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 No.287439[View All]

I hate wizards who got substantial inheritances, or lucked out otherwise while being unable to work. 99,9% of the problems related to being a wizard are related to a lack of money and the fact normies hate even employing a non-neurotypical, making life an infinite paywall torture simulator where you can only look but not touch anything.

My life would completely transform if I even had 10k dollars to my name. Yet there are wizards who inherited an expensive big house and hundreds of thousands of euros or dollars.

They cannot sympathize with someone who is in a perpetual cycle of shit tier labor->pay absolute necessities->have maybe $20 extra at the end of the month-> repeat infinitely…

Because they play life on heaven mode where everything is unlocked and stress levels go down by 99%.
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What you are saying is people suddenly become an alien race towards whom the ordinary specifications of society no longer apply, because they have ((number)) in their account.

Do you also think they don't get convicted in a court for killing another person because their bank account has ((certain number)) in it?

At this point you sound like a weird defeatist who thinks people with more money than you are some separate race that doesn't belong to humanity itself. And thus no law or definition applied to regular people applies to them. In your mind a rich person can't be a murderer either, they're just a "life appropriator" who is allowed to kill because they have ((amount of money)).


People who live a retired life are not neets. Normal people have to go to school, work, and then retire. A multi-millionare's trust fund son has no need to work to live.
They never had to work for a living.
Next time you will be calling billionares neets lmfao.


As long as they don't humblebrag, I don't really care too much. They just got really lucky.


No. NEET means "Not in Education, Employment or Training." It is an acronym with that precise meaning.


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after reading some posts, there's really people who don't know what a NEET is and try to push their own definition of it hahahaha


i reject your definition and substitute my own. i'm a proud neetcel which is someone that watches anime and posts on imageboards and shit.


Yep, thefore multimillionaires are just retired people who don't have to work so the rich can't be neets.

They never had to work for a living.


NEET's don't have to work for a living either. It's kind of included in the name.


They're a population at risk unlike multimillionares who never had to work in the first place. Funny how you defend the rich in a place like wizchan.


>Funny how you defend the rich
Nobody is "defending the rich" by using words correctly, especially one so culturally regarded as negative as "NEET". Further so this "in a place like wizchan" shit doesn't make sense either, because having money doesn't invalidate a man's status as a celibate virgin in the same way it doesn't invalidate his status as someone Not in Employment, Education, or Training.

You're bordering on "Wizards can only be poor men who are a virgin because no succubus wants to have sex with an impoverished man" crab rhetoric.


Normal people have to go to school, work, and then retire. A multi-millionare's trust fund son has no need to work to live.
Have you ever seen how actual rich kids live? they literally are traveling all the time and vacationing and if they feel like it they take years off from work. Some don't ever work because they really have no need to, they're set for life. By definition they are not in the same group as some middle class kid that will be risking homelessness and poverty and his entire future if they stop working or studying.


>A multi-millionare's trust fund son has no need to work to live.
And so he doesn't enter in to employment, education, or training - making him a NEET. It doesn't matter if he's NEETing through the benefits provided by his parents or the government; a NEET is a NEET. The reasoning for someone's NEETdom doesn't detract from its validity. Rich people aren't a different species. Your logic so far is "They're not NEETs because I don't live as easily as them". It's an entirely feefees-based rationale. Do what was suggested above and invent your own word to exclusively cover YOUR particular downtrodden way of NEETing instead of trying to redefine the existing word which has always been free of prejudice and whataboutism.


Rich people don't fall into neetdom because they are rich. Give me 100 million of dollars and if I drop out from work that doesn't make me a neet, that just means I'm rich and I have no need for a job anymore, it changes my status entirely. I'm just retired. Same with winning the lottery. How does such a small concept escapes you is unreal. My uncle isn't a neet because he retired at 45. You're not a neet if you are a multimillionaire because being jobless is not a problem for you. You're really low iq for not understanding something so simple.


tryin to find the definition of NEET, I learned you eventually age out of it



And your source for all of this is still 'Because I just say so, okay?"


NEET is a term that came up to describe a SOCIO ECONOMICAL ISSUE and you're here labeling multi millionares as neets when their lifestyles and circumstances differ entirely from neets. You couldn't be more impractical and unintelligent even if you tried. I guess some people never develop critical thinking and just spout the same shit over and over.


NEETRR (pronounced 'neater') = Not in Education, Employment, Training, Retirement, or Riches


>be me
>tell this to the mental health analyst
>she immediately prescribes me 40g of Sodium Nitrate to take orally


Source: because I just say so, okay?
I'm not even implying you should drop sauce, because there is none. I'm seriously convinced you're genuinely delusional, an ESL, or typing in bad faith to troll.

If someone is not working, training, or being taught, they are a NEET no matter the size of their bank account or how much more teen pussy they rail than you. The word is neither mine nor yours to define by subjectivity.


Imagine having zero critical thinking skills and just repeat like a spaz a sociological term that you have little grasp of its meaning.

Neither retired nor rich people classify as neets by definition. Get over it, kid.

Look up what retired means and the socioeconomical implications of being rich which completely invalidate them both from being labeled neets.


"Critical thinking skills" aren't required to determine that the sky is blue. They're not required to determine that anyone Not in Employment, Education, or Training is a N.E.E.T.

You've been throwing around this "you cant think critically" insult since the beginning and now you're saying that I'm just repeating myself? Talk about a pot smoker calling the katamine addict a nigger.


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from google
>The term NEET, 'Not in Education, Employment, or Training', refers to a person who is unemployed, not receiving education or vocational training including apprenticeships, and includes individuals who are or are not seeking a job, excluding those of retirement age
nothing about how much money you have in your bank account. but is an homeless guy a NEET?? I don't know


Retired people aren't neets by definition, same as rich people who do not have to work. How is that so hard to understand for your pea brain? It's like you suffer from tunnel vision and can't see that the retired and rich are exceptions to this.


