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The Shadow Realm
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Wizcels rising up against unjust oppression


Hitler was a wizcel. He married for political and propagandistic reasons but never had sex. His aim was to have the germans form healthy families and love their country and create a place where virgins could live in harmony.


An inspiration to us all


He started a senseless war that killed millions of Europeans.


without that war you wouldn't know about him or the aryan spirit.


britain started it dumbass


>Drug addicted vegetarian





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Wizcel, Patron of Virginity, Guardian of Pure Essences, Templar of Celibate Virtue, Sentinel of Pure Desires, Shepherd of Chaste Flocks, Paladin of Virginity's Valor, Knight Templar of Celibacy.



Malnourished addicts coping


fascism is the worst thing ever happened to humanity


no, it's liberalism


What's the difference


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>Fascism is the worst thing ever happened to humanity


The agricultural revolution is uniroincally because our diets regressed.


white wizcel bros… he was so right about everything. look at the degenerate volcel kikes now, pushing for racemixxing, immigrants, multiculturalism, death of whites, etc.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.


Wizcel aryan leader.


why you want the state to oppress you?


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Evropa ascendant


I miss Hitler.


If only he had won… there wouldn't be more virgin oppression. Most of it comes from leftists and feminist liberals who hate white men and scream at every virgin male "far right" "in cel" "terrorist" "virgin". Hitler would not have let this happen.

You really think Hitler wouldn't have been compassionate and look at us white wizcels like a father looks to his son?
Hitler loves wizcels' aryan spirit to combat degeneracy. This modern times are satanic times, we are Hitler's favorite spiritual soldiers.


one prayer for mister Adolf


Heil Hitler!


Andrew loved hitler


A great man and a big inspiration to every wizcel.




wizcel hitler!


+based white man.


I like this thread
We see someone that is practical and someone with ideals
liberalism is something you do when youre tdying to make the collapse happen


feels good to be a white wizcel



even this nigger when asked who are his favorite three white people he can't help but mention Adolf Hitler.


crabs are insufferable


Hitler killed a lot of whites so he's aite


88 is greaty mate


Behind every perversion and act of wickedness, you'll inevitably find a group of jews. Simple as. It's a story that's older than dirt.




Why do you think the Jews were so quick to gain power over Hollywood, pornography, news media? They seed egregores all the time, just not in the way that term is usually interpreted. To put it another way, they meme things into existence. The trope of the masculine black man, the weak and incompetent White man, the lovable (Jewish) misfit who charms the aryan succubus, the seemingly-perfect-but-secretly-sociopathic Aryan housewife. They manipulate the consciousness of the viewers on a massive scale.

In times past, the Jews were effective at doing this through religion — the dissemination of fundamentally Jewish religion in the form of Christianity throughout the Aryan world. The Jew is a master of the egregore, and this is tied to the myth of the golem — upon the head of the golem is written “emet,” or “truth,” and this is Jewish truth. Symbolically, the mind of the golem is filled with Jewish truth. When the golem is no longer useful, the aleph is erased to form the word “met,” meaning death. The Aryan as Jewish golem has run his course, and now this golem is marked for death.


praying for all my wizcels 🙏




work shy men were sent to concentration camps



quite funny how they try to pathologize ordinary life in this video. I wonder if the pendulum will ever swing back on the public view of germany


it's his birthday, let us celebrate


ad majorem Dei glroiam, in cel fratres


We won wizcel bros




“Only the Jew knew that by an able and persistent use of propaganda heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa, the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise. The Jew knew this and acted accordingly. But the German, or rather his Government, did not have the slightest suspicion of it. During the War the heaviest of penalties had to be paid for that ignorance."

Mein Kampf, Chapter 10”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf


We need another hitler, white wizcel bros.


That's why we need another Hitler




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anybody who actually thinks painter man on the left is the guy in that pic needs to actually watch him talk.
>decorated war hero
>unironically attempts a paramilitary revolution
>inner circle consists of geniuses
>takes a fringe socialist group and turns it into the biggest part in Germany in only a couple of years
>overthrows the government from within
>nearly wins an entire intraeuropean war
>speeches captivated millions across the world
>slandered in retrospect by butthurt catboy streamers who beg for money on air every single day


Based and Truthpilled.



Based, Germanics are cringe


caesar was financed by phoenician jews. jews wept at his funeral. he was friends with the jewish nationalist john hyrcanus II, see: "In 47 BCE, Julius Caesar restored some political authority to Hyrcanus by appointing him ethnarch." he had pompey murdered; pompey was anti-jewish, while caesar was pro-jewish. he murdered literally hundreds of thousands of his own fellow europeans in the gallic wars. he further murdered thousands of his own roman countrymen because of his own arrogance and unwillingness to be arrested for his own crimes. he de-legitimated the roman state religion by presenting himself as a god. he fractured a functioning system of senatorial government that had lasted for centuries into an "empire" that would become structured around essentially emperor cults, all of which were eminently susceptible to continuous civil wars.


this is complete bullshit as well. You're on a run looser



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Jews won




I wonder why Jews think that portraying themselves as evil demons is a good propaganda technique.


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lol shinglenigger is a kike lover who would have thought


its the discord flaggots. I don't think really shingle cares



Well, I'm slowly realizing that covids fake
The shots fake
It's all fake

And I'm now paralyzed, cuz I seem to be stuck by jews
I'm afraid of the flu because of faggot shills
If you're crying, great, because I got some news
There's nothing you can do, cuz there's no way to sue


Moon Man Moon Man can't you see?
Spics and niggers need to hang from trees.


If only he had won… there wouldn't be more virgin oppression. Most of it comes from leftists and feminist liberals who hate white men and scream at every virgin male "far right" "in cel" "terrorist" "virgin". Hitler would not have let this happen.

You really think Hitler wouldn't have been compassionate and look at us white wizcels like a father looks to his son?
Hitler loves wizcels' aryan spirit to combat degeneracy. This modern times are satanic times, we are Hitler's favorite spiritual soldiers.



you ever read the man in the high castle? It wasn't a serious study on the topic, but the point was history didn't end with Hitler

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