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Middle School High School Chad, what are your bullies doing now? I'm a new fag and I'm studying in high school. Chad in high school is both a bully and has 5 girlfriends. His girlfriends make fun of me and bully me. He makes rape jokes. He's a misogynist, but he gets along well with succubi.


İngilizcem kötü olduğu için hatalar olabilir


My internet translation translated it wrong, it's not scubbi, it's a succubus.


nigga not scubbi succubus


normans gnomies scooby wiscel


Most of them are fat, have shit jobs and autistic children.


scooby dooby doo


scibidoo stigma male


Bet they all took the clothsots so I have the last laugh


Kill him


I don't know, I don't use social media. It's a mystery how anyone is doing.


Scooby Doo bullied me!


>high school
how old op?


While I suffer from venous leak, poverty, and abusive parents. The bullies and overall shit people I know are doing well, married, have a fulfilling sex life, and have bred bitches. Meanwhile, I rot.


skibidi u are sigma dont care bully hawk tuah they end up wit alimony womp womp


türk müsün kanka


there needs to be a rule against these cuck fetish fake story threads, or at least banish it to >>>/b/


How do you know they're doing well? People lie. Are you really close to your bullies to know how they are doing?


Moved to >>>/b/999014.

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