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/v9k/ - Dead

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File: 1595277701001.png (518.85 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 03. Cardcaptor Sakura [BD ….png) ImgOps iqdb


The fewer people the better, the fewer people the more prevalent my presence is and therefore, the better.


File: 1595284116862.jpg (Spoiler Image, 127.34 KB, 747x747, 1:1, 951479112.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

*plays with the skeletal remains of schizoposter in front of u*


sounds like the ultimate cope to forgetting about the absurd time put into trying to take on some shitposting cabal on an imageboard. pretending to be in the hierarchy even was a waste of time. strange flex to pull on a place claimed to want to save, too. makes me think


can't delete thread, delete posts though. felt unsafe suddenly need to move someplace else.


judging by how focused you are still even after being asspained the first time, how could anyone be jealous of a lie like that over at cow. you come here acting like a saint when really you are the traitor. you got mad so you gotta act like you're big now. out of here you autistic try-hard


File: 1595293803069.png (395 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 26. Cardcaptor Sakura [BD ….png) ImgOps iqdb

I'm OP are you talking to me? I don't know if this board is just the random of random boards so you could just be posting nothing. I don't know what you're talking about if you're talking to me


i was originally making a joke but it seems that one autist cant get enough of wiz dicks in his mouth that he has to keep coming here. maybe you werent around during this time


that's the funniest kind of response to have when you were here wanting to fit in at first. getting so mad at virgins that you decide to become a normalfag


mad nigger




What happened niggers




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I wish I didn't mess things up so badly. I always do with anything. And even though you don't like me anymore, I don't feel the same way because for once I didn't feel so alone here. Your purity will be something I will miss.


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I'd rather be snug than smug


File: 1700820866617.jpg (Spoiler Image, 922.04 KB, 1197x1320, 399:440, 6cd3135e9eec5e55e3adb243b6….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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