, assuming anyone here -and I imagine this is a great deal of people- have had the misfortune to fall for the 'trap', fret needn't be required. Anger needn't be required. Hatred needn't be required. All of that bullshit is rendered void thanks to anime. Poor Enkidu probably would've been able to fly through galaxies if only he had anime in his time.
>>309511 inb4 some purist retard will say "it's still lusting after succubus and their affections". You cannot escape your material body yet through merging with machines, but you can satisfy your physical hungers efficiently with a precision perfected super stimulus.
>You're a devout monk, closely adherent to the Noble Eightfold Path but when a succubus approaches you, suddenly you're oozing precum. >You bath with liquid nitrogen everyday but suddenly, some literal retarded roastie smiles at you and you find yourself blushing. >You tell yourself you've given up on succubi but at the smallest chance, you're ready to rip out your testicles for them.
This is the mother of all coomer projections. No wonder all that bullshit is coming from a porn addict who really thinks wizards will stop being wiz if a "succubus" talk to us or that we "leak" precum when one talks to us.
The less porn I watch, the more time I have to pursue wizardry endeavors.
>>309292 >stop watching porn it's made for normies <b-but word of "celibacy" is not about watching porn and beating your meat >im going to watch porn everyday and rot my brain because: "word"
that bro is literally mentally retarded stop talking to these "black pillled" normie idiots.
wiz must be always upgrading himself, must be move away these stupid porn or social media that made for npc normies.
It sure is strange to me that the improov truwiz rhetoric seems to have a complete overlap with a particular strain of "pick yourself up by your bootstraps, bucko. Everything is always your fault" redpill. Deradicalizers, perhaps?
>>309580 There is no end, because there doesn't need to be one, because there can't be one. In developing a better body, mind, and understanding, there's no ultimate end goal to see yourself getting closer to. You can set milestones and then test yourself against them, but there's never a real upper limit to a man's growth. His growth may slow, and it may even reverse sometimes, but there's always an aspect of himself he can improve on to become further from the man that he doesn't want to be. To look back and see that he's further from (and better off than) the starting position is the ever changing goal, one that offers infinite struggle to achieve and therefor offers infinite reward to those who chase it. >cultist tard. Health, education, and peace of mind is not a cult. Ironically, your blackpill defeatism is a cult by all definitions. Go ask your leader why you should bother adding pepper to your eggs if in the end, all things will be dust some day and adding pepper doesn't bring you any closer to resembling a female, fucking troon. The fact that you can't see value in anything unless there's a distinct point in which that thing ends reveals that you're a literal autist with a binary rationale.
>>309581 >one that offers infinite struggle to achieve and therefor offers infinite reward to those who chase it. Yes. An end goal you dumb cunt. All you offer instead is "walk around and u will feel better ;))".
>>309582 Your post makes no sense and it's now clear that you don't really speak English. >walk around and u will feel better ;)) Nobody said that, but they should have because it's 100% true. Go for a walk right now!!!
I just find it funny that kids nowadays think it's normal to watch porn daily and that whenever they masturbate it's always with porn. Their lives must suck ADHD low impulse lower cognitive abilities they already spend most of their time looking at a phone or monitor screen those brains must be ROTTEN
>>309267 Don't you realize that this definition is from an ancient word? If porn had existed at that time it would be prohibited within the term celibate.
>>309597 Some people just kept claiming the depictions of naked succubi or scenes of two dudes wrestling or hunting is porn yet there is not one single painting that actually depicts porn. They show you some iron age sculpture of a succubus or some egyptian/greek wall painting of sport or medical scenes and claim its porn lol.
If porn was a thing back then why dont any masterpiece paintings of sexual scenes exist? Why are there no explicit depictions of sex and just vague bs. If people were into porn back then there would be way more evidence of it than some shit that has been taken out of context.
>bruh porn always existed u see those paintings depicting nudity and that were available to only a few are the same as what we see today That's an absolute retarded argument in this context. People in ancient times didn't even have a real tangible concept of porn nor where they addicted to it because it wasn't widespread and accessible. Right now over a fifty percent of kids will grow up masturbating to porn and everyone will have watched porn at least once. Back then it was nothing like this. The porn we see today its available at one tap of your fingers, one click, almost everyone with internet access can get it. You can't even even compare the modern degenerate scenario brimming with fetishes, where you're bombarded with clickbaits and thumbnails in almost every webpage with what they had in ancient times.
>>309600 >That's an absolute retarded argument in this context. People in ancient times didn't even have a real tangible concept of porn nor where they addicted to it because it wasn't widespread and accessible. Very good point, in ancient times everything had to be distributed physically in your immediate surroundings or it wasnt part of your life. If no one ever came to your village and told you about things in person you wouldn't even know it existed. There was no digital media or internet that you could access 24/7 at any place and age, there was only spoken or written words and art but yet there is no evidence of actual porn.
There was absolutely no way for porn to spread or even be a thing back in those days and its not just for the obvious distribution reasons.
>nooooooooo porn is not that bad bla bla bla these subhumans literally advocating multi billion dollars industry for free. i don't even understand what level of brainwashed these idiotic people.
there's so much useful idiots in here, this place must be decontaminated from this type of le "black pilled" normies. and you seeing that so called "wizards" advocating goyslop shit, this idiots even try to gatekeeping to wizardry lel. you are not a wizard harry, you just failed cuck normie watching two normies fucking while spasming on your stinky chair.
I tried no fap for a while and I noticed how I started to stare at succubi's tits and asses almost uncounciously, and I also was getting random boners all the time. The least thing I want to do is giving succubi attention that they don't deserve. At least with porn the whore I'm fapping to doesn't get an ego boost because I'm staring at her body.
>>309615 Just stop staring. it's liek saying "I want to lose weight so I stopped eating french fries but when I did i found myself hungry for cheeseburgers, so back to fries it is". The whole point is to develop a resistance to urges.
>>309615 you have a lot of sexual energy when you abstain, use it wisely.
Also, depending in how you look, females won't like it if you stare or give them attention like you say. It won't be an ego boost if some ugly creep is looking at them lmao I don't know where you get that idea.
>>309617 he only has himself to blame, it's so idiotic. "Bro i stop fapping to porn but then i look at succubus on the street" Just don't look at succubi, it's really that simple, nigger, don't you have control over your eyes.
