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/dep/ - Depression

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Hey Wizards! Lately I have not been doing very well mentally, I have been thinking about quitting my job but if I do that my parents will be mad at me plus it is hard to find a job for me.

Why was I born this way? With such a negative outlook on life? With this way of acting different from others?


You're exactly me, most people are in the same boat as you but they don't quit cause they have responsibilities. Your parents will be gone soon and you have to work for yourself eventually. Sorry man life just simply sucks and we got to do what we can.


Join mental institutions then ask for disability


I did that and now I'm living on savings. It's really nice being able to NEET and do whatever I want, but I don't know what I'm going to do when the money runs out. I can't handle interviews or social situations at all, before, during or after, it feels like sprinkling extra trauma on an already broken human being. Wouldn't matter if I could pass off as normal, but no one will hire me because I'm a walking red flag.


dont quit job
this is a test

it is fine to get fired, but dont quit

just stop giving a fuck


>I have been thinking about quitting my job but if I do that my parents will be mad at me plus it is hard to find a job for me.

I suppose that you're very young. That's how it started for me; the next step was to admit my "depression" to my parents (didn't have a better terminology at the time, and it's not needed to talk to your parents anyway), then I did some years of psychotherapy, then psychiatry, etc., with no result of course, but they were needed to prove the "mental illness".

And now I have NEETbux. It's a very long way to go, but it's the only way.

Unless you are not that bad and you can keep holding on like most normalfags do in their lives.


Are you exhausted or just some failed normie?

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