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lol imagine just being a sedentary mutt who doesn't exercise


Makes sense, more mass=less cellular degeneration


mtor accelerates aging. Actually more gains reduces your lifespan past a certain point


All you need is a proper diet, sunlight exposure, and some light activity. Lifting heavy is going to fuck up your joints, better to go light/moderate.


>some light activity
sedentary cope.


t.Gymcel coper with destroyed joints


>j-just some light activity and sunlight and my soydiet!!


My understanding is this truly gets to be an issue when you're going heavier than 1.5x your bodyweight. Consistent lifting will alter your bone structure and musculature to accommodate the heavy stuff. I don't really think average people need to go any heavier than that, it's not really clear to me why you'd need to go heavier than say, 250lb lifts for everyday life unless it's a vanity contest.

On this topic, SF cardio standards are INSANE. These guys are running 30k a day for weeks and it is virtually designed to blow out your body for normal people


BPC-157 capsules + tb400 nasal spray - recovery time
carnitine L-tartarate - androgen density
BCAA's - GH agonism
Boron + ashwaghanda - free test
mag + Zinc - ditto
Sauna - GH
Creatine - obvious
inositol - increase and sensitize receptor denisty

That's my go-to gains list for now. Lots of interesting stuff on this topic


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I'm never really able to do one set to utter failure and hedge my bets with two. It's true that gymbro kultur of spending hours every day doing the lifts is absolutely ridiculous though. Arnie should not be a role model


go back to /fit/



All the winners of the World's Strongest Men competition have been white. While N1ggers succeed at running fast due to living in the African plains, in strength and size the white man triumphs.


all the winners of the world's strongest man competition have been biochemically altered by synthetic additives to the point that it no longer makes sense to classify them as mammals.



in everyday life blacks are stronger than whites because of higher testosterone levels. BB of course involves manipulation beyond normal levels of growth and testosterone


Whites have the highest base testerone of the races, tired of hearing this lie.


can you prove that?


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>When examined by race, black men had higher estrogen levels compared with white and Asian men; in particular, total and free estradiol levels were 10% to 16% higher and estrogen levels were 27% to 39% higher

>When examined by race, black men had higher levels of estrogens, including estradiol and estrone

the majority of trannys in population are african thats why nigs are so emotional raised by single mothers so they think and behave like succubi.


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that's not what the link says and I can't find the paper you're citing. By contrast it is very easy to find papers suggesting blacks have higher testosterone levels

Where are citing this from


imagine not training lmfao just become a braindead blob in your chair collecting dust


there's always that one crab (as in crab-in-a-bucket, not necessarily in cel) that ridicules others for working out because "what's the point?" with one variation of that being "lol gymcel can't attract succubi with his big muscles anyway"
like he isn't going to crush your crab carapace with his new strength


Consider how each race evolved to civilization
Niggers don't make and live in a high civilization ecology much so they don't have genomes refined by civilization
Civilization is more or less us trying to evolve to be eusocial, this means castes, man and succubus are castes, that is why liberals attack the idea of male and female, because if the castes can't do their job the 'colony' collapses
Anyway a white man and a white female are more opposite in terms of terms how masculine vs feminine they are because that better makes them able live in a civilization, niggers, who are not evolved for civilization, males and females are more alike


Stress your body and accelerate your aging for absolutely no reason bro. Gymcels are so pathetic.


blob without a consciousness hooked up to a monitor and getting weak and fatter and dumber with each day makes another post ignoring all the net gain in health improvements and cognition that comes with exercise


t.pathetic gymcel that chimps out when someone calls out their coping.


get a life schio


fuck off and die retard


t. blimp that hasn't seen his (small) penis in 15 years because his pannus is in the way


the racism wizzur can't prove blacks have lower testosterone than whites and made it all up.


you claimed whites have higher testosterone levels than blacks and then I disproved that. Now you're pretending it never happened




>you claimed whites have higher testosterone levels than blacks
I never did such a thing you subhuman mongrel. I don't engage in arguments with obvious homos who love niggers such as yourself.


he clearly doesn't understand basic biology. or what estradiol is.


you gave me a link that didn't say what you claimed and I couldn't find any corroborating evidence. Get the fuck out


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Niggers and nigger sympathizers get the FUCK off my board


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The best way to stay young is to not use your body.

Stay indoors all day long on the computer, move as little as possible and only eat what is absolutely necessary (healthy food).

The result is less damage to a cellular level, by having less strain that'd otherwise degrade the body. Inaction = perpetuation.

Lifters make a mistake in this sense, trying to avoid damaging lifestyles by jumping one, a straining activity that'll drain their lifespans just like excess fat, alcohol, smoking and goyslop would.


High IQ
Negative IQ


Your dna will break down no matter what you do, but we didn't evolve to be sedentary


cucks here think it's healthy to sit all day in front of a screen.


stay healthy and active wiz bros


Behind the promotion of pornography and masturbation as healthy and normal and of whores as "sexual workers" are the evil kikes and it's an obvious plan to destroy white societies.

Fun fact, The ottoman empire allowed jews to settle in palestine to escape persecution, and less than a century later the jews had palestinians living on reservations completely dispossessed of their lands.

