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/v9k/ - Dead

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File: 1622687754824.png (11.89 KB, 512x253, 512:253, image.png) ImgOps iqdb


The calm night swoops over the bright, noisy day like a dark blanket, engulfing the world in a quiet stillness - a cool bath to soothe the burning warrior. A cloaked figure emerges from the mists to offer the 'blessed balm of sleep', releasing us our worries and toils and pains.

Goodnight, Wizardchan;
Sleep tight, and do not mind the bed-bugs.


File: 1624163522059.jpg (23.4 KB, 336x326, 168:163, bed.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>The calm night swoops over the bright, noisy day like a dark blanket, engulfing the world in a quiet stillness - a cool bath to soothe the burning warrior. A cloaked figure emerges from the mists to offer the 'blessed balm of sleep', releasing us our worries and toils and pains.

>Goodnight, Wizardchan;

>Sleep tight, and do not mind the bed-bugs.


Outside content, perhaps
But the pain is all inside

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