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I hate having human potential and desire when my brain capacity and mind isn't equipped to have a human identity or experience human things. It's too much to handle and think about when your brain and body can't keep up. Then you have this ounce of hope when a plan comes to mind to do it, but the universe finds some way to ruin it, always. Then I find my self in stupid ass situations where I think I can do it or handle it just to look like an idiot or piss someone off. Why if I'm built like an idiot can't be contempt like an idiot, why do I have this surge of self awareness and conquest why can't it be reserved for actual human beings and not subhuman swarthoid shits we call humans. It's painful. Really painful to live in this contradiction.


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Next time don't mix drugs and genital problems with a profession only a rare few have.


I feel the same.

I feel violated but there is no one I can blame. There is no god and even if there was I am not an anime character who can take him on. There is only this process that emerged called evoltion that gives us all humans similar desires but then "watches" who comes out on top thanks to their superior genes or luck. It's all a big game that we get forced into but for no spectators. I sometimes wonder if we live in a simulation for pure entertainement purposes. Maybe the people running it are taking bets on us. But I feel like there would be a lot more fuckery if that was the case. I can't imagine anyone being too excited over watching me cry alone in my room.


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They don't spectate the loners and the dull masses. They follow Musk or big battles or major conflicts while eating their equivalent of popcorn.

It's like the Truman show but instead of one person, they can watch every creature alive. And the entertainment never stops, since the actors just keep replicating for thousands and thousands of years.

It's all a game to them. Will the great-great-times 60 grandson of Pontius Pilate become the president of France? Will the bastard descendant 46 times removed of Joan of Arc become a world famous pop singer? Tune in for season 2024 of Earth!

Bonus features this season: "The illegitimate progeny of Rasputin tries to conquer his neighbors and expand Russia with no limits! Are you not entertained?"


>People take bets on us
Read the book of job where god made a bet with satan


Clifford Hoyt

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