Bonus fact: The United States let waves of jews pour in at the turn of the century, and a century later jews have declared Whites to be the single greatest threat to the United States.


wizcels reap the benefits of training while sedentary mentally ill unfit niggers suffer.


my mind fu mentat level is beyond black belt amerifat




Gym is such a cope


pus oozes from the fatblobs folds as he types on his computer in a blind rage


I have more natural muscle than you and I could beat you death with my barehands. Only subhumans like (you) waste their lives in a gym.


>I have more natural muscle than you
Blob delusion
>I could beat you death with my barehands
Impotent blob fantasy that doesn't match up with blobs blatant lack of muscles
>Only subhumans like (you) waste their lives in a gym.
There might be a point if blob tried to say that calisthenics > lifting weights, but it's extremely unlikely that blob can even do 1 pushup, maybe 5, or any other calisthenic exercise for that matter.


t.weak coping faggot that has to lift weights


t. sub80 iq blob that doesn't even understand the bullshit that he's peddling


t.weak low T faggot that lifts weights for other men.


you will never be a wizzer


>I have more natural muscle than you and I could beat you death with my barehands.
lol mentalcuck fantasy




bretty good wizcel fren


[+] in cels won.


Wizcels lost


hormones are not the only thing that determine out comes


It's mostly drugs(hormones) and genetic positional.


Genes that turn the production of hormones, and it really doesn't determine the capacity of faculties
Niggers have very little genetic capacity for the higher level of social organization and no life history exposure to a harsh ecology, they are fucked when the white man becomes too few and too stupid to maintain this type of high civilization ecology, and niggers won't be able to maintain it
hormones essentially determine reactions to specific stimulus, but even than with a more sophisticated prefrontal cortex, meaning a genome that was exposed to an ecology that would have killed your ancestors if they weren't able to go out of the savannah preference Behavior patterns, you can have more options when reacting, meaning more outcomes then the violence niggers usually come to


a thread that butthurt millions


I've observed black-adjacent ethnicities gaining muscle at incomparable rates. They also tend to get obese and develop insulin resistance..

Most race realist publications take the black testosterone thing as a given. The Bantu were a very warlike people


>I've observed black-adjacent ethnicities gaining muscle at incomparable rates.
which ethnicities?





K? Thier succubi have high t too, what point are you even trying to make. testosterone isn't inherently a good
It doesn't make you smarter, when it is paired with intelligence, it can do a lot, but niggers aren't intelligent, so… miscegenation people aren't thier own ethnic group and are dumber then the mean of the smarter race
Are you the retarded faggot that tired to tell me whites didn't cut the balls off thier nigger slaves, because they needed 'high t' to sow and pick those plants?
Like you cant just let 'whites have a capacity for empathy to a maladaptive degree' by
No no, the nigger slaves needed thier balls to be chattel


>Indians gaining muscle at incomparable rates


lmfao even


>he doesn't know about oil injections and the fact that trenbalone can be bought in brown shitholes as if it were pepsi


shinglenigger is saying all that to paint whites as inferior to shitskins and niggers lmfao You can't make this shit up and he is wrong about everything


changing the goalposts there buddeh


feels good to exercise. Literally free dopamine.


shingle nigger will never experience the dopamine rush from doing weighted pull ups or dips. He will never know how great it feels to do bench press, squats, and deadlifts because he is scared that it will destroy his joints


Im not the guy that gave you link and you don't have any goals, mouth breather
Im pretty sure you just want to spout off nigger supremacy


The specific argument is wehether the melanated ones experience high testosterone levels. They do, it's why they're more likely to be criminals, violent, and gym gainers.


They do more crimes because the criminality part of their genomes haven't been removed systematically every generation because they haven't been high civilization long enough. hormones are not the end all of behavior


right. And what's the "criminality genome" actually composed of? It's partially testosterone levels, which have been intergenerationally lowering across the west for the entire modern era


time to train my wizcel bros


going to go for my PR 600 pound squat


yo, based?




stay strong, OP


good video




limp wristed niggers want to demoralize everyone into thinking that our thoughts don't matter or we have no influence when that's further from the truth.

You can make the difference, never stop speaking against anything that's anti white such as kikes, niggers, faggots, trannies, muslims, immigrants, etc. If you can call them out for being the bad elements that they are, do it without fear.

Keep strong, white brethren. They want to silence our political conscience by saying that we have no power. We do have power and we will rise up.


posts that butthurt the weak nigger


Get a manual labor job you lazy nigger.


Do you even lift heavy objects and put them down?How do you expect a succubus to ever fall for some pathetic skinnyfat dweeb like you? The only way to be skinny/short/ugly and still get a gf is through personality, fame or money, and we all know none of you have those.

All the winners of the World's Strongest Men competition have been white. While N1ggers succeed at running fast due to living in the African plains, in strength and size the white man triumphs.
in reality all the africans excel at is running, that's why they dominate the running events at the olympics. you don't see any negro powerlifters though, or swimmers


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>Do you even lift heavy objects and put them down?How do you expect a succubus to ever fall for some pathetic skinnyfat dweeb like you? The only way to be skinny/short/ugly and still get a gf is through personality, fame or money, and we all know none of you have those.


this guy could probably kill the entire wizard chan discord with his fist.


He's a manlet with the frame of a 12 year old


plot twist. he IS 12


manlet doesn't mean weak lmfao chinks have world records in powerlifting

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