>>309636 are you fucking animal? be conscious then, mindfullness meditation can be possibly fix your unconscious chimp behaviour. >inb4 insert "selfloathing low iq subhuman that loves living in cesspool making excuses on little shit and getting angry on healthy advice" post here
>>309636 You're talking to 16 year olds. By 20 everyone should be fully aware that your emotions and reactions are not under your control at all. And if they're stupid enough to not figure it out - jump out of a plane with a parachute without having adrenaline shooting into your head, it's not possible. Simple and to the point experiment.
>>309669 literally idiot. it's about excercizing your brain, we talking about meditation.
if you want progress in anything you need to persistent in that thing.
idiot black pillers wants a magic wand to solve everything in one snap. that idiotic childish thinking, you don't even have a clue about how world works. >jump out of a plane with a parachute without having adrenaline shooting into your head if you jump out of a plane first time, that adrenaline spike is inevitable for most people. try jumping 50 times of a plane it becomes casual shit to you. it's just about "progress".
it's a fucking common sense, are you really can't understand the human life's basic main concepts? are you really that stupid or you baiting i don't know.
>>309675 Sexual gratification is a mandatory, unavoidable need. You cannot "exercise" to need less water to live. The same way you can't reduce your need to bust nuts. Also ESL or underage? Type properly.
>>309676 >Sexual gratification is a mandatory, unavoidable need. >sexual needs and water is same level needs >inb4 le maslow's pyramid
you talking stupid. also i don't say you must totally detach yourself from sexuality in every aspect like a monk, im saying you need to able control yourself you need to have self awareness. >esl i don't know what it means but english is not my first language, yes. i don't post much, until recently. im practicing. remember life is about progress unless you're an animal lel.
>>309242 good post and wholeheartedly agreed. porn has no place in a true celibate's heart, it simply doesn't make sense in context and in rationale. what role would regular voluntary exposure, idealization, and worst of all, fantasies of drinking alcohol would be to people who claim to celebrate sobriety? there is world of difference between people that choose to disregard alcohol, and those who want alcohol but can't have any. does the former spend his free time looking at liqueur?
>>309723 Not only do I suspect you are just samefagging but I think your motives probably have more to do with you knowing the easiest way to destroy communities is with purity spirals.
>>309724 is it really purity spiraling when celibacy is a basic core tenet of wizardry by definition, and consuming pornography is a known harmful addictive activity? is this not ike saying the fastest way to destroy a sobriety community is to… talk about sobriety!
>>309724 But he's right anon. You aren't even addressing what he's saying. And how do "purity spirals" destroy commuities that started in one? We are simply discussing standards of true wizardry, and if you feel like you were "filtered" by that then yu probably were.
>>309725 a lot of porn addicts dont pursue 3d succubi even when they have the chance, because they are so addicted to porn, that the fantasy is better than a real womyn. how is that antiwiz?
>>309764 >noo broo i dont want sex im just obsessed with watching sex videos and sex content related every day i've spent 100000 hours watching porn i dont want sex mm okay im a wiz just like you really i have no desire for sex now i have to go cum for the 999999999th time
>>309732 >>309764 let us be truthful here and examine the content of our hearts in good faith. sure it is technically not having sex, but what good is actively lusting and fawning over succubi all the same? how can this behavior be in any way justified other than "ah but well i did not really technically do anything wrong, that makes it okay" like someone looking for a loophole and then upset when their intention is called out. like i said, should a sobriety group have pictures ofal alcohol to just look at and fantasize about? they know its dangers, they see it for it is, yet oh it's okay, this is 2D alcohol. surely if i am given real alcohol i would decline even though i spend my free time imagining myself drinkinh alcohol
and i hope nobody here would be so disingenuous to say that even in fantasies one merely observes sexual activity without participating in it, that would just be so silly. we all know how porn works.
all i am saying is that it is okay for wizards to admit porn is harmful, dangerous, and self-destructive, and ultimately leads one away from the inherent peace of celibate wizardry. but to attempt silencing the conversation is like telling someone bleeding that the pain is just in their head, and if you can convince them they are not dying, they are not actually in great pain in truth. it is a dangerous thing to lead others away from knowing the mark, to know what is good from bad and justifying the bad anyway, even arguing for its defense. let us examine ourselves here
>>309774 just read the nofap stories. many of those guys would be normies, but sex made them not pursue realgirls.
so porn is actually causing men to not seek irl sex. just hear all the anti-porn advocates crying about that.
so porn causes men to give up on real life sex. and the anti-porn people are the ones talking about that the most, like its a bad thing. then you make it like porn is a gateway drug to wanting sex, when its the opposite.
Here is a personal story from one of those nofap masculinists, about how even when offered the chance to fuck or date irl succubi, the porn addict turned it down and said porn is "all he had
>>309774 > and i hope nobody here would be so disingenuous to say that even in fantasies one merely observes sexual activity without participating in it, that would just be so silly. we all know how porn works.
uh cuck fantasies are some of the most popular. its another line of the antiporn guys. that porn turns you into a cuck that just enjoys watching sex instead of being an actor in it.
>>309790 >Here is a personal story from one of those nofap masculinists, about how even when offered the chance to fuck or date irl succubi, the porn addict turned it down and said porn is "all he had You're literally caught up on one example when in reality 99.9 percent of porn addicts if offered the chance to have sex they will do it. How delusional and blind can you be to even make up such a flimsy argument. "here is one guy who one one occasion refused to date a succubus so he could masturbate to porn therefore porn is good for a wiz" I don't know how that even passes as an argument in your brain. >so porn is actually causing men to not seek irl sex. this is childish reasoning, young men are giving up on succubi for plenty of other reasons, porn not even being the main factor. You also ignore the fact that you are still obsessed with sex as a porn addict and yet you treat it as a cure, are you really this stupid?
The only way that works to quit porn is to quit all technology through which you can access it, so that you feel the extent to which the amount of pornographic or suggestive content online forces you to ejaculate.
Internet is the neo sodom and gomorrah
It is almost impossible to do it by force of will if you have not trained this part of yourself during an early age by doing things that you really did not want to do. For those of us who do not go through that, the only thing left is the forced disconnection.
