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Stuff used to increase by like 1% a year if that.

Now the exact same order costs 20% more a month later. There is absolutely no way this can be chalked up to inflation. This is pure greed.

And no I don't eat there every day, it's my only treat as a poor wagie about once or twice a month. Now I'll cut it down to zero since they just keep gouging the prices up rapidly.


Retards are still paying, that's how they stay in business.
They're testing the limits of how far they can go at the moment.

I live in Germany and they are doing the same shit. Subway and other franchises are increasing prices like 10% every month to see where the ceiling is.
Sadly there are so many rich people who keep buying even if a sandwich cost €50, they are pricing out people with actual budgets based on real world salaries or wages.

The only solution is to wait this mess out, wait until there is a big customer pushback against these prices.

I would say cook your own food to save money, but prices are being artificially inflated in "cheap" supermarkets as well.
No wonder a lot of people turned to stealing and shoplifting.


just make your sandwich at home, retard. it's really not that hard to fry some eggs, bacon and cheese and put it between toast. hash browns too, get that frozen family pack when it's on sale. sheesh!


I was surprised to learn a box of cereal is now $8


eggs have risen in cost by about 150% in the last year or so, just in last nov-dec alone they rose by almost 10%



They used to be $1.99 each or $2.49 for frosted.


Well there are a lot of factors. First is global warming is affecting crops everywhere. For example chocolate has skyrocketed in price because warmer temps are causing more of an outbreak of a certain disease that affects cocoa trees. The typical remedy is to burn the trees that are infected and plant new ones, but with so many trees infected, growers decided to just keep trying to eek out what they could from sick trees. Now those trees are dying and the price has skyrocketed because they didn't plant new trees when they should have. Global warming affects crop harvests all over the place and we're just now at the threshold where it's beginning to have impacts. Next is the war in Ukraine which affects wheat and sunflower seed prices. Then there's the market concentration and price fixing. Basically greed is actually a factor but greed can only be a factor in markets that aren't competitive because if one guy raises prices, the other guy will undercut him. Economists are now seeing evidence of inflation that can only be explained by some sort of price fixing between the big players. The pandemic also fucked shipping for a while but that has been mostly smoothed over. Shipping is another industry with big monopolies and they gouged people like crazy. Then lastly there's all the Quantitative easing that the Fed did over Covid. That was highly inflationary.


oh also the war in sudan affected prices also since it is a pretty big exporter of seeds and nuts and stuff. Any disruption to real production or distribution of food causes price inflation.


This shit makes me regret dropping out of college so much. Being a NEET sucks so hard now.


The cost of McDonald's bacon cheeseburger is not at all related to the price of food.


>"The McDonald’s McDouble, at 390 Calories, 23g of protein, 7 percent of daily fiber, 20 percent of daily calcium and iron, etc., is the cheapest, most nutritious, and bountiful food that has ever existed in human history."
>The claim was made by Ralph Thomas to Freakonomics authors and radio broadcasters, who are known for showing 'the hidden side of everything' by fitting economics to popular culture.
>Commenting in the New York Times Kyle Smith says that those opposing the idea of the McDouble's nutritional worth, are ignoring the fact that it is great value-for-money for customers.
>"Junk food costs as little as $1.76 per 1,000 calories, whereas fresh veggies and the like cost more than 10 times as much, found a 2007 University of Washington survey for the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. A 2,000-calorie day of meals would, if you stuck strictly to the good-for-you stuff, cost $36.32, said the study’s lead author, Adam Drewnowski."
As you can see, it was a rhetorical point that access to cheap protein was a sign of historic exceptionalism. This point was silently dropped once it became untenable, and now we get to witness the same class of people silently shift their position on food and fuel again


It was possible to get a McDouble for a single USD before covid, or even 2 for 1 deals on the app making it $0.50 each.

Now each McDouble costs about $3 to $4.50 in most markets and is no longer a value option.

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