Anonymage 10/13/24 (Sun) 10:58:20 No. 219819
Middle School High School Chad, what are your bullies doing now? I'm a new fag and I'm studying in high school. Chad in high school is both a bully and has 5 girlfriends. His girlfriends make fun of me and bully me. He makes rape jokes. He's a misogynist, but he gets along well with succubi.
Anonymage 10/13/24 (Sun) 10:58:59 No. 219820
İngilizcem kötü olduğu için hatalar olabilir
Anonymage 10/13/24 (Sun) 11:04:12 No. 219821
>>219819 My internet translation translated it wrong, it's not scubbi, it's a succubus.
Anonymage 10/13/24 (Sun) 11:04:56 No. 219822
nigga not scubbi succubus
Anonymage 10/13/24 (Sun) 11:29:36 No. 219823
normans gnomies scooby wiscel
Anonymage 10/13/24 (Sun) 11:45:49 No. 219824
>>219819 Most of them are fat, have shit jobs and autistic children.
Anonymage 10/19/24 (Sat) 10:34:31 No. 219918
scooby dooby doo
Anonymage 10/19/24 (Sat) 11:30:30 No. 219919
>>219918 scibidoo stigma male
Anonymage 10/19/24 (Sat) 12:43:27 No. 219920
Bet they all took the clothsots so I have the last laugh
Anonymage 10/19/24 (Sat) 13:08:27 No. 219921
Kill him
Anonymage 10/19/24 (Sat) 13:50:13 No. 219922
I don't know, I don't use social media. It's a mystery how anyone is doing.
Anonymage 10/20/24 (Sun) 11:06:12 No. 219926
>>219918 Scooby Doo bullied me!
Anonymage 10/20/24 (Sun) 12:07:32 No. 219927
>high school how old op?
Anonymage 10/20/24 (Sun) 19:10:47 No. 219931
While I suffer from venous leak, poverty, and abusive parents. The bullies and overall shit people I know are doing well, married, have a fulfilling sex life, and have bred bitches. Meanwhile, I rot.
Anonymage 10/20/24 (Sun) 22:56:56 No. 219935
>>219931 skibidi u are sigma dont care bully hawk tuah they end up wit alimony womp womp
Anonymage 10/21/24 (Mon) 00:11:16 No. 219937
türk müsün kanka
Anonymage 10/21/24 (Mon) 01:00:23 No. 219938
there needs to be a rule against these cuck fetish fake story threads, or at least banish it to
>>>/b/ Anonymage 10/21/24 (Mon) 01:22:58 No. 219939
>>219931 How do you know they're doing well? People lie. Are you really close to your bullies to know how they are doing?
Anonymage ## Mod 10/21/24 (Mon) 01:57:30 No. 219940
Moved to >>>/b/999014.