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Reflections on height
My mother is 4.9, my father is 5.5.
In my school years, because my mother worked as a cleaner in a factory for 12 grand (RUB*) a month and my father worked in the same factory as an electrician for 15 grand, I had a disgusting diet and a closed way of life - I was forbidden to leave the house. I grew very slowly while my boy classmates in 13-14 years old were 5.2-6.2, succubi were 4.9-5.7. I was 4.7 in 9th grade at 15 (since I went to school at 6 (while the whole class was 7-8). I was hated for my height and for the fact that I was not a calm tolerant I was a hyperactive child with the character of an alpha kid most of the bullying was psychological mostly I was bullied by classmates and teachers who were also female. The bullying could be expressed in the following teachers constantly put me as a bad example or as an example of a stupid child because I was the youngest and smallest, they looked down on me while my classmates allowed themselves to communicate with them as equals and challenge their decisions my attempts to build a constructive dialog ended with remarks and F's in the diary. I could be forced to do class work because it seemed to them that I was the easiest to force and so they reflexively emphasized me. To wring out a rag, to wipe the blackboard, to put me at the first desk in every lesson, to call me to the blackboard every lesson, to take away my backpack for not having time to put my textbooks away before the lesson started, constant teasing trying to shove me into some ugly role in some ugly play for example I played a rooster in the New Year's play because I was threatened to get a D for the quarter after which my classmates and teachers laughed at me almost immediately after that I was tricked into the role of an eagle on teacher's day where I was scripted to peck Hercules' liver while I was pecking the liver on stage. From the outside it looked like an act of sodomy and about 100 people were looking at me, including teachers and students, laughing loudly at me and shouting "peck, peck" I still do not understand how and why in their heads these people had such a desire to mock me. In addition to this I suffered from overweight, acne, stuttering and social maladjustment. No one was involved in my physical fitness, so I never knew how to do pull-ups and push-ups, which in turn caused ridicule from others. Classmates never paid attention to my advances they every day laughed at my height and my appearance never let me write off did not discount me homework in a general conversation chat when there were even a class leader was, my classmate under the silent approval of others banned me. Every day other classmates were picking on me, and my school supplies were often thrown in the trash or out the window. My pencil case and briefcase played soccer and I was systematically beaten. a classmate was sitting two meters away from the teacher. Apparently her whore mother died and that's why she was in a bad mood and wanted to sit alone, but some midget with his briefcase decided to sit at the same desk. and insulted me without explanation and then another classmate of mine who was 6,2 tall grabbed me and threw me out of my desk and I was very angry and I hit him in the solar plexus with my fist and he hit me in the face with his fist and I fell down and got up and sat back down and that succubus finally left and I saw the Russian language teacher looking at it and smiling right after that lesson at recess I was pushed and hit against the wall by another classmate at that moment the teacher came out of the room and smilingly said to him why are you making fun of him all the time, let him go already in response to that he smilingly said okay. I feel bad about human duplicity and cruelty and how much succubuses hate me and how cruel the world can be just because you're a freak I hate myself and all the people around me I feel bad about the lack of humanity in people I could rant on and on about height and money and all the other bullshit you'll be forgiven for but I think even the last motherfucker realizes all this without my examples. I used to be a very kind and empathic person but now I realize that I'm a misanthrope I don't feel any emotions except endless longing and hatred for the people around me every day I think about how I want to hurt them I go out on the street I look at these faces and I don't see a single drop of human soul in them for me they are just an empty shell behind which Satan hides with all the possible vapors that can be. Why did people invent those mortal sins and no others? Because they are peculiar to everyone and that's why at one point someone wanted to get rid of competitors liars, fornicators, gluttonous and so on. Every day I fall asleep replaying dozens of scenarios of my life and dozens of disgusting memories I think I am the most pathetic version of myself. Don't think I'm not feeling sorry for myself, throw more rocks at me, because I'm dropping them so I can take them out of my pockets and start throwing them back at you. I hate everybody and I hate myself the most.


Felt this, i'm 5'7 and my life is still trash, succubus hated me or always rejected me, got bullied a ton. I think it's just natural selection, if you're weak within among your species you will not get pussy and be tormented until you off yourself, it makes so much sense now.


