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I don't think this has ever been done before. I also don't know what fellow wiz will think of this idea (but that doesn't really concern me). I just thought to make a general prayer thread for all true wiz so that every worthy reader of these sentences might feel just a little less alone in having understood that he has been prayed for. Be it known that I've prayed for you guys sincerely. I also wrote a brief latin poem to that end.

nos non recte sapientes senes qui intellexerint
dehinc pedibus invenire debeant velocibus exitum.
Unicus unicis detur animis locus serveturque
quoi vixdum aditum morio titubans unquam
seipsum supponat adeptum esse verum;
etiamsi erro per errorem in fallacem veniens
occultum gloriabitur intellectum rarorum campum.
parumper verestur huc dum plane nesciens,
magis modo initiatis veridicus ceditur thesaurus.


jesus the amount of christianfags here
how can one be so deluded to be religious in 2024
the middle ages is long gone


denounce the talmud.


I had to translate, although I recognize many cognate words
I like the thought of this even if still remaining unsure about believing or not. Lovecraft wrote something to the effect that the traditions of our forefathers have moulded out a place for us in the cosmos; whether or not they are true or not, I enjoy contemplating Christian literature. Its a shared cultural sphere of thought and the spirt of Christianity has created much literature I find highly poetic and beautiful; even if ultimately its meaningless


Since Pascal's wager proves every atheist as the idiot they are, no need for middle ages or whatever to have a minimum brains.


nos non recte sapientes senes qui intellexerint
dehinc pedibus invenire debeant velocibus exitum.
Unicus unicis detur animis locus serveturque
quoi vixdum aditum morio titubans unquam
seipsum supponat adeptum esse verum;
etiamsi erro per errorem in fallacem veniens
occultum gloriabitur intellectum rarorum campum.
parumper verestur huc dum plane nesciens,
magis modo initiatis veridicus ceditur thesaurus.

they who not rightly shall have understood us old wise men
from here with swift feet may they owe to find exit.
let a unique place to unique minds be given and likewise kept
to which hardly yet a stumbling fool ever
may suppose himself to have found true entry;
even if a wanderer through wandering coming into a hidden field
shall boast hidden understanding of rare things.
for a little while let him here dwell while plainly not knowing
truth-speaking treasure is yielded to initiated wizards alone.

Thanks for reading my poem. I wrote it in defense of wizardry generally. Times are not easy and I find myself praying to die…somewhat contrary to where I was when I first posted this.


they who not rightly shall have understood us old wise men
from here with swift feet may they owe to find exit.
let a unique place to unique minds be given and likewise kept
to which hardly yet a stumbling fool ever
may suppose himself to have acquired true entry;
even if a wanderer through wandering coming into a hidden field
shall boast fallacious understanding of rare things.
for a little while let him here dwell while plainly not knowing
truth-speaking treasure is yielded to initiated wizards alone.

quick correction.

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