(to be honest, the real world, even living alone, is better than the virtual world once you get used to its rhythm)
>>309774 >let us be truthful here and examine the content of our hearts in good faith. >continues arguing in bad faith >as he has done the whole thread
>>309792 You aren't really offering a reason for your dismissal of direct evidence to the contrary to your argument.
Really the entirety of your argument is literally just your opinion based on no facts of evidence.
As it's just your opinion it can be disregarded by those who have a better supported arguments. Ones that actually have facts and evidence on their side rather then your personal feeling.
>>309795 >that's just your opinion bro Yes, an opinion based on logic and facts. Porn isn't the main reason why men are sexless. Porn isn't a cure to any problem, as much as hitting your head with a hammer is a solution. Porn addicts in most cases are ugly and low status male who won't be picked up anyways by females and would probably have to spend serious money on prostitutes if they want to fulfill any of their sexual desires. Porn addiction is obviously against celibacy, abstinence, and wizard values because it's being obsessed with sex, something wizards should reject in all facets of their life
>>309796 >Porn addicts in most cases are ugly and low status male who won't be picked up anyways by females and would probably have to spend serious money on prostitutes if they want to fulfill any of their sexual desires.
That is what they say about men who dont pursue sex for any reason. if anything porn addiction is more random, and can strike a man who is on paper successful, the way a drug addiction can
>>309774 I just noticed that you mentioned cuck shit in your OP > 5. By watching it you’re supporting cuck shit, and like with gay shit, cuck shit is also a side effect of watching porn too.
and then you wrote > and i hope nobody here would be so disingenuous to say that even in fantasies one merely observes sexual activity without participating in it, that would just be so silly. we all know how porn works.
Don't you see the irony and bad faith, that you say no one in good faith could believe that a cuck fetish exists, and yet in your OP your bitching about porn causing the cuck fetish.
because thats exactly what this is > > and i hope nobody here would be so disingenuous to say that even in fantasies one merely observes sexual activity without participating in it, that would just be so silly. we all know how porn works.
But when you're in a different argument about porn being against the sex drive, you have to say oh no, porn is about wanting to be an active participant in sex, and not just watching it from the cuck closet like a live TV show.
> And the sixth and final reason, It’s a way to keep wizards down and stop them from questioning why they are wizards. It’s a major reason why tons of people stay depressed and broken.
Ironic you complain that porn leads to wanting IRL sex. But then you say porn leads us to NOT "question" being a Wizard. Just accept being a wizard without question. That's good, wiz is good. Why would we want to question being a Wizard and ever want to change that state?
It seems like depending with who you are arguing with, either porn makes you want sex, or makes you not want sex. Depending if your audience think that is good or bad.
>>309798 > if anything porn addiction is more random that will always be the minority. There's an stereotype of ugly lonely loser addicted to porn for a reason.
Most are definitely not men who can be successful in dating even if they tried to.
>>309799 Being addicted to porn is being slave to your low impulses and sexual desires, masturbation, ejaculating, watching porn, posting it, defending it, etc. You're literally a subhuman if you are a porn addict, almost as bad as any normalfaggot who has casual sex.
>>309803 >>309804 that's just an excuse egocentric normalfags use, they will blame anything but themselves "porn ruined my relationship" lmao Normalfags are always trying to find things to blame either to virtue signal or to admit not flaw in themselves >even Orlando Bloom says IRL sex is hard to measure up to porn. If you take what this normalfag says about porn at face value then it should follow that you accept that porn is the most unwizardly thing known to wizards since normalfags say it's even better than sex and hardly compares to it and even call it free heroin. Then why would you want wizards to become addicts to such a dangerous "drug"?
I mean, you have the statements of normalfags sexhavers who tried both and say porn is even better than sex, then that makes it even worse for wizards.
>>309807 it's not just any kind of pleasure. surely you would agree there's different kinds. this is sexual pleasure we are talking about. and this clarification is important, because if we don't make a fundamental value judgement in regards to wizardry and porn, it puts the whole concept into jeopardy. i mean let's ask ourselves: what role should sexual content have in a wizard's life? any answer that's not "none." simply dilutes the idea of wizardry to technicalities, and i invite anyone to contemplate on the meaning of celibacy very carefully.
consider further, if someone says, "oh i went to a strip club and just watched a succubi from the comfort of a chair not unlike if she was on a computer screen, this is still 110% wizardry" – how far can liberal wizardry be taken as long as it's not "technically sex" or "penis did not enter vagina, therefore activity is wizardry"?
it doesn't matter what celebrity or normie-centered nofap movement out there says. Ask yourself: what role should sexual content have in a wizard's life and tell yourself with a straight face if lustfully submitting oneself to succubi is the way
>>309810 >surely you would agree there's different kinds. No. Stop making assumptions, you are bad at it. > this is sexual pleasure we are talking about We are talking about masterbation and a particular masterbastion aid.
Masturbation isn't having sex. So a aid to masturbation such as porn, sex toys, or lewd writings, or whatever still doesn't make it any closer to sex. It's a solo activity done in private. A asocial activity. Hell, for lots of US history it was considered a antisocial activity. Masturbation dramatically lowers the desire for interaction of a sexual nature. It's exactly the reason why people do no-fap to motivate them to go out and have sex. Because fapping reduces desire and lower motivation related to chassing sex as their needs are satisfied by themselves.
Porn in a enhancement tool of masturbation. It is not sex, it doesn't lead to sex, it doesn't make one more likely to have sex.
I am so sick of your constant bad faith arguments that don't even make logical or rational sense and are contrary to reality in basically every way.
