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File: 1707446571909.jpg (23.42 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 600px-You_Wouldn't_Get_It.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


I can never connect with people there is always someone more interesting that breaks up my conversation and leaves me in the dark, whenever I say to them I am having a conversation, this was after realizing situation, the person who I initially talked to would tell me not to be rude, invite them back, and they have a conversation over me like I dont exist. Every, fucking, time. It hurts. When you are only there for temporary just because of what you offer. I used this time to reflect and realized I am the issue, but I can't help not be interesting, I can't help not expand my thoughts, I can't help but mentally go on auto pilot because my brain likes to not be there all the time. I can't help not know what to say half the time. Even autistic people online are able to have conversations and know what to say, carrying it out into long term friendships. While I drift from group to group, friends to friends, and so on.




18, Brasil


Stop. Doing. That. If they tell you "rude", ghost them.
>realized I am the issue, not interesting
Bullshit. That cruel mindset you hold by yourself is what kills you. You are just giving attention who does not deserve a shit.
>I don't know what to say
Ignore the pulse of needing to say whatever. If you don't have answers, that means there is no need to give an answer, or even better: they must not be given. Unless you wish to play by normie standards which shall get you broke inside.
>even autistic people know…
I do not consider them autistic. You just have the disease of the failed normie. Stop chasing. Judge first, shun their standards, acommodate your relationships to your exigences no matter how crazy these seem to be.

Foresee their reactions while having them like buzzing flies wanting you to be different: they are an enemy. And know that projectors will never triumph if they pass their life chasing stuff, they need to await. Delve about Human Design to know more, there is even an app to accurately know what you are in thoase terms.


File: 1713740481078.jpg (236.52 KB, 1034x1010, 517:505, Autistic meltdown reasons.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Talking to normalfags makes me physically exhausted. I feel like most chatty normies are just psychic vampires trying to leach on people's energy.

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