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The Shadow Realm

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This wizcel warrior wrecked the nordic commie party. and if you say "ohhh they were white" - they were MARXISTS. it was a MARXIST CAMP. he shot MARXISTS at the MARXIST camp.

If you say we shouldnt kill commies because they're white YOU are the kike. commies are race traitors and want white people to die, they want wizceldom to come to an end because we are the last bastion against degeneracy. Kikes and leftists are antihuman.

He wept tears thinking of us wizcels and our future. He didn't kill to kill like a random nigger from amerimutt does because he lacks a prefontal cortex. God bless this man who fought against immigrant and multiculturalism.


Gentile cope


God bless this man for killing other whites.




I'm a leftist liberal and I don't hate Breivik, he is clearly mentally ill and needs professional help

The murderous ideology of far-right extremists is a collective psychosis


Your opinion on Osama Bin Laden? Was he a poor boi with mental problems in needs of help?


Religions breed mentally ill people tbh


>Be Neo-Nazi
>"I gotta save the white race"
>Kill other whites
>More whites hate your ideology

LMAO, the Jews already won


If he hadn't killed that many people and just killed himself like kikes and society want then no one would know about him. The future is white and wizcelpilled.


Based, whites killing each other and not breeding


Religious people are the normal people


one of the greatest wizcel warriors of our generation.


>This wizcel warrior
he had a gf


his gf was a wizarr


Why do you think the Jews were so quick to gain power over Hollywood, pornography, news media? They seed egregores all the time, just not in the way that term is usually interpreted. To put it another way, they meme things into existence. The trope of the masculine black man, the weak and incompetent White man, the lovable (Jewish) misfit who charms the aryan succubus, the seemingly-perfect-but-secretly-sociopathic Aryan housewife. They manipulate the consciousness of the viewers on a massive scale.

In times past, the Jews were effective at doing this through religion — the dissemination of fundamentally Jewish religion in the form of Christianity throughout the Aryan world. The Jew is a master of the egregore, and this is tied to the myth of the golem — upon the head of the golem is written “emet,” or “truth,” and this is Jewish truth. Symbolically, the mind of the golem is filled with Jewish truth. When the golem is no longer useful, the aleph is erased to form the word “met,” meaning death. The Aryan as Jewish golem has run his course, and now this golem is marked for death.


The Immortal Hand of God Wizcel Swiper of Normalniggers Larpers


Exemplar white man. Rise above.


nigger cope


he cried because he didn't want more browns invading his country.


He lost


He is currently a neet
he won :)
you lost



true wizcel and redpilled!


He won.


He has no real freedom, his ideology is even more hated by normies, and he did not stop the browns. He lost.


was he really a free mason?


true wizard


BASED AND WIZARDPILLED. This is the power of the white man.




If he hadn't killed that many people and just killed himself like kikes and society want then no one would know about him. The future is white and wizcelpilled.


Why do you think the Jews were so quick to gain power over Hollywood, pornography, news media? They seed egregores all the time, just not in the way that term is usually interpreted. To put it another way, they meme things into existence. The trope of the masculine black man, the weak and incompetent White man, the lovable (Jewish) misfit who charms the aryan succubus, the seemingly-perfect-but-secretly-sociopathic Aryan housewife. They manipulate the consciousness of the viewers on a massive scale.

In times past, the Jews were effective at doing this through religion — the dissemination of fundamentally Jewish religion in the form of Christianity throughout the Aryan world. The Jew is a master of the egregore, and this is tied to the myth of the golem — upon the head of the golem is written “emet,” or “truth,” and this is Jewish truth. Symbolically, the mind of the golem is filled with Jewish truth. When the golem is no longer useful, the aleph is erased to form the word “met,” meaning death. The Aryan as Jewish golem has run his course, and now this golem is marked for death.

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