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Turned 30 during christian holy week in a moderately conservative christian place. Lost my job after almost two years of stability, lost my rented apartment, temporarily lost my head and sobriety. Family took me back almost no questions asked as if nothing had happened last time I left. Most of my adult holy weeks have been like this. Days of heavy emotional turmoil, days of heavy substance abuse too. I never once "celebrated" holy week, I wasn't raised catholic but protestant, the type that believes in scripture alone.

Returning to this forum after not posting for many months, almost a whole year feels strange. Things have probably not changed much. It's a Succubus that got me fired in the "corporate" world. She wanted me to bow down to her because she was in a position of power. Told her to eat shit, I wasn't playing her game. When I understood she was going to get me fired I accepted it and tried taking her with me, left a huge mess in my wake and left with a decent severance payment. Been spending it on cheap liquor and cheap pills.

I used to really love this site. It was probably years of delusions and mental illness struggles, but I fancied you as my "friends" and I genuinely cared about every single one of you, I read most of your posts and took my time to reply to them. By leaving this site I hadn't realized I stopped loving the last group that made me love. The last year of isolation has really warped my mind, I stopped feeling love. Lived without my family pets and without you. I no longer feel love, I no longer cry. Just a corpse waiting for death.


welcome back brother, wageslaving is never worth it


Wageslaving means survival for people like me. I live paycheck to paycheck in the third world. Got no autismbux.


May I ask which third world country or region? I only found from an IMF 2021 global income report that "most" in developing countries aren't wage earners but are self-employed (unfortunately no stats), and that 65% of income in the poorest countries is from farming. I thought it was unusual you were earning a paycheck to begin with


Latin America.

There's what I would call the "fourth world", basically rural third world without any urban areas around. I don't live like that, I'm an urban third-wordler. Have always been salaried too. You're thinking more Africa and chinese rice fields.


Thanks, I was just curious. What you're writing about is apparently most commonly the case in India, which isn't a surprise given their population


India is fourth world shithole. My shithole is Europe in comparison to India.


Europe has vast local variation. Liechtenstein and Switzerland are full of millionaires and 10m+ villas with pristine nature.
Moldova is an ex. communist hellhole in decay.

There isn't one uniform Europe.

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