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/dep/ - Depression

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Living with parents right now. They were the one that plunged me into the pits of hell in the first place by interfering with my projects, aspirations, friendship, routines, etc (I already forgotten so much and trying to remember just makes my head hurt and wanna cry). I should've had finished college in time if not for their interference, now that I've graduated and lived with my parents, I simply can't structured my mind just to write a CV, I know this sounds faggy as fuck, but I simply doesn't feel at home here. Just did the "talk" with them and I feel I just wanted to end it all. I really need to gtfo away from them, but that requires me getting a job; which I can't bring myself to while still living with them. Not really asking for advice, simply need to write this somewhere to vent and keep myself from revenge hero'ing against my parents and sister.


>now that i've graduated
this takes the cake in your post there little WIZ
you need a BONK on your HEAD


If anything graduating just plunged me deeper into depression. Now I'm not even doing anything despite spending the last year in college practically NEETing.

Also fuck, I'm not imagining things. It is indeed my parents that pushed me into depression. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8557851/


your best bet is a part time job
forget your degree, ANYTHING

then while you work there, apply for jobs that fit your qualification
>noeoee i gotta get away from my parents first


How old are you? No offence but you sound like an actual child.


Perhaps I am a manchild too immature to masked myself as a well adjusted adult in vietnamese basket weaving forum. Fuck off.
thanks for the advice. Yeah I realized gaining some semblance of independence is the way to go, though part time jobs aren't really a thing where I live, probably harder to get than a real job.



what did you graduade?

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