>>309812 >No. wow, okay. well if you won't even agree that there's different kinds of pleasures, i don't know what to tell you other than you are lost. by that logic, if any pleasure is the same, we cannot discriminate it from the pleasure of sex, meaning it is by that line of thinking, still not wizardly >So a aid to masturbation such as porn, sex toys, or lewd writings, or whatever still doesn't make it any closer to sex. and here it is, gentlemen. we have here someone with porn and sex toys, running behind the technicality argument once more. this is why only orthodox wizardry makes the most sense, because it doesn't need such a weak crutch >Masturbation dramatically lowers the desire for interaction of a sexual nature. maybe in the short term. but abstaining from porn is the long term solution, and by far the least self-destructive >Porn in a enhancement tool of masturbation. It is not sex, it doesn't lead to sex, it doesn't make one more likely to have sex. that simply does not describe the vast majority of people's relationship and experience of porn, no matter how you try to spin it. you are engaging in an activity of a sexual nature, propagating the sexual industry, and worst of all, damaging the sexual restraint of wizards when they can choose to abandon such futile desires from the get go >I am so sick of your constant bad faith arguments that don't even make logical or rational sense and are contrary to reality in basically every way. i am not the one arguing for porn on an imageboard dedicated to celibacy here. please listen to yourself here: "porn is wizardly because… it just isn't technically sex!" the same way one can argue having a prostitute dance on them is nothing more than a "masturbation aid." it is so devoid of any concrete legitimacy
>>309808 he can't prove anything because porn fried his last working neurons, he can barely write a coherent sentence and has no clue about grammar either, that is the kind of person who defends and supports porn >>309812 >coomer says porn is nothing like sex >normalfag sexhavers argue and state that it's even better than sex and more sexually satisfying almost like a drug so which is it? >Masturbation isn't having sex that's your illiterate interpretation, nobody claimed that. No matter what euphemism you use, saying that it's just a masturbation aid, doesn't help your case. Porn is literally watching people have sex or engage in acts of a sexual nature for the purpose of masturbation. What the fuck about that is wizardly? >aid to masturbation such as porn, sex toys, or lewd writings, or whatever still doesn't make it any closer to sex. >sex toys >no closer to sex Are you really this low iq? So a guy buying an onahole, tenga, or silicone vagina isn't trying to get as realistic and close to the sexual experience? A female who uses a dildo that's obviously shaped like a penis is not having a masturbation session that's closer to sex? Jesus, use your brain before posting. Porn is degenerate and against wizard values.
well there are so many different reasons for a wizard to go volcel. for some of those reasons, porn is a betrayal of his vows, for others it is an aid.
in broad terms there are 3 reasons to go volcel. because you love womyn too much, cuz u hate them or cuz ur indifferent to them
1) Male Feminists and Christians who love womyn too much to defile them. Oh yeah porn is defiling them. Although one could argue that consuming porn already made doesnt harm them as much as sticking ur own dick into them.
2) MGTOW he-man womyn-haters. well misogyny porn certainly gets the hate kink out. but if part of the point is to have freedom from desire for succubi. then porn kindles that fire instead of suppressing it. its like succubi do control you. and dont get me started on those who pay camgirls.
3) stoic indifference. those who are neutral on succubi, but see sexuality as a distraction from higher purpose. well if ur just trying to escape the drama of a relationship. then porn doesnt give u that burden. but if ur trying to focus on a higher goal, than porn addiction sure can drag u down.
so again it depends WHY you went volcel. for some porn conflicts, for others it doesnt.
>>309817 >only pathetic people would really stoop so low as to defend pornography on wizchan of all places. And the only people posting porn on here always post gay stuff or loli so go figure.
Well while I disagree with OP, that watching porn means you want to have irl sex.
I actually agree it would be better if it wasn't on wizchan. thats a whole another meta can of worms. and it probably aint gonna happen.
but i just feel like while porn and masturbating are OK in the privacy of your home, you shouldn't be doing it in a public street or during a Church service. And Wizchan is a Church of volcel. And posting porn on Wizchan. You might as well be fapping onto the Virgin Mary's tits in the middle of Mass.
So that's my nuanced position. I don't think porn is bad in itself. But I don't think there is any good in showing off look what I just fapped to, on a site devoted to celibacy.
Like do it, but maybe having a little bit of shame is a good thing, don't be so proud of it, you need to shove it into wizard's faces.
>>309819 The thing about porn is one man's fetish, is another man's barf. and some men's fetish is barf.
Like if the only porn posted, was porn I found tasteful and not beyond my boundaries, maybe I wouldn't mind it, even enjoy it. But it's like my porn is good, your porn is disgusting. And even guys with sick fetishes, get all high and mighty about degeneracy when someone posts what crosses their line.
so even if you like porn, its worth the trade of not seeing the porn you don't want to see, or that you do want to see. and if you do want porn, theres like a billion sites outside of wizchan to get what you want.
whatever your sick fetishes are, when its open season, porn you find sick is going to be shoved in your face.
>>309797 bro stfu you idiot cum brain he is right, you can't understand and throwing shit because you have 0 willpower to do anything in your life. >that one man in the video says his coomer friend watching porn nonstop and not having sex because of this, so this proves porn is good kek. what an idiot
>>309867 >>309825 All your posts reek and ooze typical crabcel bitterness. So what the point of nofap for you if you are still misarable and crabby? All it did is made you even crabbier and even more misarable. But maybe you are just too lazy and didn't try hard enough.
But seriously, nether side of this "debate" will likely ever convince the other side and the admin has basically indirectly said they are keeping the porn policy the same, unoffical rules and all.
So it makes all the anger, hate, and retarded bad faith arguments regardless of side come off as both pointless and silly. Much like a old as hell puppet show that basically had one main meta gag that got old pretty fast once the shock wore off.
I had what it was going to be a wet dream last week, the succubus was into me and eager to do it, just waiting there for me in bed, I realized what was going on and despite finding her extremely attractive, I decided not to do it aware as I was what would occur if I did(get my underwear wet) at that moment I woke up and had something like a mind orgasm that lasted around 10 seconds, very vivid, but I wasn't even hard, it was all occuring in my mind, no morning wood, no nothing, just the experience of an orgasm without any release or engaging in sex during the dream. I am too apathetic to even do it during a dream so I wouldn't say I rejected sex but it was an interesting experience. Im not having sexual thoughts anymore.
>>310321 my wet dreams are always so fucking lame. I am usually not even doing anything sexual, it will just be like in a dream something will start rubbing on my crotch like I'll be riding a horse or something and then I cum. The best I get is when I am looking at porn in my dream but it is rare, usually I am just doing something completely nonsexual.
>>309817 >>309818 Reminder that while you don't know much about the person behind a post: you can know them by their fruits. Number of sex havers, anti-wizards, and normalfags that are anti-porn and nofap: countless.
Number of sex havers, anti-wizards, and normalfags that are pro-loli: a dearth.
