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I wrote these while the internet was out sometime in 2016 as a creative exercise. The textfile has been bumping around from HDD to HDD since, might as well post.


I changed my desktop background to white to illuminate a safe passage to my bed.
I should have initiated the PC's shutdown sequence before embarking.

I wake up. I relocate my PC for better airflow and more ample desk space.
My headphone cable no longer reaches my head. I go back to sleep.

I'm glad in the summer knowing that the days will soon begin getting shorter.
I'm upset in the winter knowing that the days will soon begin getting longer.
I shouldn't of listened to mother when she told me to think about the future.

My first non-signup-confirmation Email told me I won a Nigerian charity lottery.
I pondered over emailing them back for many months. Maybe this one was real?

I thought this stack of fifty DVD-RWs would never run out.
How naive I was a week ago.

I downloaded hardsubbed and compressed copies exclusively for my tablet PC.
I felt it was getting sad sitting there without being used for anything.

Mother sent me an SMS saying that there was food for me.
It's been a few days; I'm sure it's been eaten by now.

I never use these CADD and creative programs that I downloaded years ago.
I'll get started on learning them within the next decade or so.

I swapped out my disk drive for a hard drive to back up some data some time ago.
I guess these ISOs will have to wait until I can reach back there again.

The only thing I did today was watch animated shows about young succubi having fun in Japan.
Because of this, I know I will dream of those young succubi. I am reluctant to sleep.

I could probably get some gold by disolving these old PC parts.
I wonder if bleach and dish soap will be suitable acids.

I saw a shooting star and wished for the ability to draw wonderous images.
I wonder when I'll feel up to seeing if the wish came true.

I found a lone ramen flavour packet, the origin of which is a total mystery.
My next bowl will be extravagent; I must watch something great while I eat.

If these figurines could talk…
…What would they scream?

People on the net say it is strange to sit in a small room in front of a PC all day,
Unless you are payed, scolded, wearing a suit, and hating every minute of it.

I wish the power would go out for a few days or so.
It would give me the oppourtunity to burn a candle.

I wonder what they'll claim the item as on the shipping label for something like this?
It's not worth the risk; I'll just buy an onahole or H-figurine instead.

Why did I buy this hat again?
It's not like I ever go out.

So I guess the internet's been out for quite some time now…
…Was I really browsing on cached pages this whole time?

Two blankets, a curtain, and a trash bag.
Still the sunlight gets through.

This anon doesn't know what he's talking about, so I'd better correct him.
Oh wait, I'm the one who posted that so many months ago.

I'm sure I've contracted a keylogger or two throughout my years of pirating and browsing.
Certainly I must have bored the receivers to death by now.

My dreams have been so unadventurous lately that I think I may actually just be sleep walking,
I should prop more weight in front of my door just to be safe.

I've been wearing this shirt for a few weeks and it is beginning to smell.
I'll bet my other one is bone dry by now.

I hope that the roof above my room starts leaking when this snow begins to melt.
I could then keep a coffee pot in here without needing to use the kitchen sink.

I should flip the oscilate switch on that fan next time I get up.
That way me and my PC would get an even share of the breeze.

"No sugar added" ?
I can fix that.

The package was too big for the mailbox so they left a deleviery notice slip instead.
I hope somebody uploaded a tutorial video on how to hand this to the PO clerk.

I dropped an SD card and some case screws a few months back.
Too bad too, this place could use a vacuuming.

The squeeky floor alerts me to incoming danger.
The squeeky floor alerts danger to incoming me.

According to this map website, it will take 12 minutes to get to the convenience store by foot.
I'll just wait until mum has the friday after this one off of work so she can drive me.

Is there a pet that doesn't ever need to go outdoors, have companionship, or have it's area cleaned?
Better ask mum, I think she's raised an animal like this before.

I'll hold on to this empty coffee can.
It's metal, so it probably is worth something in scrap.

January fourth and I've broken my resolutions.
Oh well, there's always next year.

Why is my network card flashing so much when I'm just watching something on my hard drive?
Maybe the admin of that forum is attacking me as payback after all of these years.

I have to wake up early to let the plumbers in and sign for their work.
I hope I don't wake up ever again.

I'm feeling energetic today.
I must be falling ill.

I now have all of the household's bowls in my room.
I'll have to sneak them out over the course of a week.

Oh, they thought I was sleeping so they just ordered enough takeout for themselves.
That's fine, it..It's not like I wanted any or anything; I'm on a diet starting now.

I'd sell this unused item on a classifieds site, but people insist on talking to me over the phone.
And through text, email, in person… They'd probably talk me down to giving it to them for free.

I must wait a while after waking up before visiting the "bright" websites.
I'll order some corrective mirrorshades when I update my prescription.

I've forgotten what my voice sounds like.
I vocalize a yawn to spark my memory.

Mum had me change a light bulb last week.
I think I've earned the rest of this chocolate milk.

If I want to bet nickles on this foreign election online, I must upload a photo of my ID beforehand.
No thanks, I already fell for that one when trying to sell my old MMO account.

After getting fed up, the admin handed power down to someone else.
I feel as though I played a role in that. I didn't want to feel bad today.

I guess I'm a newfag, I've only been using this board for….
…Ten years now.

This electronica is nice and simple. I could probably make some of my own.
I'll learn how by attentively listening to it for a few years.

I should write my own romance VN.
I probably have more romantic experience than the average person on account of how many VNs I've played.

Sometimes I wish my family would snoop through my room and get a good idea of exactly who I am.
The sooner they lose all hope, the sooner I can stop worrying about the "get a job" talks.

Dear Diary… It's been two years since my last entry. Sorry I haven't updated you in so long.
I've been recording my life to anons online instead, but as the internet is out, you will do for now.


diary of James D. Imsa


good stuff


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Nice writings, those bring joy to my heart.


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"We wizards"
- Wrote with Windows Wordpad

We who wish we were wiser
Will withdraw with whimsical writings when websites wane

We who wear wide waistbands
Will watch weight when wheezing wakes

We who wank weekly without washing
Will wring water where wand wags when warm weather warps wax

We who wander where woodland wildlife wriggles
Will warp when winking womanfolk wrap whoreishly

We who waste within walls without windows
Will work when wicked wageslaves withhold whispers, warnings, whines.

We who wonder where we went wrong
Will watch when war wrecks worlds.

When witches witness winter!

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