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/v9k/ - Dead

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They are intentionally infiltrating females in this board to give us false hope and to push us even further down.
They created the idea of a "fembot, femanon, femcel" to give us the false feeling of belonging and faith that we can make it and that females that are like us exist.
They make us get close to them only to be "ghosted" (they replace them with other female agents).
They want to break broken men even more, they want to break us down to our molecules and atoms.
They want our death, they want our eradication, they want our extinction.
They are laughing behind their screens, they are laughing at you, me, everyone on this board.
You are all being fooled and tooled. You are all getting laughed at. You are all being watched, spectated and observed.
Always keep this in mind.

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