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Any other Wizards deal with this borderline life ruining condition? I'm so sick of having this incurable disease that totally fucks my life; it's been 6 years now and the longest I've been able to maintain a decent sleep schedule (before midnight) is about a week. I know this is a total shot in the dark, but if anyone knows a way to combat this that isn't some meme-tier sleep hygiene advice it'd be much appreciated. Otherwise, please discuss your mental illness(s) and how they impact you in your day-to-day life.


It runs in my mother's side of the family. I cought those genes and have NEVER been able to sleep. My most crystalized memories of childhood were the long periods of time spent before the sun would finally start illuminating the sky outside the window and I would finally know its over. I'll spare you the life story just take my word for it. Two things have helped me
First) a breathing practice I begin at bed. When you sleep your breathing becomes shallow and longer drawn out. I came up with the idea in my teens to mimic that and just relax but in the beginning I had to struggle to remain relaxed. This doesn't intent to help me fall asleep just mimic. I've tried to use this to transition myself into sleep but it just won't connect BUT it's better than open eyes, staring at the ceiling with a silent mind. Or even worse with a noisy mind. The breathing practice is that simple and I have reaped immense benefits but still know actual sleep can't be replaced.
TWO) in my early twenties, my close friend introduced me to marijuana. At the time I thought it would freak me out so I always turned him down. But one day I tried hitting a joint in a circle. Later I went home and fell asleep. It was amazing. But I don't recommend smoking it because smoke in your lungs is not worth the trouble. INSTEAD GO FOR THE INFUSED DRINKS! I've been using the cannabis infused cola. I take two generous sips and it has a resealable top. Those two sips, followed by brushing, followed by slowly floating down into a comfortable drowse. I feel my eyelids heavier and eventually fall sleep. The can doesn't lose fizz at all and at two sips before bed, it lasts almost a week in the fridge.


I had to change home to sleep again, I was unable to sleep at my parents house


why? at least you live alone now so no one to tell you what to do


I drink a cannabis tincture I make to sleep. Works well enough


this cured my insomnia:
- blue light filter on max 2hrs before bed (blue light absolutely KILLS melatonin production)
- sublingual 0.5mg-2mg melatonin 1hr before sleep (or break it in half and take it 2 and 1hr before)
- do this and wakeup/sleep at the same time everyday consistently and never deviate
thats literally all there is to it. i thought i had insomnia but its literally just the phone (plus inconsistency)
i had to retrain my mind to wilfully go to sleep because it would always never work but now it always does yet i was still conditioned.

i used weed before learning this and it works like a charm the first few times but i really super do not suggest that because you probably cant medicate yourself (i couldnt).

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