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File: 1715724968428.png (1008.45 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, Aki.png) ImgOps iqdb


Those in the older, successful and beloved part of the family seems to demand respect from those "beneath" them.
Yet they feel no need to respect anyone and blatantly disrespect and violate boundaries.
However, if you dare to return this behavior in kind, they will act like you are the one in the wrong.

Your sibling keeps pranking and annoy you, tell them you had enough, everyone just dismiss you telling you to learn to take a joke. Eventually when you snap and beat your sibling. Your parents will lecture you how this is not an acceptable response to someone merely pranking you, completely dismissing that this response was provoked. Then force you to apologize to the one provoking you!

Your parents berate you for failing the first year of uni, they even suggest that maybe you just too dumb and should dropout. You retort with that you don't care about the opinions of some high school dropouts and they can shove their opinions up their asses. You get told you have a horrible attitude, if you keep this up no one will bother to criticize and steer you in the right direction in the future.

I don't care what they think, if they won't respect me, I won't respect them. Who needs their dumb advice anyway? I can figure things out on my own. If they can berate and call you names, you can do the same thing to them.


That's all well and nice, but do these family members of yours happen to be the ones paying for your life and shitty college experience? Probably why they feel entitled to having an opinion on your life. Just saying!


Sure they can have their opinions on me, but they lose their shit when I retort with an opinion of my own.
If someone says to you that you are too dumb to make it, what's wrong with responding with "who care what you think, shove it up your arse".
Throw shit and get shit thrown back at you, laws of nature!


It's quite usual, especially in third world countries, for elders to patronize the youngsters lifestyle in part to have some power over them. They're in a sense purchasing a bit of influence and putting pieces down on the board, to cash in at a later date. It's not a clear cut case, and sometimes paternalism or maternalism does come into it, but there's often an aspect of power brokering. Loaning vehicles or subsidizing apartments is the most common tactic, as those can be rescinded immediately under threat and leave the person in question totally dispossessed.

Question yourself OP, are you dependent on them for anything? Do you owe them favors? If not, then give them shit back and don't give the respect they think they're due. But you likely are dependent on them in some capacity, so don't do that. That's the cost of whatever you're taking off them.


Where are you from? It sounds like you are 13 but at the same time you said you go to uni? Also I’ve never heard of siblings pranking their full grown adult brothers, you must be Indian


My life changed when I stopped giving a fuck about what my normie-cattle family would think of me and I started to treat them like the fucking mindless tools they are.


Neurotypicality is animal hierarchy. They be rotting with this.

I usually ignore everyone when they make their complaints.


Though grew to feel how much they deserve their mouths blasted for daring to minimally open them against me, in those cases


Based & wizpilled


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I don't have anything to add, just saying this is my exact experience. I could elaborate but the family situation just has me so fucking beaten down. You're not alone wiz. I swear a man's only worth what he can give other people. You fall of the wagon for even a moment and suddenly you're an obstacle, an unperson, a thing. You're Gregor Samsa scuttling around on the walls, overhearing your family in the other room as they debate about what to do with the bug. Bug person. I had the same sibling experience. Got woken the fuck up by the little tyke half my age (not that it matters, I'm probably around his stature mentally) and when I got upset because I wasn't getting any sleep, they called the cops on me.

It's always your fault somehow, god, good god. Sure, it is my fault. Now what? When I was rotting away and in clearly failing after leaving high school, did you ever once sit down and really attempt to know what was going on in my head? Without immediately telling me that I "wasn't sick", or that "I was sick but because I was being wicked", or because "I hadn't been going to Church often enough", good fucking god. You birthed me into this fucking mess. And I rolled around in it. Surely some of the blame lies with me. And you too. So why don't you fucking share in the blame?


>they called the cops on me
What the fuck.


I'll try to balance this out and speak in their defense and say that I was screaming and yelling by the end of it and promising that I'd hang around with a vengeance should they kick me out, which can certainly be interpreted as a threat. Again, I'm not blameless.


As long as they pay for your food and you sleep under their roof (which is assume is the case) you can't really complain about it. They give you food and expect you to do as they say in exchange. If you want them to fuck off then find some wagie job and move out. I know that this sucks but that's the world we live in.


Very likely that you ended up that way as a result of their influence


Don't blame the player. Blame the game.


Looks like added-noise artifacting from "upscaling" on modern TVs, but I'm not sure how that would wind up represented in a screenshot off a PC media player.


They decided to have him, forcing him to live, therefore it is their moral obligation.


Just because you live under their roof, doesn't mean you should let them push you around either. Do some chores? sure no problem! letting them berate you over petty things? they can fuck off!
>why are you wasting time drawing? that is an useless hobby and won't pay the bills!
>says the guy who spend his free time binge watching tv, tell me how your hobby pay the bills?
Do people literally expect family members to just let you berate and disrespect them with no form of push back?

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