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My life is not suffering, it is very far from it, and I have really improved a lot this last year, to the point that I feel like a different person, however, events happened in my childhood that made me a failure. First of all, there was the divorce, I have a kind of "dissociative amnesia" or forgetfulness due to age because I don't remember, it happened when I was 4-6 years old, it wouldn't be strange at all if it weren't for the fact that it was a very scandalous one that caused a lot of domestic violence, I have no memories but my brothers confessed to me that it was torture, but this would be bad for us if I had not lost my father figure, I separated from him, especially emotionally, and I was very much in charge of my mother.

She is like an older borderline, her personality is a disaster, her emotions too, very irritable and hostile, selfish, manipulative, condescending, she had attacks of multiple things, in short she is a very disturbed succubus. She gave me a bipolar affection, her love was based on talking badly about my father and making him look like a monster and then acting as if she were my savior, there she took advantage of my vulnerability to treat me well and give me affection, but that was very far from reality because on the other hand she ignored me, abandoned me, hit me for no reason and constantly insulted me, all the time she humiliated me and lowered my self-esteem, she was controlling as well as negligent, out of nowhere her affection became cold or contemptuous. Because of that same attitude, she left me in the care of caregivers, family members and nannies who sexually abused me. Over the years I remembered them as if they were flashbacks or regressions. The memory that had the most impact was one where I was lying on my back, very small and unattended. An older succubus changed my underwear, then she groped me and then gave me a very painful anal masturbation. After that I remember more groping, stripping, excihibitions and touching my rear and anal area along with mistreatment. I don't remember exactly the identity of the succubi. who did that, I only remember that they were succubi and older than me, much older because those memories are from my old home, which was where I spent my life before I was 6 or 7 years old. I'm sorry for throwing out all this relief text, I know there are people who need more help than me, but I'm lucky and I shouldn't be sad about these things.


since you created a thread you want replies, but there is nothing to reply. what do you want to achieve by posting this outside the depression crawl thread?


It is good to vent. To put thoughts in to words. Such an act helps us to remember how we feel, and which conclusions we came to the last time we thought of our problems.


i don't like oppic it is very scary and unnerving please take it away i don't want to see why did you have to put such evil picture wiz just look at it imagine people seeing it as the first thing in the morning wiz this picture is bad really very bad what did you even feel when downloading it and then uploading as the oppic it is so vile i just can't stand it god how much


wo men are nigger cattle.


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>I was lying on my back, very small and unattended. An older succubus changed my underwear, then she groped me and then gave me a very painful anal masturbation.
You mean you were a baby lying on the changing table, and your babysitter changed your diaper and then wiped the poopoo from your butt? Why the fuck do you not only sexualize this, but also get angry about it? You are yuck city hahaha


How is he going to remember any of that as a baby?


(Some wizards need their dypees changed even in to their 6th year of life)


Some manbabies still wear diapers. They even fill them full of GOO (so I've heard)


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hello I'm posting just cause Beatrice is one of my crush and I wish I had a waifu like her


>An older succubus changed my underwear, then she groped me and then gave me a very painful anal masturbation. After that I remember more groping, stripping, excihibitions and touching my rear and anal area along with mistreatment. I don't remember exactly the identity of the succubi. who did that, I only remember that they were succubi and older than me, much older because those memories are from my old home
there's lot of females pedophiles but culture and society has dictated that it's okay for them to be seen with small children so they have more chances of being alone with children without anyone batting an aye, so some of them take advantage of it, and since kids are innocent and don't recognize sexual abuse as such, it goes unreported.


I was abused by such a person, who was in her late 40s. They only got a mild prison sentence in comparison to a man doing that to a succubus my age.

I never recovered from it and shut away from the world. It also messed with my brain and altered its pathways so that I can only feel attraction to succubi 2-3x my age. I took a lot of alcohol and did a lot of mental excercises to simply shut off my physical body. I no longer want anything or want to interact with anybody.

Now I just silently wait at home for death. It has been a bizarre, miserable life.


why did trannies adopt her as their symbol?


Did they? I thought Lain was their prime horse.


Yeah look into it. They are saying the character is trans-coded and is likely a MTF.


What could I possibly get from "larp"? My life was destroyed. I'm now a wizard waiting to die. This person got basically no punishment at all, less than a year in a low sec facility.


Nta but I believe you anon, the person who did that to you is truly evil.


Don't you think they deserve death for such a rape?


This literally is the case. Sayo is a biological male.

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