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/dep/ - Depression

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i am a high school dropout, have never had any irl friends past people who i would talk to at breaktime as a 7 year old and never hang out with. i have absolutely no talents, hobbies, interests, zero stories or life experiences besides playing video games and consuming media in the darkness of my room.
due to going sometimes years without speaking to other humans my cognitive functions have declined significantly. my social skills are non existent and i have no idea how the world works such as basic concepts like taxes, cars, and money. on top of this i am physically extremely repulsive to the point where i have no mirrors in my home, my horrible looks are a main reason behind why i dropped out of society as i could not show myself without being ruthlessly bullied.

i doubt i will be able to live another 3 years. is there anyone out there like me or am i just next level fucked up?


I am 18 years old and I dropped out of highschool a year ago. I too don't have any hobbies or any kind of social skills. Either I am wasting away my day on image boards or I am consooming. I don't know how to escape this cycle and I want to die.


you guys got discord? I'm in a similar situation. add me: fatphobetransphobeableistsexist


Are you the anon who made this post, if not then tell me about your situation and how old are you


no this is OP
its either a tranny because no one else uses discord or some butthurt attempt at mockery


I agree with you OP, I am this >>290312 anon


yes, except I only scroll through jewtube shorts and eat junk food because that is the only thing my nigger mind can handle a small stupid brain of mine. I ge tpockets of self awareness that I am wasting time but it doesnt help it that I ge butt fucked by space nigs when I take the right path. Its all too hopeless


Whats the alpeal of shorts? It seems like normie shit


It lets you feel like it was filmed on a phone


>butt fucked by space nigs when i take the right path.

what do you mean? could you elaborate on this?

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