Most parents in the west who aren't complete junkies or obese hillbillies, treat their kids like scions of their family who deserve all the best things in life, good education, good safe surroundings, high quality food, books, good parenting, vacations etc.
But in third world countries, there is an animalistic undertone to raising children. They are mostly just a nuisance and labour source. Nobody cares whether the kid is happy or not, or whether they receive a high quality upbringing or not. Everyone is just trying to survive.
5 out of 7 kids died due to disease or easily preventable mineral deficiencies?
Oh well. Not a much bigger deal than the adopted family stray dog dying out of malnutrition.
There is no higher thought involved, no planning for the future, no setting up a dynasty to last for centuries and ensure the family line goes on and does well in society.
No, there is just animalistic survival where nobody gives a shit how the kid is doing. They are just an annoying byproduct of sex, which the parents had unprotected because that's the only entertainment they can afford.
I hate being born into a third world country. All my peers are fuckups as well because not only are their parents dumb, they didn't raise them at all. They had to fend for themselves and figure stuff out alone. The parents are completely useless illiterate animals.
Poor and low IQ parents in the west are just as animalistic as poor indians are.
They don't give a shit about their kids welfare and the kid only exists because the parents were too stupid to use contraception. Many even beat their kids and barely feed them or simply abandon them.
It's literally impossible to improve your lot in a third world country even if you're born intelligent but have zero starting capital.
Working provides you the bare minimum ($2-$3 a day) to survive on the very cheapest foods while living at your parents (if you have no parents, then on the streets).
You can't get into a university because there are no free grants or stipends. You need to pay $5000-$10000 a year, if you manage to save up $50 a month that means you would need to save up for 20 years to pay for a single semester.
That's why people who have a brain kill themselves in this situation or do anything they can to illegally migrate to a western country, where they can earn $9 equivalent an hour which is more than you'd earn in three days wageslaving in a third world country.
What country wiz?
>>293379This is why you seperate yourself from everyone and study & work harder. Save your money until you can get out. Do anything you can to earn extra money and hide it until you can get into US. Be warned life is not much easier here without money.
>>293379Anglo supremacy
How does it feel belonging to an inferior race - desperate to go to a former British colony, desperate to speak English and adopt our way of life?
>>293386I live in a country that was colonized by Portuguese mass murderers and rapists, so I don't see how that makes them "anglos".
>>293385Studying costs literally thousands of dollars a year. If you live very frugally you can save up around $30 to 50 dollars a month no matter how hard you work.
It is physically impossible to study in a university unless you were born into the wealthy elite or have rich relatives who live abroad and shower you with cash.
>>293388>was colonized by PortugueseBrazilian, than? Aren't there universities where you don't need to pay tuition?
I was born in a first world country with loving parents but I'm still suicidal
I was born into a first world country with "absent helicopter" parents. All they gave me were tired platitudes and no guidance. Probably became autistic because of that. I wouldn't have cared too much if I had a proper maternal and paternal figure.
>>293379I literally don't believe this at all, I think people in third world countries are genuinely just less intelligent on average and worse at saving. The Chinese diaspora, wherever they go, are successful within a generation and are comfortably upper middle class.
It's shown that the savings rate follows diaspora to the west. So surprise surprise, Haitian migrants in the United States save about as well as they did in Haiti.
I don't usually say this on the internet but I like living in the third world even though I can't and don't want to be with a succubus. At least we have very less degeneracy compared to the West, succubi dress way more modestly compared to the west, degenerate places like nightclubs, bars, and nude beaches are very very uncommon. Sometimes I feel like succubi of the first world have no shame. They even do things like flashing their boobs at prisoners. At least here for the time being families still exist.
>>293421Not true at all. The first Chinese migrants to the US were dirt poor. They not only had zero dollars to their name but were treated with extreme racism and only allowed into manual labor.
Despite this, they worked their asses off, saved what little they had into stocks and funds, and were one of the wealthiest minorities in the country less than 100 years after they arrived into it.
Today not only are Chinese-Americans one of the wealthiest subpopulations in the US, they are also the ones with the highest education., Oxford etc. have had to apply reverse affirmative action against asian students to stop the schools from turning into all-asian institutions because of how massively they outperform latino and black students academically. No.293458
>>293453Niggers are pathetic
>Most parents in the west who aren't complete junkies or obese hillbilliesOr they treat them with immense pressure to succeed and don't let them grow as a person. Or they're ignored because the parents don't have time for them and just give them gifts as compensation. Or they wish they didn't have them and radiate loathing and hatred towards them. Life in the west has its own problems, problems that aren't as evident compared to countries where the average IQ is in the double digits.
>>293379That may be true but what's also true is that third-world countries are populated by inferior and primal peoples who have no regard for saving or investing in themselves or children for the future. The middle classes in South America are simply people who were smart enough to save their money and develop good work ethic, it doesn't take much effort to maintain a country regardless of how low the IQ is, if manual labor is possible and they can afford grain and beer then everything will run as its supposed to.
>>293484It's a first-world problem, you wouldn't understand.
>Nobody cares whether the kid is happy or not, or whether they receive a high quality upbringing or not
this is the same in 1st world. most people just put there kids in front of the TV/computer and do not give a fuck. most people in the 1st world is ok with indoctonation from school and LGBTQ+ shit from school
the 1st world and 3rd world is the same, there is just no "animalistic" thing. instead it is a open mental asylum. the more crazy you are, the more socipathic you are, the more you succed. the "western world" is roten to the core. do not know about how it is in other 1st world countrys that are not westner world
But in third world countries, there is an animalistic undertone to raising children. They are mostly just a nuisance and labour source. Nobody cares whether the kid is happy or not, or whether they receive a high quality upbringing or not.
is it really like that? can you post a source so I can verify this info