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/dep/ - Depression

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I'm locked in my room trying to figure out what the point of all this is? Why I was born if I wasn't given social gifts? Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone except for three old friends.

I jerk off frequently to relieve the sadness in my soul but that only feeds the emptiness more, I feel so helpless and misunderstood in this world, I would rather die but I dread the thought of pain so I pray to die in my sleep.

In the end this confession will remain here and no one will know who is the owner of these ideas.


Focus more on hobbies rather than your situation itself, or negative thoughts.
Distract yourself as best as you can.


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There is no other way:
>stop giving a damn, become even more of a loner
>stop cooming for goodness sake, you are killing yourself and worsening your mental issue without even realizing
>go towards the pain, do not pray against it. Face it.

Become a wizard.


>I jerk off frequently to relieve the sadness in my soul but that only feeds the emptiness more
Feels, but I would avoid saying things like that so explicitly. You know, lest the improvebro perfect chastitycel catholic wizzies who never coom ever come in here and lecture you about what a reprobate demiurge-worshipping heathen you are.

All the best for you, wizzie. From someone roughly in your same situation but with even fewer social contacts myself.


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>le stop le cooming xd gooning
yeah no, maybe dont spend every waking minute beating your meat and looking at porn (i doubt he is, porn addiction is a meme after all) but its an important, necessary, healthy fun outlet for wizards. go ahead and trade one of the few things you still enjoy for a self loathing pseudoscience cult, train yourself to have contempt for your own sexuality like some slave caste eunuch, see how does ya.

heres what you should do, try to find a hobby, mod a game, draw, i dont know, spend time on your hobby, then jerk off, itll feel better. id also advise getting into less real worldly apparent porn, hentai, 2d games, these are good and fun.


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Why not have both? I still edge for pleasure but I don't release the nut. Having my cake and eating it too. Superior to coomers, superior to nofappers, I am a sexual tyranosaurus


>important, necessary, healthy fun outlet
No difference between fap and nofap.
Absolutely wrong. Can live without that.
Makes you feel better when you're good, but makes you feel much worse when you're but. Lots of fun. So fun actually, that some people have it as an excuse for suicidal ideations.


Mastery. This the actual longevity exercise, the hormones produced are said to be quite valuable when not lost


I wish if you can find happiness my friends


>Even asocial people hang out with other asocial people but I don't have anyone
this hurts the most


As long as you keep yourself starving and wanting for that, it will remain.

Rejection is to be done inwardly and outwardly, to delete this inner drain of mental health

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