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Hey Wizards!

I would like to discuss my situation with you…. 3 weeks ago I lost my shitty job and now I am a NEET. I'm 22 years old but I'm not considering trying to get into University because I'm low income plus several of my friends just graduated . I would like to be a programmer but I don't have a computer to program.

I post here because I have nowhere else to go, it hurts me that outside of here I can't express myself, if I could just say what I think I would feel free but I will probably end up getting beaten up because I respond in a very aggressive way so I have no choice but to write in this internet memoir and no one will have any fucking idea who wrote it.


buy a computer with the money you've earned


AI has replaced that type of work and massive layoffs have already happened due to junior level development teams being put on a hiring freeze. My place has even let go some of the low performers (ie. just tried to go to work and perform bare minimum scheduled work hours). They only want those who dedicate their entire being to their jobs and live, eat, breath, and shit enterprise level code. If you are "just starting off" you're in for a world of disappointment. The job market for this area is only going to continue to shrink as it moves increasingly towards an employer's job market.

My advice? Look to the trades, find one you think you can pull off and study for that. With the same amount of time and commitment that you would have put into coding - you will have a job that is not easily replaceable and have the skillset that only grows more and more valuable as time goes on. By the time you have a few years under your belt doing that, you will be much better off.


People in general do not know basic things, such as home electricity, plumbing, automotive electronics, among other trades, and it is not something that automation or artificial intelligence can replace, or at least not easily. It is not that complicated either and trade schools are usually cheap, you will earn good money and you will be able to have a good life, and most trades have their university namesake, so you can always start and finish a career.

>I respond in a very aggressive way

If you want to express yourself however you want, you can do so through a personal blog, a diary, or something similar, and if you have an opinion about another person you have to tell them in a kind way.


Basta uzziel, ya sos bastante boludón para andar larpeando. Andá a trabajar y no rompás los huevos.


Who is uzziel and why do you speak in Spanish?


An argentinean twitter nicho star who constantly larps about being schizofrenic despite having sex on a regular basis. He also has tons of friends. An edgy crab basically.


damn I have hatred growing inside of me after reading your post about him.


>I would like to be a programmer
Don't do this unless you have a passion for this type of stuff and are willing to dedicate all of your time to it. There is a surplus of computer science grads who have projects and internships under their belt and still can't find a job. Plus being a "programmer" is too general. These days you have to pick a niche and stick with it.


can you tell me more? I'm interested in the subject you're talking about


And how do you know all that? This is a dead niche forum. How the hell do you recognize someone from here?


How is he a crab (in forced celibacy) if he has sex all the time with succubi?


I know these shitheads when I see them.


Plus he meets certain conditions from his Normitter account; act thuggishly, had some issues with coding exercices (programming career), born in 2002.


>An argentinean twitter nicho star who constantly larps about being schizofrenic despite having sex on a regular basis. He also has tons of friends
literal who


Be sure you are not a projector if you want to keep applying for jobs.
>projector aura


Assholes here also know about human design but they be way too NPCs too even minimally illustrate the newbies

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