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File: 1711584702887.png (1.8 KB, 70x84, 5:6, binding of isaac.png) ImgOps iqdb


hello wizneets, anyone been kicked out before? im leaving today. gonna just stay in a hostel on neetbux and drink alcohol or something


If you have bux then you should buy a car. Save up if you have to by camping outside. Try and get a minivan or something with some space.


Tips on where to camp? Don't you have to pay for a spot? I tried looking at it didn't seam much cheaper


no dude, if you're homeless you just find a spot somewhere. Worst that can happen is they tell you to leave. Once they do, leave. It becomes trespassing at that point if you stay. You can build a little cardboard box shelter and line it with emergency blankets or aluminum foil and cover it with a tarp. You want to be somewhere in an urban area with access to dumpsters and public transport and gyms for showering. Buy the cheapest gym membership you can get for showers. A car is good because you need places to keep your clothes and stuff and you can keep food and cooking supplies and it's good shelter for sleeping. Finding places to park and being able to afford gas money is a whole nother thing but it beats sleeping in cardboard boxes. Going to a hostel or somewhere you need to pay is unsustainable unless you plant to be a wage slave. If that is your long term plan then go ahead and do it but you better get started applying to jobs fast. If you want to avoid slavery you need to just be homeless for a while until your parents let you move back in. Unless they are some sort of psychos they will do it after you've been homeless for a while.


my condolences
How old are you? Do you live only with your mom?


Use the litle money you got as best you cant dude. No drougs, alcohol or shit.


Kill her



Mate, life will get considerably harder for you. You sound young, inexperienced and financially poor. I'd advice you go back to your mommy and apologize for whatever shit that's getting you kicked from home.

Homelessness shouldn't be taken as lightly as you're doing. You're a wizard too. What makes you think shit like homelessness or wageslaving aren't considerably harder for us?


or let him live his life


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23, mum and stepdad.
Idk I've got decent neetbux. Theoretically I could stay here. ( Already at hostel) Aussie neetbux is good. I've considered living in a tent somewhere hidden though and saving up neetbux until I can buy a caravan or something and then living in that at a park.
Idk I'm not unfamiliar with this kind of living situation. I'm probably not going back home this time. Home is annoying with people looking over shoulder..

They want to kick out my other neet sibling too. Their ability to deal with moving out etc seems more dire. They're far more hikki and isolated than I am.


not to shit on your other but what does she expect from her kids if the man she chose to pass on a genetic lineage is a genetic dead end nigger just tp punish you for giving you shit genes. She needs to get her head kicked in for that one


Are you really addicted. No one should ever start to even smell that shit.

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