I'd sooner trust the loli posters are wizards than the posters who just so happen to consistently have ideologies and world views that align with normalfags. Many normalfags endorse nofap as a way to "get life back on track (read: engage in relationships with females )". Interest in loli is actively harmful and even dangerous to a normalfags life.
porn is just another addiction for the weak minded, you are trying to fill a void that can't be filled. Wizards shouldn't be slaves to their sex impulses, it just leaves you more empty and depressed.
I did a video about this topic a while ago. But I think the problem about promoting this sentiment on wizchan is that since the beginning this website was never particularly anti-porn, the core idea was always the avoidance of real life succubi and relationships, the anti-porn stuff came much later from what I can remember.
I think a lot of it comes down to the vision you have of what a wizard should be. As much as I love self improvement and productivity, I find it weird to project those values onto the wizchan userbase, who were mostly weirdos and outcast who enjoyed a myriad of different vices and what most people would consider junk food entertainment like anime and video games.
Past a certain point you're just treading on another's mans way of life and interest, no different than the mega self improver normies like Andrew Tate and Hamza. But I tend to have a much more light hearted view of being a wizard, I always envisioned us being more like Satou and Yamazaki from wlecome to NHK, not literal hardcore monks in a monastery.
with the advent of ubiquitous fast internet speed and the invention of smartphones porn and the antisocial degenerate scum behind it are destroying many males lives and ruining society as a whole.
>>310449 porn doesn't destroy people people destroy people destroyed people watch porn and create porn the 21st century is the century of vice and destructive self-habit
>>310454 millions of crabs would never have seen boobs if it wasnt for them. they have produced more utility in this world than so-called self-proclaimed dogooders
>>310456 >would never have seen boobs if it wasn't for them I am sorry that your mother never breastfed you as a kid but at the same time that explains your intellectual disability and your adamant love for pornography and degeneracy.
>>310803 Imageboards make you weak, it turns you into a scrolling subhuman goblin with fucked up reward mechanisms, it makes you addicted to absorbing poisonous trash, it's a drug.
>>310922 You took offense to an anonymous nobody suggesting you may be weak. You proved him right by responsinding with an "um ackshually you dont know anything about me" type of line then suggesting he's projecting his own faults. If you're this easy to rile up, you're weak.
>>310925 >you took offense Another projection? I am by definition strong, I can deadlift 270kg. I repeat, if there's something I am not, it's weak or a goblin.
>>309310 >Wizards are wizards because they are not normalfags, this has nothing do with porn. True, but the userbase changed, with the whole roleplaying volcels thing. That's why the only good post in this entire thread is:
the posts hes referring to are all chronological, seems he is just reading the thread and replying to stuff spontaneously. this is just spamming not samefagging
>>311021 >>311027 Yes I was just reading and posting. Could've made a single post, whatever.
Anyway, low IQ are all those who think that fapping has any importance whatsoever; no-fap is a very normalfag thing based on improvebrah bluepill ideas. High IQ are those who fap occasionally, and use the rest of the time to do something more intelligent and interesting than posting memes like volcel-Larping, 2D-is-not-3D, fapping-is-bad, or christianfaggotry bs.
>>311074 Infantile rhetoric. Every comfort and hardship in your life can be attributed to who's in power in your country and the quality of people within it - if those people have our best interests in mind. Not reproducing ourselves doesn't at all disqualify us from believing things could be better for ourselves and our people. Slavic net-guys who thought like you do and disregarded the happenings of their nations because "I don't care what happens outside of my wank cave" are now being drafted to go step on landmines.
You're not being some centrist monk who believes the only winning move is not to play. You're afraid of getting in to the nitty-gritty of international discourse so you get severely distressed whenever you see it brought up in what you wish was a personal safespace. Re-read your post, it's fucking shameful.
>>311084 >Me me me , you're wrong about ME! You said something about ME that was FALSE! Here's what I REALLY am! Know the real ME! You you you… You are a mentally ill sock-cummer with no bracrabls at all…
>>310993 >If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation" is this why internet went to shit as well because porn is so commonplace that it rot the brains of most people? it's near impossible to find anyone on the internet that isn't addicted to that poison.
of course its unwizardly. read the banner. you shouldn't be jerking it to succubi or putting your energy there. it's not some innocuous activity, you are wasting your chi, your life energy, which you need to get things done and do well in your own life. one of the most common thing that so many failures have in common, is that they're serial masturbators. the nofap thing works, not because of biology though that is like looking at a watch face and thinking the hands are magically moving themselves, no, there is heaps else going on that science can't explain or grapple with right now, but that the esoteric schools and elites have known about for thousands of years and how they run the world.
if you want to become a proper wizard, then there is a whole wizard way of life to embrace. giving yourself over to the same vices and corruption isn't going to help you advance in the arcane arts.
i don't understand, when did indulging in hedonism and inappropriate vices, become a wizard trait, and was not always a normal trait. this is what is so disgusting about it, the entire cultural milieu, the hook-up dating scene, the damage they're doing to the fabric of society which everyone has to pay for. creating unstable relationships, broken homes, dysfunctional families; from increased muggings to more drunk drivers from dissolving society crashing into a family on their holiday vacation.
ok are you still with me wiz? that's fantastic. so we're still at the first step here, disregarding females. remind me why are you still jerking off to succubi 2d or otherwise, why do you still fantasize about having sexual relations with that succubus. you still haven't done the first part? you expect to make it to the wizard stage, of acquiring magic? no you will be a 30yo failed normal virgin, because if it were offered to you on a plate, you'd then take it. not me, i'm a wizard, not a warrior that couldn't make it out of the starting zone. plate armor and a two-handed sword is useless to me, and i don't want it either. until you get to that point, you will be a wizard that is unknowingly multi-classing as a warrior, and then wondering why you're not making any progress and people are staring at you as though you're a retard.
wizards transcend, wizards don't pursue pleasure for pleasure sake, ignoring the consequences, trying to trick their monkey brain into feeling good, they know this is what defines a sex-haver and is at the heart of every problem in the west. self-indulgence, at any cost, pursuit of pleasure, at any cost, despite knowing better, despite knowing that a life lived in the pursuit of pleasure is a life not lived in pursuit of the arcane arts, magic, and wizardry.
at least that's what i think. let me know if this speaks to the man.
