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Life is wonderful, and although it is not always full of opportunities, nor the best people, we can create our own opportunities, and improve ourselves as human beings.


Life is a curse and this planet is literal hell



Normalfag thread


In the West, misery, sadness, and despair is the norm. In a world that goes against normality, optimism and happiness are the norm.


How is life beautiful when they're so much bad in the world that you can't even control? I'm tired of dealing with racism, homophobia, sexism, murderers, rapists, pedos, being fired for not being a good enough wagie and living in a police state type of country, how in the living fuck am I suppose to find happiness in this?


yeah i agree you should kys then faggot-lover, i don't even understand what the fuck you're doing on an imageboard in the first place to ruin it being here retard, no one wants you here


You just proved my point, you literally participate and bring in suffering for no reason, you go kill yourself loser.


>being fired for not being a good enough wagie
Perhaps you should keep your radical political outlook to yourself then. Nothing gets someone booted from a group faster than admitting to being "anti-racist" and "Anti-homophobia".
>how in the living fuck am I suppose to find happiness in this?
By making your own happiness instead of letting the opinions of others hold you down. Find something you're interested in and make a hobby out of it, complete with goals to strive for. Keep off the internet of the nigger-word brings you to states of suicidal ideation every time you see it p0osted.


It's deeper than that too me, it's not about how nigger word offends me or how hatred of fags depresses me, it's about the fact that it's meaningless and pointless. It's just pointless rage at a invisible thing that doesn't affect you in your daily life, if people were more kinder and more accepting then probably people will be better off being happy.


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>Perhaps you should keep your radical political outlook to yourself then. Nothing gets someone booted from a group faster than admitting to being "anti-racist" and "Anti-homophobia".

Literally this.

>Keep off the internet of the nigger-word brings you to states of suicidal ideation every time you see it p0osted

Lol, good one.

Not the person from earlier, but even if it's pointless rage, it does affect people in our daily lives, at least it does for me even if granted I don't voice it, others do it anyway, proof, lol. Fags are allowed monopoly of speech meanwhile those who criticize them are censored, so naturally, chans are the priviledged platform to voice those 'oppressed' opinions (in the sense of censorship) about the people that can't be criticized or laughed about IRL. Which makes me think that the only way for you not to be affected AT ALL by these people is to either openly accept those sorts of people or to be one yourself, I don't know and I honestly don't think I want to know.

>if people were more kinder and more accepting then probably people will be better off being happy.

No it wouldn't change shit. People don't get extreme unless there is something that drives them mad to an extreme, it doesn't necessarily have to be full fascism-style or on the opposite a complete troon but those are some form of extremes on the very wide spectrum. Subversion created all of those diverging and heavy behaviors, because there are a lot of things that, when put together in a group, person, or society, makes people grow unstable, and thus have to find ways to resist to it.

The polarization of society was intentionally caused, and 2024 is the most obvious, blatant and explicit example there is of what happens after so many years of subversion. By whom, I don't pretend to know.

So in a way, on the contrary, this is very explainable. Society can only go downhill from there, and it's not me being emo i-slit-my-wrists-every-night, i'm being very rational here.


repressed* not oppressed, my bad.


If you want to express yourself just do it. That may make people dislike you and get along with you, but who cares what anyone else thinks of you?


Social suicide is really anything but smart. Those topics IRL are no-go that will get you excluded from everywhere, jobs, relations, anything, laws exist also and if some guy reports you you're going to be fined. In practice this is not possible, you should know it.


life is awful and you are a faggot.


While I agree people should express their opinions no matter how vulgar, don't expect to have a pat on the back and think you're some saint. Yeah some people might agree but the majority will see through you and remind you of your folly. The younger generation is getting brighter and seeing this meaningless hatred for what it is.


the younger generation is getting brighter and seeing this meaningful hatred of the jews for what it truly is – a chance at expelling them and creating a world free of their insanity once and for all.


I think you >> the wrong person.


eh fuck it, idk what i'm yapping about anyways, im butthurt when people have different opinions than mines


So now you're going to whine in other threads too?


Wasn't even me, but this is me.


You do know what a SAGE is at all? And yes, this was you. What's funny is that you call people 'teenagers' when you're literally a zoomer.
>butthurt when people have different opinions than mines
Exactly, so fuck off and please stop extending your butthurt to other threads.


ει ουκ δυνασαι αναγιγνοσκειν ταυτα ρηματα, οφειλω ειπειν οτι ει παις αγραμματος, ου εγω.

translational utilities will not avail you.


I see you completely lost it and went complete spastic mode. I guess when you can't refute anything and when you have nothing else of value to say or to stop losing the debate, the only thing remaining is to act like a monkey. Makes sense. And also very predictable. Now if you don't mind i'll stop replying to you in this thread, because you already made a fool of yourself to begin with. One day I hope someone on the road puts you out of your misery and runs you over, at least we won't have to read your shitty posts anymore.