Paragraphs please


You have absolutely no reason to hate yourself. This is a learned behavior because of how unjustly others have treated you. In hating yourself, you are accepting their version of you, which they have "taught" you through sustained abuse. You do not have to do this.

If I may ask: have you physically separated from everyone who bullied you? As in, you are no longer physically around them? This is by far the most important measure you must first fulfill to begin healing. If in any case the answer is "yes" and you have removed yourself from their presence, start by understanding that you were bullied not for any reason owing to your own fault or inferiority, but to the collective stupidity and barbarism of human beings generally, who like all animals commonly target anything different from themselves with extreme viciousness and aggression. If you emerged from all of this with an intact and healthy body, you are far far better off than many people who have gone through similar or worse things.

“I still do not understand how and why in their heads these people had such a desire to mock me.” -They had such a desire to mock you because you’re different from them. That is all it is and exactly nothing more. You could have been different in other ways that would have merited the same cruel response. It is however up to you whether or no you retain the mental image of the weak bullied boy they forced on you or you create your own anew.

“In addition to this I suffered from overweight, acne, stuttering and social maladjustment.” -All of this these can be corrected in adulthood. Have you taken steps to correcting them? Eating healthier, eliminating dairy/sugar for acne, improving speech, developing confidence?

Really concentrate, and inwardly answer this question: do I hate myself because of who I truthfully am within myself, or do I hate myself because of what others external to myself have made me believe? If you are of a strong and intelligent mind – which it seems like you are from your writing – you should already know the answer.

Remember that your worth is your soul, which is yours at birth and always will be yours until you depart this world for a much much better place. The stature of your soul is greater than the stature of your body. You need to find people who understand this.

I'm truly sorry you've suffered these things.


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Being a shortfag is truly a curse from god. So many things can be controlled, improved, bettered in one's life. So many things can be altered or even perfected. But if the universe says you're short, then you're short.

No succubus will ever respect you.
No men will ever respect you.
God Himself laughs when you sleep.


It wasn't due to height alone. This is evidenced by the fact that short people can be happy and well-liked. In fact the most gregarious and outgoing normie I know with the most social contacts is like 5'4''. It was only in combination with some other aspect of your personality that made you a target. So if you were taller, the ostracization you feel would still probably exist, it just wouldn't be centered around your height. Normies shun the abnormal and imperfect so if you exhibit any abnormalities or imperfections it can make you a target but if you have the soul of a normalfag the normies give you a pass even if you're short or ugly.


>I'm 5'7 and my life is still trash, succubus hated me or always rejected me, got bullied a ton. I think it's just natural selection, if you're weak within among your species you will not get pussy and be tormented until you off yourself, it makes so much sense now.

Being short is one of the worst things that can happen to a man besides the female shit you will not be respected by your peers no matter what and you will have to try your darn earnest to get the social status average or tall men get just by being themselves.

It's also a fact that short people get bullied the most in school because of their height alone.


Your Le (masculine) pirple sad crackhead meido image is indicative of your involvement in transvestite circles. Your post is physically difficult to read because of your negligent disuse of formatting. You hating yourself because of how you believe random schoolkid jackasses treated you is comically pathetic.

Try not to troon out.

That's a crock of victim complex bullshit, and I'm going to assume you're just some female or faggot making fun of short dudes by pretending to be one OTI and affirming their own victim complexes.


>No succubus will ever respect you.
>No men will ever respect you.
I'm a man myself and I don't disrespect guys for being short. Most of the men I know are the same in that regard.
>God Himself laughs when you sleep.
Foul Jewish humor.


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You're no man, you sound like a boy trying to be a man. "Foul Jewish humor" huehuehue, like something from a bad video game. I bet you weigh 350 lbs. and are bald.


>I bet you weigh 350 lbs. and are bald.

That applies to most imageboard users though, not just wizchan.


I am physically separated from school for over 15 years and it still hunts me in my dreams. But yeah, it's possible to overcome in many aspects in life the troubles of childhood and school but a valuable development phase of your life is corrupted and you will forever have worse cards than healthy people, will be less happy, less successful and have less life quality.


>I bet you are
So what about that? Show off, foid


we are currently experiencing dysgenics, OP. It shouldn't be like this but you're on the bad end of the spectrum due to it. Feminism ruins societies and harms males.

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