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I got 99 problems and a bitch aint one


I've got ninety nine bitches and its definetly a problem.


can't contain the duane


File: 1462243985863.jpg (46.93 KB, 600x603, 200:201, CeRudzbUYAAgw2z.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

but virginity isn't one of them


pedophile groups exist


how many children did you rape?


Well then what are your problems I have never heard of someone on a secret board on Wizardchan not have a problem with succubi


I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one,
she's all 99 of 'em I need a machine gun


I have a SKS


Can I borrow it?


v wizardly


holy shit I remember this thread


You made it?


it really feels like people who advocate for mental health awareness only give a shit about adhd, autism, depression, anxiety, and every other morally okay illnesses according to the public eye. the fact that all of these mostly harmless illnesses are supported and advocated for yet all of these (what i assume people call) less harmless illnesses such as ASPD or NPD are bastardized and stereotyped as this big evil thing that only evil people have is so degrading to the people trying to get better and it makes me sick.
if you look up "covert narcissism" you will only see articles saying how to avoid these kinds of people like theyre some kind of fucking monster
if you look up "autism" you will see nothing but support and love for them and articles on how to help them through their illness and support and empower them
and its not only the articles, its literally everyone. ADL doesnt care about defamation of narcissists and psychopaths/sociopaths that are trying to get better and become a good functioning member of society, and neither do the people that have "neurotypicals DNI" in their twitter bio. they would rather DIE than interact with any neurodivergent that isnt heckin quirky adhd or ocd havers teehee so quirky
fucking hypocrites. its such bullshit man
people look at me crazy when i talk about how human nature is inherently selfish while this shit is normalized like it is

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