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/dep/ - Depression

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Up to the age of 17 or 18 I consistently felt sad and defeated already, but at least I felt alive, felt live I had a human being agency.
Now I barely feel human. I don't feel emotions, don't have any belief in myself, all my interaction with other people feels like I'm pretending to be someone, while Real Me is just a hollow husk. Consuming content doesn't work, I fail to engage with emotional beats, don't feel rewarded when I engage intellectually into something, it feels very weird seeing myself in the mirror because I think I've completely detached myself from my body after some years of NEETdom. I am capable of some intellectual tasks, but I get drained very fast. Like I can sprint something once in a while, but then I get burnt out and back to rotting, never finishing ever. It doesn't real that I could have an agency or make something or improve my life because I don't even feel like I deserve to be part of life.

Does anyone relate to any of this? Have you managed to escape it?


im starting to suspect that spending years in solitude was not a good idea


I've not done it because I enjoyed it so much
I'm pretty sure I wanted to be happy like most people do


Adapt anon. Adapt to the darkness. Only the most adaptable survive…


It's so dumb that all life is just surviving for the sake of it


you are using a lot of buzz words and being really dramatic. those words not meaning what they mean in the context you're using them.

you have your entire life ahead of you, there is nothing for you to escape, you're lazy and your privileged life that your parents have given you is enabling you.

you described the inner workings of a mind of a normal, you may be a self-aware sociopath. everything in your post is about yourself and no actual problems, you don't think about other people and your purpose in the world which is to make it better than what you left it. service to others is service to self.

well there is some actionable advice here. pull your head out of your ass basically and go normalmaxx with your friends, who you conveniently neglected to mention. just a lot of self-indulgent nonsense here it's really annoying in that there are some people here who are really depressed, most powers are only looking to vent and talk about themselves and not depressed at all.

it's all so tiresome

now i could be wrong, i doubt it.

>Does anyone relate to any of this? Have you managed to escape it?

no. and pull the other one.


Normalniggers like this are never experienced the long terms problems that come with the effects of mental rot from said isolation. The site has gone downhill.

There's no advice, you just have to take it day by day and let those little worries and concerns just rot away with the rest of it. Any worry that compelled you to make a post, one can only pray it gets numb enough to rot too. Just keep making the best of what's in your control. We're scattered, there's no hope for us when even wizchan is full of people who belong more on more popular places


>There are guys who aren't 100% hopeless posting… Wizardchans has fallen


you know you're on /dep/, right?


That doesn't excuse people reinforcing depression by making such claims that all is hopeless. Nor is anyone permitted to use /dep/ to personally shill his definition of what a wizard is.


>Normalniggers like this are never experienced the long terms problems that come with the effects of mental rot from said isolation. The site has gone downhill. There's no advice
This. Normalniggers will never understand wizards. Their "advice" only applies to them. They've never been in our shoes.


This society is designed to snuff out any personal property or sense of yourself. If you're passively "consuming content", that's the problem - and the way this society goes, people are conditioned to be vunlerable to endless bullbaiting.

I'll be real with you - emotional attachment is one of the biggest crocks of shit that have been promoted. Humans don't have any particularly complex emotions. They get angry, hateful, jealous, possessive, elated, they find something to suppress the pain of existing, they find contentment. None of these emotions are worth indulging in, and they exist to guide us towards something substantive, rather than "for their own sake". We're angry or hateful because there is something for our emotions to regard, a world where those emotions are relevant. To ourselves, our emotions don't mean anything, and we would prefer mere contentment with ourselves as the default. We're not meant to be "constantly happy", and then given no concept of what "happy" even means and that whatever we have is never good enough for "society" in the abstract. It's all an aggro mind game when you give in to their model of psychology, and they beat you into accepting this with a lot of fear. It's not like this for the people in the know - they laugh that they make us go along with this Satanic cycle.


Of course, to have anything, we would require a security which is not allowed to exist, which is intentionally attacked by everything around us, and which can't exist in this time. That's not what humans are now.

The last thing they want is for you to have one iota of security. That would prevent them from stealing everyone's shit, and if that happens, everyone who is being robbed looks to each other, sees who and what is responsible, and begins purging violently the source of the problem like any mechanical solution would. This has been weaponized and directed against us, and the only other way it could go is to reverse what has been done.


Anyway, I never "escaped it", but I found ways to cope and build a small bit of life for myself apart from it. Probably the best thing was to stop lying to myself and stop acting like this society can be reconciled with, and it took me a while to truly embrace what that meant. It is helpful to find some small thing to remain connected, despite the pressure to "out" anyone who isn't part of this demonic beast. They've pushed aggressively to make the purging and counter-purging the only possible world, and it really is stupid that this is what humanity chose. We really didn't have to do any of this, and they won't get the world they want in purified form. But, as long as the bastards can dig in, they will fight an interminable struggle and make us go along with their world, set the conditions we have to operate within moving forward so far as they can - and it's pointless for us to play a struggle to do the same. That just creates more muck and rot.


Life is not one of your fantasies. A solution to a problem is not set in stone anywhere. Life would be be a little bit better if more people just said "Well shit, I don't have the answer for you but I wish you the best" and just shut the fuck up after that than the neverending fallacy of "You didn't do X enough". There's a BIG line between teenage nihilist, "woe is me" bullshit and being aware enough about the situation that you're caught in a nasty catch 22. Hope just prolongs suffering, keeps the wound open. I don't care if somebody is too stupid to know when they reached that point or not. You play the hand you're dealt with. I'm tired of society gaslighting what hand we have playing poker. It can be sombering if you accept the fucked up situation and learn to make the most of it.


I hate you fucking people. No fucking compassion whatsoever. You just want to feel good about yourself moralizing. Cocksucker.


It's been similar for me. Though I was never NEET, I've always been reclusive and thanks to the rona I got to indulge in these habits more and more. I think after about a year of basically not leaving my room and playing games all day, I noticed that I had become dead inside. Before there was sadness, despair and fear at least, sometimes even enjoyment from a good Anime or game. But suddenly I was just completely numb. Like you, I lost any sense of identity, passion or reward from doing things.
For what it's worth though it has gotten a bit better recently. Not much but I can kind of feel things every once in a while, I get angry again sometimes or feel good about doing something, which gives me hope that this condition isn't permanent. I assume it will take a long time, since I have been numb for about 4 years. I'm not sure what changed but I think doing the tiniest things you can manage helps. For example
>you need to clean, can you do that today?
>how about you just vacuum?
>then what if you just clear up some of the stuff that's lying around so you can vacuum in the coming days?
maybe I could do that
Keep breaking down tasks until it feels like you can actually do them right now. It doesn't feel good. In fact, there's a lot of shame and resentment towards yourself because you feel like such a failure for not being able to just "do the thing". But I think that's what's helped me to at least gain some momentum and shake off some of the rust as it were.


Being even weirder than before, despising normals. And fasting to combat somatic diseases, this helped me with my energy issues

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