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/v9k/ - Dead

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I asked zabujard if he was a mod and he said no.


What the fuck are you talking about? I barely understood this, and you didn't provide any proof that he was a mod. You honestly sound like a schizo.


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Take your meds deletwiz, and stop fucking whores with your hobo friends.


I know how to blankpost, its not difficult



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megapal = justme (/b/ hob japanese learning guy)
ken = enlike (games/jap learning)
iyashi = reticent(hob/jap learning/ anime reviewer)
torn = sanguine (mod + dep/hob/games guy)
farengar = johnyjohnson (hob/dep poster bikes/walks)
enflamis = agentsteve (/b/ nigger poster and games)

so this site somehow got overtaken by these faggots who sit in "wizcord" and conversate with themselves on their alts out of maybe 40 people in it there's only 1 or 2 who aren't their accounts

it seems like these fags migrated from somewhere here like /cow/ because they don't have a certain point of interest (some are poltard 4channers some are moralfag redditors)

they already were called out on this but just continue to act the same like nothing happened so it's a group effort that's been going on for years

anyway if anyone cares who the "cliquers" are that's them and they make 90% of wizchan posts


post wizcord link


Fucking lol, this is an amazing example of schizo posting at its finest


Why did you quit the wizchan official™ discord?
Also sorry for kicking all your alts from the other discord. :(


Kaname stop samefagging.


Janny, clean up.


You know too much…


he didn't quit, he got his ass whopped my mods for confusing the unmoderated mud and shit of /b/ with sparkling clean and orderly wizcord


cringe at still trying to gaslight after you get exposed


baited and outsmarted everyone you had no chance since the beginning kiddo


funniest thing here is that you unironically believe any of these people (except maybe boyposter) are active wizchan users


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silverfang = kaname (one of his multiple alts) = >>6488

a brainfried stoner, a paranoid schizophrenic and, as usual in such cases, a huge crab


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you got trolled hard by a volcel
learn your place crab


funny thing is you are posting now and proving him right




the crab cliquers aren't even denying it anymore just lol got btfo so hard they are just making themselves look pathetic


couldn't stand being 10 minutes in their "wizcord" they sounded like obnoxious normalfags


Same, there was a guy talking about talking to succubi on FB. Makes sense if this is all true.


you're extremely easy to spot
just because you have others cover for you with lies doesn't make your presence here stand out any less


post link i can't find it i don't use discord


i find it sad you have to lie that you don't post on wizchan lmao are you afraid of torn so much


add someone from this list for an invite


*cliqs tongue*
drama day in the wizcord cliq
*does ballet leap, lands and walks while finger snapping*
here in the wizhood
*stares suspiciously at rival cliquers, grins*


Oh no no no, we got too cocky deletwiz. I am sorry for being a simp, deletwiz. Please don't stop being my only schizo friend!


All me.


I like how you ordered them alphabetically.


who /kaname/ here


Me and my friend.


Is Ken n 'Kename' guy yall mention the same guy? Are all o deez kename's alts? Im a lil confoosed.


It be like dat and ya know it. We wuz wizzing around, haha!


kana has discord alts from 5+ years ago meaning he's been doing it for years you folks ended up being just another one of his victims


i sometimes think i am kana when i am daydreaming or in my sleep typing out those silly posts and giggling manically


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thanks for not lying, it seems these claims were true and these guys are gay + smoke weed


>Zezima posting on wizchan

That would be absolutely crazy. I think Zezima's account is now owned by his D A U G H T E R but idrk


i think cliquers are mostly gay because they only post clothed 2d females or minor nudity in 2d zone of wizcord never actual porn


>ftm tranny
>capable of rape


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just disband the wizcord it's rotten from the core


I gues you could say its… rotten from the cord?


its funny cuz its true


Agentsteve here, I'm thinking of killing myself, should I do it?






I am agentsteve ask me anything




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what's the difference? all of wizchan but me is 120+ IQ snobs with the same tastes and sexual preferences, even the homeless ones.


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the wizcord is filled with larping normalfags who voice chat




I used to post there but left because everybody other than Ken hated me. Now I'm pretty sure they all hate me, and that's alright- I hate me, too.

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