Reminder: the jews are behind the covid genocide. Pandemic declared on March 11 2020.

3 x 11 x 2020 = 66660.

Pfizer = Rezif (one of the names of satan backwards).

Covid = DIVOC (jewish concept of demonic possession).

Reminder: the jews control every aspect of american and european society (money, media, censorship, education, pharmacy, hollywood, both political parties, etc.)

The assassination attempt on Blonald Blumpf was a hoax. They are preparing the goyim for WW3, and making a hero out of an actor-politican (Trump) is one such tactic for creating patriotic sentiment ere the triggering of a war.


you have thought about nigger cock more times than you have seen the clouds in the sky
You have thought about tranny cocks more times than you have heard the birds sing
you have thought about gays having sex more times than you have paused to breathe in the rural air
you are a perverted being and i like wizards who are kind and want a better world
sick of tedious image board retards


Do you think I'm a normal person who has or cares about all that shit? If I need to express something I'm going to do it, I'm not going to be on my knees simply because of what others think or think.


No, you do conform, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to ask anyone anything outside, let alone have a conversation without them leaving you alone; unless you're terminally a NEET hikki. And yet we're talking specifically about behavior OUTSIDE. Not being hikki. And being outside and so-called:
>If I need to express something i'm going to do it
i really would like to see you searching for a job if in your history you were fired for spreading 'hate speech'. Or if you're going to take that risk at all.

If you need to go to a grocery to buy shit, or a supermarket or go to your bank or whatever the fuck, you're not going to express your beliefs openly, you're going to have filters. That's the same everywhere else. But I guess me arguing won't make you see my point anyway.


I would rather be a beggar on the streets than work for someone else. I work for myself, and it is more than enough, I am not going to drag myself, much less to get a poorly paid job, where an employer, apart from stealing part of your salary, also humiliates and mistreats you. Salaried work is the worst garbage there is. There are some exceptions, but they are a very small minority.

>If you need to go to a grocery to buy shit, or a supermarket or go to your bank or whatever the fuck, you're not going to express your beliefs openly, you're going to have filters.

Extremist comments can be made depending on the person you are speaking to. How to tell a lefty that businessmen are parasites who do nothing but steal jobs from workers, to a nationalist that the country is controlled by filthy Jews. Although generally insulting blacks, Yankees, and English people is okay.


>Extremist comments can be made depending on the person you are speaking to
Exactly, but then it becomes a matter of choosing the person to state what you have to say. And as I said earlier, this is still indirect conforming. It is necessary, but still is considered as having filters. Then it becomes more nuanced, which is what I was trying to point indeed.

>I would rather be a beggar on the streets than work for someone else. I work for myself, and it is more than enough, I am not going to drag myself, much less to get a poorly paid job, where an employer, apart from stealing part of your salary, also humiliates and mistreats you. Salaried work is the worst garbage there is.

I completely agree, and this is a very respectable aim, that is, if really possible. I once had that ideal, but then over time you might see that in practice very rare and hard to implement. Although if you sell porn-related stuff online I guess that could work too, but for the rest, very complex, much more than what people say about it. If it were easy, everyone would do it.




"everyone would do it" I don't want to sound rude, but the ad populm fallacy of the majority is often mentioned, and like all fallacies it is completely invalid. The normal person was always subjected in every possible way, for millennia it was like that, now it is not very different, that is why the salaryman will never think that he will get out of that job, he is tied hands and feet with silk ropes, but he doesn't know, and even if he did, he doesn't know how to escape from there.


It's not an ad populum fallacy because it isn't about using the popularity of the idea to state the validity of it, i'm saying here that being self-employed is incredibly hard, which is precisely why it's so rare. Slight nuance.


>we can create our own opportunities
There is no me in we. You severely underestimate the problems of the average wizard.


It is difficult to get up at 6 in the morning to work for 10 hours straight in a job that pays a pittance, with an authoritarian employer, annoying co-workers, and an exploitative job.


This place is really depressing. From time to time I read about some users who self-harmed, or who stopped eating, that they were sexually abused and very strong shit in some other forum. But the defeatism, and utter desperation of this place really is another level.

Normality in much of the developed world is sadness, despair, and cheap hedonism. A miserable job, and communication behind a screen.
Having optimistic thoughts, trying to find a way out of this state of misery, is anything but a "normal" state. Go outside a little and you will realize, society is in constant decline, along with its individuals, whether they are "normies" or not.


Normalfag lipservice


What OP wrote is true. You may not have the resolve to pursue or even discover life's opportunities, but they are there.


life sux, thats inevitable


Life is good as it is God's creation, but in this life there is evil due to sin. If we repent God will forgive us and we can experience all the beauty and goodness he has created


Happiness comes from helping others, from being good to our brothers.


Absolutely, but helping others in the name of Jesus would be even better

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