Retired people are neets by definition, same as rich people who do not have to work. How is that so hard to understand for your pea brain? It's like you suffer from tunnel vision and can't see that the retired and rich are not exceptions to this.


It's interesting that many retards here don't know that housewives, the retired, and the rich can't be neets by definition alone.


But then I went to wikipedia and there was nothing in the definition that excluded it, except age, which excludes many wiz as well


That is just false. You can't change definitions based on how many numbers exist in your bank account.

Do you also stop being a criminal if you kill someone while having 5 million dollars instead of 5 dollars?


Neets aren't "at risk", where I live neetbucks is guaranteed by the constitution. So it's free income until the day you die.

The only difference between an inheritor who does nothing all day and neetbucks recipients is one gets 10k a month in dividends and the other gets 1,5k in neetbucks.
Neither one is in education, employment or training.


Different things. Your socioeconomic status changes when you're old and retired same when you're rich that's why they can't be neets. Neets are at risk in most countries neets don't receive income.


What if you're old and retired but only have a pension of $1200, and the neetbucks guy has $1500?


What's wrong with them exactly?


all rich people I've met are assholes and those who aren't just pretend not to be.


So basically it makes most sense to split it up like this and use the following Terminology:
you are on Gibs or borderline hobo tier.
you got an inheritance or passive income and your level of money is "comfy".



>I think most of my depression would go away if I was free of financial stress even for a single year.
You're so very wrong my dear wiz. Even if you had enough money to pass your entire life jobless, you wouldn't be happy. Either happiness is not in material things, or we were just made to suffer. It makes sense if you think of it. Something thrives at night, something during the day, something is made to be green and prosperous, and something is made to be mere lichen, something is made to be happy, something miserable.


>if you had enough money to pass your entire life jobless, you wouldn't be happy.
most retarded shit I've read today. Stop posting any time.


all people I've met are assholes and those who aren't just pretend not to be.


Utter horsecrap. My sense of happiness, safety and mental security shot up by 5000% once I obtained a small inheritance (less than 30k).

It also alleviated my sleeplessness to the point I can finally sleep without sleeping pills for the first time in a decade.
I literally feel like a different person even with a couple 10k's in the bank compared to being dead broke with the occassional $150 to my name. I feel like life is actually worth living.

Now with my disability payments and savings it doesn't matter if my car breaks down or if my washing machine stops working, I can just fix the problem by throwing money at it instead of living without a car or a washing machine for years.
I don't have to worry whether I will eat next month or not, I know I will eat next month.


Also, never underestimate the sense of possibility and wonder when you realize the world is actually your oyster and you can just throw $500 at a plane ticket and go wherever you want and it wont make a significant dent into your savings or make you bankrupt or lack food and basic necessities.

Just the knowledge of that possibility existing every single day changes your mental health for the better and transforms you as a person, compared to knowing you are confined within your tiny apartment with no way to escape even if you wanted to.


THIS. lack of money causes lethargy and depression as a major contributing factor.

when you realize you can fly to macchu picchu any day you want or buy a new gaming pc whenever you feel like it your mind breaks free of all kinds of shackles and you start seeing opportunities where you previously saw only obstacles.

fuck anyone who thinks it doesn't make people happy. most poor people commit suicide only due to their financial circumstances and a lot of their lives would be saved if they had just $20k in their accounts.
let alone millions, but that's another discussion.



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>lack of money causes lethargy and depression
>you feel like it your mind breaks free of all kinds of shackles
>fuck anyone who thinks it doesn't make people happy. most poor people commit suicide only due to their financial circumstances
this whole shackling-unshackling thing doesn't sound very modern on reflection


>you can just throw $500 at a plane ticket and go wherever you want
>when you realize you can fly to macchu picchu any day you want
I'm rich and I never had the urge to buy a plane ticket and travel into some 3rd world shithole or anywhere really. travelling is pointless to me, why waste money to go somewhere and look at shit you can look up on google in 3 seconds?
>or buy a new gaming pc
and play what? Games that are shitty and no fun and actually worse than the games from your childhood that you played on a toaster?
I bought a high end gaming PC and all I do is browse the internet and watch youtube.

Money is kinda like bottled cope, you can buy some distractions but it doesnt fundamentally change anything at all.


>im rich
>money is cope
>it doesn't fundamentally change anything at all

I doubt that you are rich but even if you are just by your "arguments" you're more likely to be retarded than anything.


I'm trying to understand our world. I don't deal with petty materialists like you.


>I'm trying to understand the world
>so i'll say "cope" and use silly adhoms

You need a certain level of intelligence to understand the world, sadly.


I don't hate them, I just envy them a little. 🎩


It literally allows you to sleep at night KNOWING you can't go homeless. You can book any hotel you want, you can probably buy an apartment if you want to.

How is that "bottled cope" instead of endless possibilities and safety?
Do you realize plenty of homeless people post here on their old ass phones?


If I was rich I'd circumnavigate the globe at least once, just get plane tickets from one place to the next until I'm all the way around the planet, and mostly just get drunk on the plane and not even go see anything, just one plane to the next and just drink.


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>It literally allows you to sleep at night KNOWING you can't go homeless. You can book any hotel you want, you can probably buy an apartment if you want to.
Pretty much.
>How is that "bottled cope" instead of endless possibilities and safety?
Just going by his post style he is retarded.


as if people haven't gone to war to have a slice of that freedom or obliterated entire countries for it. or sold their kids or kidneys or indentured 30 years of their life to labor for it.

but no, it "doesn't make you happy" according to that retard.

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