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Eternal nothingness after death is pure cope.

The universe is infinite and eternal, considering the universe came from "nothing" and that "nothing" still is "nothing". After that established fact, the probability of the heat death of the universe and the universe progressing towards a neutralized state of entropy forever becomes 0%.

It's an impossibility for the universe to expand forever, as repulsive gravity emerges from fields of energy within the universe and this force is responsible for the expansion of the universe. Once these fields of energy and this repulsive gravity decays, the persisting attracting gravitation force of matter pulls the universe back in on itself, eventually condensing into a hot ball of energy made out of all the matter and energy in the universe. This unstable ball of energy that was formed at the concluding end of the universe is the same ball of energy that was there at the beginning, eventually manifesting into the expansion of the universe and our genesis.

The universe is eternal. Life is eternal. The demiurge has us by the wizorbs.


Meh, just as long as the suckubi stay in lolcow.

Esppecially since they themselves are, lol, cows. XD


Even if the universe is eternal, which isn't the current scientific position, its a leap from that to "Eternal nothingness after death is pure cope."


I don't believe the law of conservation of energy applies to the universe as a whole, in my opinion we will be destroyed and there is no coming back.


true, though the whole universe and energy thing is irrelevant


I think our Souls are Eternal but not the Universe itself. There are alien worlds, new adventures to be had away from Earth


>Eternal nothingness after death is pure cope.
That's true.

As for why, and your explanation, that's not so simple, and you focus on a materialistic description of the universe's behavior, but there are other school of thoughts.

It doesn't matter though, the point is that we are indeed in Hell, and that operates outside of time.


Nothing is not created from something, nothing is nothing, it creates nothing and does nothing, because it is nothing. The universe came into existence at some point, so if it exists, it exists because it was created by something or from something, therefore, something exists, because only something can create something, since nothing is created from nothing.


What have we done to deserve this? How do we atone?


Much like our souls the world we know is contained, eternal infinite expanse is cope to justify eternal nothingness after death making life meaningless and small. Gnostic were the biggest normies using their religion to host massive orgis. The demiurge gas you by the wizorbs.


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Nothing, we can't escape rebirth and are forced to be reborn into clown worlds over and over.


At least we don't remember our past lives… That would be hell if that was the case.


Why? You would probably work to set your life to be as good as possible as soon as you can if you remembered your previous lives.

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