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clingy tacky
I have a shit personnality. I am clingy and tacky. people I talk to are fed up because I take their time with stupid questions or comments I make. I'm a real shit


perhaps change your personality to be less clingy and tacky and stop asking stupid questions and comments?


smoke some weed and be an apatheticmaxx until chadlite


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I can't change, people don't change. I'm a burdon to strangers and people who know me
I can't do drugs becausr of my mental illness


do meth and debate people about sex, religion, and politics in public


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I really can't…


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I'm not smart. my englush is atrocious, others non-EFL talk english better then me


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I have one of the most boring shittiest personnality ever


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I'm just a profiteer. no ones like profiteers. fuck it I have the worst personnality ever


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I'm not meant to have friends


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If it makes you feel better you are not alone.

I even made a thread about "good personality privilege" that went nowhere because no one can relate to my ramblings.

My personality feels literally designed to fail. Grandiose desires while below average IQ and willpower means I am in a state of constant dissatisfaction with my life with no clear actionable steps to improve it because my dreams are out of reach.

A desire to be special while being below-average just makes me constantly feel dissatisfied with myself.

I look for excuses why I can't do something instead of solutions. When an opportunity comes up I make up reasons for why I have to let it pass.

I can't be among successful people because it get envious.

I focus too much on my own problems when everyone is going through something.

I just feel this sense of entitlement. Main character syndrome when I am just an extra. Like how no one replies to my post depresses me when most people just accept that they are screaming into the void.

Many more things I forgot right now.

I thought of flipping a switch and just doing the opposite of what I feel but it's so exhausting having to constantly supervise my thoughts and unable to just be myself.


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thank you for sharing. I wish I was cool but I'm just a loser. succubi can sense that and men will tell their other friends you're weird, weirdo…
I don't know…would we have made good friends if we knew eachother?


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I'm indecent and a pervert, I can't help myself but think about sex whenever I see one


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I'm immature


No one in this thread is above the age of 30.


Good job on having more birthdays, champ.


my therapist says people do change, but it's important to keep in mind that everyone has both temperament and a character and you can modify character but temperament not so much.
that being said, give examples of you saying stupid things and people gettign annoyed


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ok…yeah I'm annoying I know, I need constant attention from others. I suck


Have you even red what >>290678 has said?


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here's an example:
>about to get my medications
>ask nurse how will I bring back the box (even tho I know the answer)
>nurse tell me when you come back to hospital next week
nurse seems annoyed because he was kind of serious but in a slightly bad mood


That's okay anon. You just need the assurance and confirmation. It's okay, anon. You're okay.


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>assurance and confirmation
I wish I was. I wish things will be okay for the future too. I wish not to stumble


You'll be fine, anon. Need a hug?


no it's okay, thank you for the offer


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I'm tired of being insulted because I'm a ESL


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My feed doesn't seed


Since you might be doing it for the mere sake of having company, you give attention to many who do not deserve. The worst is you still blame yourself for what they are.

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