>>311140 Your blabbering is useless when you realize that doing things IN MODERATION is a thing. If you do no-fap, that's causing you more problems and more depression, because it's a biological thing and it's way too wired deep in our human nature.
>>311146 >>311146 Violently the fapaddict types away about how jerking off is healthy. Behold his temperment, his language… This is the brain in a constant state of recovery from the effects of ejaculation.
porn is the wizardly alternative to having sex, with the biological benefits that come with sex and ejaculating, but without the downsides of sex, diseases, interacting other people, relationships, etc
>>311146 >>311152 porn isn't biological or wizardly. It's actually artificial. It shrinks your brain and makes you into a low impulse nigger who thirsts after sex and masturbation. There's no benefits to it. >porn is the wizardly alternative to having sex, with the biological benefits that come with sex how would you know this, where is your source?
I dont think the damage is irreversible unless you mutilate your body. It does take longer to recover from the harmful effects the longer you use, though
>>311153 > There's no benefits to it. I feel the same way. I dont have any biological urge to have sex. I have a desire that is usually ignited by some bullshit external stimulus. Im never sitting in a room and think "Damn Iw ish I could fuck a succubus right now." No the urge only hits if someone shoves some content in my face or makes it a point to talk about sex. The sad thing that the world is so filled with this stimulus that people think it is a base biological need and that is sad.
>>311153 >porn isn't biological or wizardly. It's actually artificial. >It shrinks your brain and makes you into a low impulse nigger who thirsts after sex and masturbation. There's no benefits to it. how would you know this, where is your source?
>>311168 You're on the defense here. It's your job to find sources claiming otherwise. This "SOURCE?? SOURCE?!?" type post would be the death of internet discourse otherwise.
>>311173 No faggot, you made a claim and you refuse to back it up. It's on you to provide evidence. If the other guy said something like "porn is great it makes you live longer" then he'd be the one who has to back it up.
Porn is bad because it activates the normalnigger side of your brain that makes you want to have sex and incites you to masturbate and focus on nothing but sexual pleasure like a retarded monkey without a soul, if you make it a habit then you basically are a normalnigger.
>>311179 The mechanism in which masturbation is built upon, that is, reproduction and sex, is the reason why you enjoy masturbation at all. You enjoy masturbation because of sex.
>>311185 >We're just wizard trying to enjoy the little things that we have. And there are billions of things to enjoy, but you masturbators are a victim of being taught that jerkin your gerkin is one of the few things you're allowed to have. Why do that instead of doing something that doesn't drain your body of vital nutrients and release depression-reinforcing chemicals? And why are you encouraging and normalizing this behavior to other vulnerable wizards?
>>311186 >why do they enjoy their hobbies, why does one person like certain art, but another doesn't, why do people like different things, why do people have opinions, why can't everyone be a grey blob identical to me and share my exact views on everything in life
>>311196 It's not. Fapping drains the souls of fellow wizzies. I used to be a coomer and only recently found out how so many of my problems actually stemmed from cooming. We like the comforting lie that it is harmless, but try walking a mile in our shoes and you'll be heartbroken by how much pain you have caused yourself.
>>311190 >People who are satisfied with their life don't attack others for pleasuring themselves
that's an interesting statement. so because there are some things that pleasure another person, that they might be 'attacked' for, the person 'attacking' them, aren't satisfied with their lives?
so you think that all the sick pernicious tranny stuff and putting that into schools, whatever strange political ideology or shit that these politicians and think tanks can come up with to do to turn society upside down and break it, all that giving pleasure to them, even in the sick acts, because a person might attack people doing that they aren't satisfied with their lives?
hey looks, guys, it's just a little meth, it's just a little heroin, its just a little sick ideology here and there, warping the minds of the future generations, that gives pleasure too. hey, it's just a little sex-having, it's just a little destruction of social fabric creating broken homes dysfunctional families and all the rest, so these young brainwashed succubi can be whores and ruin themselves and their ability to be mothers and partners and raise healthy well adjusted adults to carry the torch.
>>311209 >it makes me want to do normie stuff and to become a normie. I do not experience this at all. I do not understand how not watching porn would do that to you unless you're a normalfag deep down.
>>311203 I don’t understand how you can be a truwiz LARP faggot who claims he is so pure and without social wantings, and then immediately go attack tranny shit because it “disrupts the social fabric”.
im going to explain this even though it shouldnt need explaining. when the social fabric erodes enough, there will be war, famine, disease, looting, many wizards will have a very very bad time in a much more harsh environment and world. if you can't see that having a world that isn't on the brink of collapse, is beneficial to people so many of whom are NEET and rely on that system, then i don't know what to tell you.
WHY THE HELL YOU CARE ABOUT LGBTQ PEOPLE? Wanting people to follow the regular sexuality is a breeder failed normalfag take and a huge red flag in my eyes. Conservative morons are nothing but slaves of the status quo and have nothing to do with wizards, most of them are hostile to virgin people and non conventional lifestyles. Whereas lgbt people generally respect your(lack) of sexual activities at least.
>>311892 LGBT stuff is the status quo and pornogrpahic stuff is widely accepted. LGBT types will only accept you as long as you play along with them politically and they are quick to stab you in the back at any inconvenience. They keep grooming porn addicted autists into gay tranny stuff and if you dont like that youre automatically a crab chud to them.
>>311897 See, the thing is not trying to befriends with them, just to not be hostile with the kind of people who are more likely to understand why you dont care about sex for the sake of being confortable in your own skin. Of course not all of them are like this, but a huge percentage of those people are more likely to leave you the fuck alone.
This is for my own experience. Im not even gay or whatever, but gay people tend to be more respectful to me than the conservative people, this is a fact.
And yes, porn is bad i agree, wizards should put their energy into their hobbies instead
>>311912 I'm not the OP though, i do not condemn masturbation or porn… im just a animist, this guy is probably a evangelical christian.
However, its true that you need to take some precautions. Present day porn is a rabbit hole. Masturbation when done the right way is neutral and even revitalizing in some cases, but If you do it in the "fast food" way it will quickly make you tired
>>311935 >a waste of time speaking like a textbook normalfag. what do you have to do in your life which requires you to wisely use time? I'd guess a normalfag activity
>>311939 porn and sex are a waste of time. Being a coomer is not wizardly, you're just a failed normalfag who occupies his waking hours thinking about sex and watching sex.
