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/dep/ - Depression

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Have any wizards here noticed that the world feels much quieter today than it did 4-5 years ago. Did the (((vaccine))) really kill of a large percentage of the population? Are people not going outside as often anymore? When I go walking in various places there are uniformly less people in these places than what was customary only a few years ago.


Work from home is a big part of it, that and increased home shipping. No one leaves their house anymore.


As this anon said >>289758 people spend more time at home now with all the videogames, internet, etc.

I have noticing what you are talking about since many years ago. When I was little you used to see more young people playing football or in the squares, now if you see that is very rare.


I live in a overcrowded city and I don't notice a big difference, people still go to work every day

Of course I remember covid times it was a lot nicer


No idea what you're talking about. Still busy as shit outside and the internet is a glorified schizophrenia simulator. Never been noisier.


I worked doing trade jobs in people's houses and it wasn't unusual to find techbros spending their entire existence outside of work in a corner with 3-4 computers all spaced around. The way they all sat away from each other just looking at their screens made it appear like a heroin den.

There's a lot of that. There's a lot of people just going from work screen to home screen.


Must be living in an insane place. Here people are more outdoorsy than ever, joggers and people on bicycles every where, they're kind of annoying actually, and gyms are packing


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but.. the world is exploding.

There are several major wars going on, the major ones being the Ukraine war and the Palatinate war but make no mistake a lot of smaller countries are trying their luck while the big boys are distracted.


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Damn, didn't even know there was a war there, I'm so out of touch


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you know what i meant, Palestine, the one Israel is blowing up.

dont be a spelling national socialist.

support Zion.


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