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/v9k/ - Dead

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File: 1436807058882.jpg (98.81 KB, 640x493, 640:493, compendium-neifirst.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Why this board from old wizardchan is not showing near other on top of the page?
/b/ too.
And maybe even other seekret clubs I don't know about.


do u know how to make a web page in HTML


File: 1436631853140.jpg (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, yande.re 252098.jpg) ImgOps iqdb



How many secrit clubs do we have now? 3? Are there more?


File: 1437789990555.png (153.1 KB, 255x258, 85:86, National_Reconnaissance_Op….PNG) ImgOps iqdb

Who knows


I only know about this one and /b/

What's the last one anon



For me wizchan is only these 3 boards.


File: 1441886733084.jpg (26.34 KB, 600x220, 30:11, staff.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>And maybe even other seekret clubs I don't know about.
Some hot wizardry action going on there.



That's about all I counted using my super secret board detection method

site:wizchan.org "catalog.html"


There is one of magic chan.
I'd be shocked if anyone here knows it.


Magicchan actually has 2 secret boards


File: 1459211348969.png (182.45 KB, 931x395, 931:395, make sure.png) ImgOps iqdb

And a memer admin.
Found a NEET board there. Another one is out of my guessing though.


please tell me them if your still around please?


haha, im browsing magicchan after a year too, just five minutes ago
theres nothing that interests me and i dont want to give them anything

they have test board, and i dont know or remember the other
"op" btw but i like when it refers to post only and not to author


so it should be /test and /neet


mr lurker, wanna hear an advice
it is a closed clique
dont go to magicchan
and lets drop this dump


it shouldve been deleted a long time ago and bring back /elder/ rather than this shit.


Why not have both?



I crey errytiem.


another 2 years for this

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