>>311958 that's post-nut depression, but guess what, you did jerk off why? because we all do, sometimes you get to release the drive it's not like we need to save time and energy to do what, be a good CEO? lmao if you're a NEET and you don't jerk off sometimes, you're just brain-dead.
>>311980 You come in the nofap thread complaining that we keep pestering you, just hide the thread m8 how autistic are you. Also jobs are for plebs bitch
>>311981 ahh yes, this, the one and only nofap thread there’s ever been on wizchan.
but more than the constant threads on fapping and porn being “unwizardly” (obviously, there can be no question about it regarding 3dpd), it’s the widespread prominence of this anti horny and anti 2d nonsense that is a problem.
it all stems from their materialism, which already being on its own a retarded doctrine, it naturally leads to more retarded conclusions like hentai bad, 2d is cope, etc.
>>311988 i’m not saying that it’s materialist, but that materialism naturally leads to it. if you’re a materialist then it’s only natural to believe that horniness is merely an evolved tool to drive men to fuck succs, thereby leading to the survival and propagation of the species, and that 2d is merely an idealized physical representation (no more than pixels on a screen or drawings on a piece of paper) of the female traits that make one horny. it might even be superior in eliciting a stronger response than 3d succs are capable of, but it’s still just an exploit or hack on that base biological drive, like the case of those beetles who would rather try to mate with empty beer bottles than with female beetles.
obviously, non-materialists like christians, etc., can also be anti fap/hentai/horny, and sometimes even waifufags so wise and insightful to realize the falsehood of that second premise i just mentioned. i’ve chatted with waifufags who argued for the metaphysical reality of waifus, but who’d then turn around and say horniness and hentai is bad because it’s mundane and worldly, a base biological drive, etc. why they would suddenly make such a simple blunder in their otherwise keen and insightful reasoning is a mystery i cannot explain.
I cant believe i was into this nofap thing for like 4 years. Now i see it mostly like a religious nonsense.
I've always tried and tried to search about the realistic and practical benefits of it, and while its true that there's some, its most of the time you will find a religious mumbo jumbo right handed path, "restraning/sacrificing yourself for god" and other bullshit. The nofap/semen retention moviment has no emphasis on the individuality, no emphasis on personal experience, doesnt not accept a single criticism, they expect you to follow things blindly. Its WEIRD. i dont like it
Yes, there's good practical benefits about the practice like more energy but thats really it, nothing more. Long streaks are not really that great either.
I'm now focusing on mantaining a healthy fapping schedule which brings me the best of both worlds. If you curious about it search about the taoism fapping calendar(taoism is the only religion that takes a sane approach about it) and most important trust your OWN EXPERIENCE. Don't let no fool Tell you what to do. Most nofap and semen retention stuff that is spreaded around the internet are 95% pure bullshit made for religious schizos. Take the middle path for your own sanity.
>>311994 There's very, VERY few individuals who are by nature inclined to the scrict celibacy stuff, i repeat: very few. Its easy to delude yourself with this sort of belief and to think you are some sort of enlighted celibate monk who never faps. There's 99,9% of chance that you are just bored with life and want to use this as a escape from reality, just like the guys who over indulge in masturbation. Its two sides of the same coin, its both unhealthy in different ways.
>>311994 >If you curious about it search about the taoism fapping calendar(taoism is the only religion that takes a sane approach about it) I'm intrigued
Its basically a schedule of how much you should ejaculate depending of your age. Its very practical and effective in my own experience. Its something like in the image.
Some taoist branches say you should never ejaculate at all, while others advise you ejaculate in a controlled wise manner, but the thing i like is that they never deny sexual pleasure even when one decides to avoid ejaculation.
Avoiding internet pornography is obviously advisable, not because porn is "BaD aNd eViL" but because it distracts your mind from your moment of relaxation. But in the end this is up to you, only you can decide what is good for you.
>>312004 >listens to dead ching chong philosophers from a thousand years ago with no medical knowledge of the human body >PORN IS NOT EVIL AND BAD mkay! lol you are pathetic and then say this: >the thing i like is that they never deny sexual pleasure
Go have sex if sex isn't evil. You're just another addict.
>>312005 Pornography and erotica always existed in every civilization. From ancient agypt, rome and china to the present days. Good luck trying to fight against something that always existed in every human society.
The only thing i agree is that present day pornography is the most addictive of all, but until the 90s it was never a big problem.
>>312007 >bruh porn always existed u see those paintings depicting nudity and that were available to only a few are the same as what we see today >From ancient agypt, rome and china to the present days That's an absolute retarded argument in this context. People in ancient times didn't even have a real tangible concept of porn nor were they addicted to it because it wasn't widespread and accessible. The "porn" from ancient times wasn't something every peasant and farmer could get his hands onto and it definitely wasn't made for mass consumption.
The porn we see today its available at one tap of your fingers, one click, almost everyone with internet access can get it.
You can't even even compare the modern degenerate scenario brimming with fetishes, where you're bombarded with clickbaits and thumbnails in almost every webpage with what they had in ancient times.
>>312009 >>312004 you have another case of respect to ancient dead people who can't back up any of their claims. You really are no better than some drone who adheres to some political figure ideals, you can't question or inquire, you are a mental servant waiting for his master to tell him what to believe: >a man at twenty can ejaculate once every four days >a man at thirty can ejaculate once everything eight days >a man at forty can ejaculate once every ten days >a man at sixty should no longer ejaculate numbers pulled out of his ching chong ass but according to you they are logical and make sense. Prove it then, prove why it is logical. It's the most stupid shit i've read in a long time.
>>312006 We already went over this but porn didnt exist in ancient times, at least not in western europe and there are no pornographic depictions recovered whatsoever. A sculpture of a naked man with a flaccid penis or a painting of a naked succubus is not porn. Depictions of naked bodies are not porn.
Early pornographic depictions as they can be found in turkey and arabia don't even go back as far as most ancient civilizations go.
>>312010 >The porn we see today its available at one tap of your fingers, one click, almost everyone with internet access can get it. Another very important factor, every writing or depiction had to be witnessed physically and there was no way to transmit stuff whatsoever so that means anything had to he presented to you in your immediate surrounding even if you lived in a remote village. Even if something like that existed, it couldn't spread and grow as it does now and there was no way of anyone becoming a coomer or developing weird fetishes because no one knew about this stuff.
>>312010 >Prove it then, prove why it is logical. It's the most stupid shit i've read in a long time.
Do i really need to tell why it makes Sense? Its pretty damn obvious. Its all about balance. You overdo it, it makes you sick, but If you repress it, it will then turn into outbursts of violence or paranoia, and many other bad things.. Unless you "transcend" it(tip: almost no one know how to)
Go search about the deleterious effects of sexual repression in the period of victorian era, for example. I wont do it for you dude, make your own research. I've probably years trying nofap and probably more than you so i know what im taking about. More than some of the evidences i talk about personal experience too.
>>312012 No, im not talking about naked people. There's plenty of actual pornography depictions, obviously not as realistic as now, but they exist. They always existed and will always exist.
>>312012 Did you readed that i actually think modern post 2000s pornography isnt very healthy?
I just don't think there's any "evil forces" forcing you to consume it, rather i have a logical approach to it.
If i remember correctly in the website yourbrainonporn they tell you the same thing. People who grew up before internet porn existed are far less likely to be addicted to it because they have different brain connections from the people who grew up with it.
Modern porn is bad, but porn itself outside this context is neutral and a thing that always existed. thats it
>>312016 >Did you readed >I don't think there's any "evil forces" forcing you to consume it propaganda isn't a real thing, it doesn't exist at all, and the porn industry isn't funded by jews. Sounds like you should do your research instead of following random numbers of some taoist braindead chink without any explanation or consideration as to where did those numbers came out because you are not a logical person or interested in the truth.
>>312020 all you say is "jews, jews, jews", "its bad because its bad". Is there something in your brain that doesnt fall into this black and white schizophrenic thought pattern? Goddamn, it must be exhausting being you. You cannot think in causal, logical way, all you can do is correlating everything with conspiracy theories you read on 4chan or something. I give up trying to having a conversation with you.
>>312021 Not to mention we both agree that modern pornography is bad, just because i don't agree that ALL pornography is bad you dont stop shitting on me. You need to seriously seek help, this way is seeing the world is very bad for you.
I don't think it's a matter of when the porn was made but more the amount of porn and it's ease of access that causes issues for a small minority of people.
A bit of porn in moderation is harmless. It's just that some people can't moderate.
>>311977 That post-nut depression was caused by me jacking off to porn/erotic material. I would be better off without it and not cause the cycle of craving->action->regret. Not like I need it to survive. Currently a NEET at the moment but plan to escape eventually. There's nothing wrong with masturbation sometimes but, porn is straight up evil and should be avoided. It is poison, not a forbidden fruit to be resisted. NoFap bros get this wrong.
>>309307 This makes no sense to me. The need for sex is the need to reproduce and start a family to continue the human race and society. How can there be procreation wizards when the normative way of procreation is sex. Why would a wizard partake in it? Most men don't reproduce anyways
Porn desensitizes the dopamine receptors, creating hypofrontality; Porn lowers androgen receptor density, possibly creating estrogen dominance Porn spikes prolactin, cutting dopamine and making you stupid Porn creates a self reinforcing delta-fosb loop making you addicted to computers This may create lasting brain changes if introduced during growth periods as a major stimulus … In conclusion, do as little as possible. It's a drug mimic
>>312036 Now replace porn with literally anything pleasurable or stimulating.
The people who preach this kind of stuff always leave out that porn isn't even remotely unique in triggering similar response, and that they are by proxy demonizing the body's natural enjoyment system. Porn isn't the problem, it's anything done in excess.
Tasty food is good, but in excess it's a problem. Video games are fun, but in excess it causes problems. Reading books is good, but even that in excess causes problems.
Pleasure isn't inherently problematic, but in excess it causes problems.
>>312038 >by proxy demonizing the body's natural enjoyment system Something being natural doesn't mean is good. Porn by itself is demonic, it's made to sell and you forget it's someone's daughter that's been degraded in obscene acts for the perverse enjoyment of others. It damages them psychologically. >Porn isn't the problem, it's anything done in excess. Porn even in moderation is immoral. You realize you don't need porn to masturbate, right?
>>312043 >Porn by itself is demonic its completely harmless, its just a video or a jpg. its about as "demonic" as anything else in this shit world so when everything is demonic nothing is. >it's made to sell so? whos forcing you to buy it? just jerk off to the petabytes of free porn that are available. >and you forget it's someone's daughter that's been degraded in obscene acts for the perverse enjoyment of others literally who gives a shit? >It damages them psychologically. not my or your problem
also there is lots of porn that doesnt even involve any people at all. like AI porn for example, hurts nobody. >is immoral to exist is immoral >you don't need porn to masturbate its not as Fun
>>312038 Porn, video games, and junk food are made to be consumed in excess. Actual food can be eaten until satiated. Reading a book isn't as stimulating as porn which has been compared to hard drugs.
>>312038 You're lying, it absolutely is an issue because of ease of access. Every kid who gets an internet connection will turn into an addicted fapper during peak puberty, and get a terrible brain in consequence with hypofrontality, chronic prolactin increase and high estrogen, and internet addiction. Even in the state of nature men had to wait for sex. It's a value chain that turns men at prime of their life neurologically into losers
If I had kids I would not let them anywhere near modern culture or an internet connected computer. There are just so many issues involved with what these devices do to the brain
>>312055 People being blatantly disingenuous or not even believability lying is even more common, which is why people basically telling them to stop is also common. It isn't bots, it's a direct response to insinceraty.
>>312055 I see someone obviously larping: I post "kek stop larping". There are no bots, there are only dudes playing the volcels meme, and the other ones, those that don't appreciate the trolling. You don't have a mission, you're not out there saving the world, or being a CEO of a big company. Busting a nut is not going to chance a thing. Live your neet life, don't be too obsessed with porn, and you'll be fine. The rest is internet stupidity.
>>312004 such reduction in libido happened to me on its own. at 15 i would beat off 2 times per day, now as i am approaching 26 i get the urge to masturbate once every 3-4 days